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Are you looking to buy yellow diamonds? The technical aspect of recognizing and understanding the yellow diamonds includes several critical factors that affect a diamondu2019s grading and pricing. Here you will learn how to understand, identify, and select the right yellow diamond for you.
Fancy Yellow Diamonds breathtaking beauty, bright shine, warm color, and the fact that they are rare but affordable for most people make them the perfect gift, the coveted engagement ring, and the ideal diamond, even for you. Naturaly, yellow diamonds are a trendy and popular choice for easygoing and positive people who like to rejoice and spread love.
Natural yellow diamond: how to identify and select the right yellow diamonds? Are you looking to buy yellow diamonds? The technical aspect of recognizing and understanding the yellow diamonds includes several critical factors that affect a diamond’s grading and pricing. Here you will learn how to understand, identify, and select the right yellow diamond for you.
Natural yellow diamonds: how are they formed? Like all natural diamonds, natural yellow diamonds are formed in a long and fascinating process in the belly of the earth. Just as challenges and difficulties toughen us and make us stronger in our own lives, the world's most mesmerizing diamonds too are subjected to harsh conditions of 1,000 to 2,000 degrees centigrade combined with tremendous pressure at a depth of 150-200 km below the Earth's mantle, in a continuous process spanning over millions and billions of years. All this results in the formation of a rare & beautiful crystal with unique qualities, such as a natural shine, high penetration of light, extraordinary strength and toughness, all of which making its cost skyrocket.
Fancy yellow diamond: defining the color According to Gemological Institutes, the characteristics of a diamond are not obvious or simple to determine. In fact, it takes careful and professional work reserved for specialists who can detect and distinguish the seemingly minute differences that make each diamond special and unique, with its own features, story and pricing. A yellow diamond is one of the most valuable types of diamonds. It has a higher price than other colors like white or pink. Discover why! Know more about Yellow diamonds price and buying guide.
The diamond’s characteristics are defined by four main criteria called the 4 C'S - Color, Carat, Clarity & Cut, which serve as parameters for identifying and cataloguing diamonds (including white diamonds) based on predetermined metrics and scales, and are specified in the diamond certificate. In the niche of fancy colored diamonds, the most important parameter is the color because it has the most impact on the diamond’s rarity and therefor its pricing. To explain the effect of the 4 C'S on the definition and pricing of yellow diamonds, we will start with the color parameter.
Defining the yellow diamond’s color based on three main criterions: The color parameter alone, despite being only 1 out of the 4 Cs, consists of three main grading scales: Hue, saturation, and tone. The effect of these parameters on the diamond’s definition and pricing is key and important, since the factor that most influences a diamond’s price is its color. Subsequently, there are hundreds of combinations of yellow diamonds and the price range is vast. For example, a brownish tint will reduce the value of a yellow diamond, while a green, orange, or gray tint will significantly increase its value. Even without any additional tint, the stronger the color intensity, the higher the diamond’s value.
Hue - The diamond’s primary color (yellow in this case), with a total of 27 defined colors, some of which consist of a combination of two colors put together, like Orange Yellow. Color combinations represent a primary hue and secondary hue (Modifying Color & overtone) - when a diamond has more than one color, it’s very important to remember that the order in which they appear is crucial – the last color is actually the primary hue and the previous colors represent the secondary hue. But in addition to the order of the colors, the way they are mentioned in the certificate is equally important with respect to the presence of the overtone in the diamond.
Appearance of yellow diamonds in the white diamond scale Unlike fancy colored diamonds, the color of white diamonds (colorless) is examined with a standard color scale of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), which measures and rates the presence or absence of color in the diamond’s crystal, whereas the less color there is the more expensive it becomes. This because most white diamond have a light shade of yellow or brown while white diamonds with no tint whatsoever are considered rarer.