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Computer Science Course Information

Important details regarding CSC 115-01 and 115-03 taught by Ms. Mwamini Naggayi. Includes course overview, learning outcomes, grading, submission requirements, due dates, and assessments.

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Computer Science Course Information

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  1. Computer Science I CSC 115-01and 03 By Ms. Mwamini Naggayi

  2. Important Information • CSC 115-01 WC 106 MWF: 8:00 –8:50 A. Final Exam Monday May 3thfrom 8:00- 9:50 A • CSC 115-03 WC 106 TR: 12:30 –01:50 P. Final Exam Tuesday May 4thfrom 12:00 - 01:50 P • Office Building: WC 101 & Bldg. Wilkins Academic Computing • Phone: 252.335.3019 [Please leave a message if I am not in office] • Email: mmnaggayi@mail.ecsu.edu • Office Hours: MWF 09: 00 A –9:50 A and 3:00 – 5:00 P TR 09:00 – 12:00 A • Website: http://www.lmn.lugave.net • Required Text Book: A first Book of C++ by Gary J. Bronson. Published by Thompson Learning. ISBN: 9780534492816 • Required Materials: Course text book, Notebook, Pencils/Pens, Jump driver (flash drive)

  3. Course Description • A first course in computer science for CS majors/minors as well as science and math majors. The course is an introduction to programming. The course is taught in a high level programming language, and the topics covered are data types, expression, assignment, selection, repetition and function. Students are required to do programming projects.

  4. Learning Outcomes • An understanding of the history and concepts of the C++ language. • An understanding of the features and capabilities of C++, comprising Streams and I/O class hierarchy • An understanding of the possible solutions/approaches when using C++ for interactive programming. • Write a console application program.

  5. Course Grading Components • Labs will be due on Friday. Lab assignments are worth 30 points out of the 100% • The Grading Scale is consistent with University policy and is as follows: • 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70- 79 = C 60-69 = D below 60 = F

  6. PROGRAM SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS • All programs must be neatly submitted in a zipped folder with student name and lab#. The program should have the student's name, the course prefix, and number, the scheduled class meeting time, due date, and the instructor's name in a comment inside a program. The folder you submit should be zipped with all the contents as follows • A table of contents with appropriate listing [Computer generated] • A program structure flow chart indicating all modules and their hierarchy of control. (This may not apply to all programs.) [Computer generated]

  7. PROGRAM SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS C. Program pseudo code (English phrases algorithm processing steps) [Computer generated] • An expanded program narrative depicting the general logic. This narrative should comprise of two distinct sections. The first paragraph, the function, should provide the user with a brief description of the purpose of the program. The second component, methodology, should detail the actual procedures, methods and techniques that were utilized to accomplish the prescribed task. • Program design sheet [Computer generated] F. Error analysis sheet [Computer generated] G. Program source files [a C++ file with extension.cpp) H. Output screen captures file I. The work should be submitted electronically on blackboard through digital drop box.

  8. GRADING METHODOLOGY FOR PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT Each program will be evaluated as follows: • A. Operability - 45%: Does the program accomplish all that was intended? Have all instruction been followed explicitly and accurately? • B. Documentation - 40%: Flowchart and program outline (see attachment for program outline last page) • C. Style, structure, efficiency - 15%: Is the code efficient and well though out? Is the program easy to read and comprehend?

  9. DUE DATES AND LATE PENALTIES • All assignments are expected to be submitted BEFORE11:59 P.MONFRIDAY the program is due. • A penalty of five points (5pts) will be assessed forEACH DAYan assignment is late (Every two days costs one letter grade). This includes weekends and holidays.

  10. Course Assessment • 2-minute quiz per meeting: • At the beginning of each class, there will be a2 minute paper quiz given. The quiz will cover the concept covered in the previous class meeting or reading assignment when assigned. The 2minutes paper question will be given the first four minutes of every class. The quizzes plus class participation are worth 10% of overall grade. If majority of people get the paper quiz wrong, the concept will be covered again. • End of chapter class activity: • when the entire chapter is completed, in-class activity will be given either as individual or group assignment. This activity will take place in class period to assist anyone who may need a review of any concept. The in-class activities are worth 10% of overall grade.

