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Appendix 3

Appendix 3. Neighbourhood Management Meeting 16 th July 2010 Civic Offices 13.30. Agenda. Actions. Headline Performance. Anti-social Behaviour. P.A.C.T. Public Confidence. Road Safety. CCTV. Environmental. Emerging Trends. Any Other Business. Head Line Performance

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Appendix 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Appendix 3

  2. Neighbourhood Management Meeting 16th July 2010 Civic Offices 13.30

  3. Agenda • Actions • Headline Performance • Anti-social Behaviour • P.A.C.T • Public Confidence • Road Safety • CCTV • Environmental • Emerging Trends • Any Other Business

  4. Head Line Performance Central West BCU

  5. Anti-social Behaviour • AN ASB is 6% higher than last month (May 2010). • This is due to an increase in AN16 Vehicle Nuisance and AN 11 Nuisance Neighbours. • ASB Crime is 17% lower than last month (May 2010). • This is due to a de crease in criminal damage and other crime. • Combine ASB is 2% lower than last month (May 2010). • Combine Referral/Detections are 11% higher than last month (May 2010)

  6. Referral Data • 97% of referrals are submitted by police • 1% of referrals are submitted by Mc Auther Glen • 2% of referrals are submitted by RSL • 52% of referrals are submitted by Bridgend Sector • 25 % of referrals are submitted by Maesteg Sector • 23 % of referrals are submitted by Porthcawl sector

  7. Community Cohesion Tension Indicators

  8. Anti-social Behaviour

  9. MAESTEG SECTOR • ASB Crime is 11% higher than last month (May 2010) This is due to an increase in AN12 Rowdy inconsiderate. • ASB Crime is 11% lower than last month (May 2010) This is due to a de crease in criminal damage and other crime. • Combine Referral/Detections are 72% higher than last month (May 2010)

  10. Combine ASB levels are down 3% and Detection/Referral levels are up 28%

  11. Top 3 Wards The top 3 wards for Maesteg have featured Caerau and Maesteg West for the last 3 months , however the levels are slightly lower this period and the referrals have more than doubled for the Caerau ward, where as the other 2 wards have decreased. Top 10 Streets The top 10 Streets are very similar to last period with the majority of the Occurrences being An ASB rather than crimes.

  12. Hot Spot’s • Maesteg Town Centre • Caerau • Hot Spot’s • Maesteg Town Centre • Caerau ASB Classification Linked to Hotspot’s The main problem in Caerau is AN12 Rowdy nuisance which can cover a wide range of incidents, the Town centre is also experiencing this but has a much higher level of ASB crime such as damage. ASB Classification Linked to Hotspot’s The main problem in Caerau is AN12 Rowdy nuisance which can cover a wide range of incidents, the Town centre is also experiencing this but has a much higher level of ASB crime such as damage. Time & Day Analysis The peak day’s are Saturday, Sunday between the hours of 22:00 – 02:00. Time & Day Analysis The peak day’s are Saturday, Sunday between the hours of 22:00 – 02:00.

  13. PORTHCAWL SECTOR • AN ASB is 28% higher than last month (May 2010) • This is due to an increase in AN12 Rowdy Inconsiderate. • ASB Crime is 12% lower than last month (May 2010) • This is Due to a decrease in damage and other crime. • Combine Referral/Detections are 88% higher than last month (May 2010)

  14. The above table show the combine ASB level compared with the detection/referral rate, the combine ASB has slightly increased this period however the referral/detection levels have increased by 46% which is very encouraging.

  15. Top 3 Wards The top 3 wards for Porthcawl have featured these 3 wards for the last 3 months and each month the levels have increased slightly for these wards, this period is the same except from Cornelly where the levels have decreased, again the referrals are very low except for Porthcawl West who have gone from 2 referrals last period to 22 this period. Top 10 Streets The top 10 streets are very similar to last period, the majority of the occurrence linked to are AN ASB rather than crime.

