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City Council Regular Session. May 15, 2012. City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012. WORKSHOP [5:00PM] – The Council will receive and discuss information on storm water utilities. [ Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]. City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012. REGULAR SESSION [6:00pm]
City CouncilRegular Session May 15, 2012
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 WORKSHOP [5:00PM] – The Council will receive and discuss information on storm water utilities. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 REGULAR SESSION [6:00pm] 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGES U.S. Flag Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. 3. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS • Presentation by Entergy • Proclamation for Building Safety Month • Proclamation for National Women’s Health Week • Proclamation for Hurricane Preparedness Week • Proclamation for Public Works Week • Proclamation for Police Week 4. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker b. Related to any matter on the agenda – 5 minutes per speaker
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 5. PUBLIC HEARING Public hearing to consider amendments to Section 1201.4 Landscape Maintenance and Planting Area, Chapter 12 of the City of Huntsville Development Code, in regards to planting areas. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and added to the Statutory Agenda for full discussion by request of a member of Council.) • Approve the minutes of the City Council Regular Session held on May 1, 2012 and the Special Session held on May 7, 2012. [Lee Woodward, City Secretary] b. Approve Resolution 2012-19 authorizing the City of Huntsville to apply for, accept, and implement if awarded the Economic Development Administration (EDA) FY 2012 Disaster Relief Opportunity grant for $877,757.49 for the water line extension on State Highway 19 and designating the Mayor, City Manager, and/or Interim City Manager to act as the City’s Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative. [Dr. Sherry McKibben, Community Development Specialist]
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 6. CONSENT AGENDA (continued) • Approve Resolution 2012-20 authorizing the City of Huntsville to apply for, accept, and implement if awarded the USDA AMS Farmers Market Promotional Program Grant for no more than $55,000.00 to expand the Main Street Farmers Market Program, and designating the Mayor, City Manager, and/or Interim City Manager to act as the City’s Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative. Dr. Sherry McKibben, Community Development Specialist] • Approve Ordinance 2012-28 amending the budget for FY11-12. [Winston Duke, Finance Director] • Approve Ordinance 2012-29 amending the budget for FY11-12 for additions and changes to the Fee Schedule for Library fees. [Winston Duke, Finance Director]
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 6. CONSENT AGENDA (continued) f. Consider the award of bid for relocation of sanitary sewer in the Avenue S & Normal Park Drive intersection area. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] g. Authorize the acting City Manager to approve the contract to purchase bulk fuel through Brenco Marketing, Bryan, TX as primary vendor and Petroleum Traders, Ft. Wayne, IN as secondary. The contract is for one year with option to renew for three additional years. [Billie Smith, Procurement Manager] h. Authorize the acting City Manager to approve establishing a purchase order to cover sequential purchases made to Performance Truck for the exclusive purchase of Mack brand captive and component parts to include labor for repairs. [Billie Smith, Procurement Manager]
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 7. STATUTORY AGENDA a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve Ordinance 2012-27 amending the traffic schedule to ratify No Parking signs on Avenue J between 15th Street and Bearkat Boulevard, 1st reading. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] b. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve Ordinance 2012-25 to amend Chapter 12, Section 1201.4 Landscape Maintenance and Planting Areas of the Huntsville Development Code, 2nd reading. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] c. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to authorize the Interim City Manager to approve the repair and expenditures, not to exceed $300,000, for the sewer repair project at Elkins Lake. [Carol Reed, Director of Public Utilities]
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 8. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT • Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the lease of the lot at the corner of 12th and Avenue M. [Mayor Woodward] • Presentation, discussion, and possible action on process for selection of permanent City Manager. [Mayor Woodward] • Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the nomination of Lt. Margil Flores to the City of Huntsville, Texas Veterans Affairs Advisory Board. [Mayor Woodward] • Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the nomination for auditing and reporting services for the City for FY2011-12. [Mayor Woodward] • City Manager’s Report 1. Updates on City construction, grants, studies, City projects, City purchases, and economic development. 2. Budget meeting schedule
City Council Meeting – May 15, 2012 9.PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker 10. MEDIA INQUIRIES RELATED TO MATTERS ON THE AGENDA 11. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (Hear announcements concerning items of community interest from the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City staff for which no action will be discussed or taken.) 12. ADJOURNMENT
The City Council is currently in Executive Session and will reconvene before adjourning.