  11. Other Classroom Policies: Attendance Policy • Missing the first two weeks automatically drops the student from the roll. Missing five or more classes automatically earns an FA grade.There will be 2minutes paper question in the first four minutes of every class. Anyone who comes in after the first three minutes will not participate in the 2 minutes paper question. The lowest three/two 2 minute’s paper questions will be dropped. Active participation is expected and I will call on each person as I see fit. At the end of the class period, you can accumulate two points maximum. One for class participation and one for 2 minute quiz if you got the question correct. They may be classroom group discussion where a problem is assigned and one representative present the problem.

  12. Other Classroom Policies: • Communication: • It is your responsibility to actively seek out course information. You should visit the course website and blackboard page at least three times a week. Visit the course web page, and requests will be made from time to time for you to respond to certain announcement within given time. You are responsible for knowing about all course related matters announced on the web page/blackboard. • Internet &Games: • No student can use Internet during class period unless you are told to do so. Playing Games in the computer lab, checking email, being on myspace.com/facebook.com or other site during class time is prohibited. All Cellular phones should be left on vibration. You can not answer phones in classroom. Avoid bringing food and drinks in the class.

  13. Other Classroom Policies: • Missed Assignments / Make-up Work: Student cannot makeup Assignments/exams. Missed Assignments due to a university excused absence will be due Monday following the Friday due date. • EmailPolicy: ECSU is the official email account that should be used. You should read your ECSU email at least five times a week and must keep on deleting & emptying old messages in your email account because as your account fills up, new messages will be bouncing back. • Computer Login: Each student is assigned a login account. Your email address is your computer login account. For instance if your email is jcsmith@mail.ecsu.edu, then your login account is: jcsmith and the password remains the same.

  14. Other Classroom Policies: Academic Honesty • PLAGIARISM. Plagiarism is presenting another person’s work as one’s own. It includes paraphrasing or summarizing the works of another person without acknowledgement, including submitting another student’s work as one’s own. • CHEATING. This involves giving or receiving unauthorized assistance before, during or after an examination. You are expected to protect your work. If two students or more submit similar work, both will suffer penalties for cheating by getting a grade of zero point zero one (0.01) on that assignment or exam. If there is a second offense, the student will receive an F in the course. • UNAUTHORIZED COLLABORATION. Submission for academic credit for a work, product or a part thereof, represented as being one’s own effort that has been developed in substantial collaboration with or without assistance from another person or source is a violation. • FALSIFICATION. It is a violation to misrepresent material or fabricate information in an academic exercise or assignment. • MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS. It is a violation of academic honesty to submit substantial portions of the same work for credit more than once without the explicit consent of the instructor(s) to whom the material is submitted for additional credit. In cases where there is a natural development of research or knowledge in a sequence of courses, use of prior work may be desirable or even required.

  15. Welcome to CS115: HW 1 • Go through the Microsoft visual studio 2005 tutorial document to make sure understand how to start C++ and create a project. • Write the C++ application on the next slide and substitute your personal formation in the code. • Compile and execute your program. • Submit through blackboard two files: hw1cs.cpp file and screen capture of the output. Note: In order to capture the screen, Press on Keyboard fn+Shift+F11. Then open word document and press control +V to past what you have copied. Save the file as yourname_Screen.doc. This is the second file to submit.

  16. Welcome to CS115: HW 1 • Write C++ program with the following code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; /* ============================================= Course Title: Computer Science I Course Section: CSC 115- 01/03 Student Names: Your name Date: Current date File Name: hw1csc.cpp File Description: My first program Test ============================================ */ int main () { cout << " Hello Computer Science I " <<endl; cout<< " My names are Student Names \n "; cout<< " Your address \n Your contact information\n"; return 0; }

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