  16. Hot Spot’s • Town Centre ASB Classification Linked to Hotspot’s The main problem is AN12 Rowdy nuisance which can cover a wide range of incidents. Time & Day Analysis The peak day’s are Saturday between the hours of 23:00 – 01:00.

  17. BRIDGEND SECTOR • ASB Crime is 11% higher than last month (May 2010) This is due to an increase in AN12 Rowdy inconsiderate. • ASB Crime is 37 % lower than last month (May 2010) This is due to a decrease other crime. • Combine Referral/Detections are 20% lower than last month (May 2010)

  18. The above table show the combine ASB level compared with the detection/referral rate, the combine ASB has slightly decreased this period, the referral/detection levels have decreased slightly.

  19. Top 3 Wards • Again Morfa is top of the table, I have been asked to drill a bit deeper in to the Occurrences in this location and to split the ward by selecting everything below the railway bridge would be classed as Morfa and everything above would be Wildmill and when you split Wildmill and Morfa it shows that 30% of the combine ASB took place in Wildmill and 70% took place in Morfa, we also see that • 63% of the offenders linked to Morfa were between 15 – 24 yrs • 65% of the offenders linked to Wildmill were between 13 – 20 yrs • Pencoed is now 2nd this is due to the fact that Pencoed consist of 3 Wards which have now been combined.

  20. Top 10 Streets The top 10 streets have changed slightly and we see an increase in Coity road and Cowbridge Road this increase seem to be due to unknown persons causing annoyance after consuming alcohol on there way home from the town centre.

  21. Hot Spot’s • Town Centre ASB Classification Linked to Hotspot’s The majority of the occurrences taking place in the Town are AN12’s there is an element of public order and violence, but these levels have reduced since last period. Time & Day Analysis The peak day’s are Friday, Saturday between the hours of 21:00 – 02:00.

  22. Partners And Communities Together

  23. Porthcawl RED Priorities • Nottage Rest Bay – Dog Fouling, Horses, Littering • Porthcawl AMBER Priorities • Cornelly – Off Road Moto Bikes

  24. Maesteg RED Priorities • No Red Priorities • Maesteg AMBER Priorities • No Amber Priorities

  25. Bridgend RED Priorities No Update Bridgend AMBER Priorities No Update

  26. Over 50`s message & press release regarding – less likely to be victims of burglary • Licensing message & press release – USA takeaway Town Centre closing earlier 0230hrs prevention of crime & disorder objections from Licensing backed by Council • Warning posters to public  - for all takeaways and premises subject of homophobic/racist abuse – to be distributed • Theft of diesel information & contact on all Industrial Estates • Rogue Trader Operations – prevention side targeting; • Elderly • School Premises regarding copper / metal thefts • Industrial Units • Churches • Weekly spot secured on Bridge FM – work to be done on what messages to put out • Weekly spot secured on Hospital Radio – ditto • Safe on line CEOPs work across the BCU, with teachers, parents, children • Ring master ongoing work, increased amount of groups signing up for Community Messages • Crime Prevention Training for all Divisional PCSOs ongoing Bridgend Open day was a huge successes and the result from the survey will appear in next meeting’s slides.

  27. Maesteg • Caerau Task Group • Porthcawl • PSC Task Group – A48, Pavilion, Kenfig Nature Reserve • Bridgend • Taxi’s and Takeaways

  28. Emerging Trends • Metal Thefts • Rouge Traders

  29. Road Safety

  30. CCTV 1 - Children's park next to bus depot on Waunbant Road Pyle – suffering from ASB and lots of broken glass that has been brushed up by NPT officers. Local residents are in regular contact with NPT officers but difficulty in identifying those responsible. 2 - Junction of Mackworth Road and New Road Porthcawl – this is becoming an area of possible drug dealing / ASB that has become screened by overgrown vegetation in the area. In addition the litter impact is becoming a problem also as youths hanging around area are depositing plastic bottles etc in the vegetation. 3 - Brantano, Homebase, & McDonalds area at Waterton Bridgend is a hot spot for vehicle nuisance and boy racer.

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