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1. Introdution • Has strong competition imposed by products chineses. • Strategy low cost (Zhang & Huang, 2012). • Market globalized and competitive industry. • The most common strategies adopted are…
1. Introdution Strategies: • Tax incentives (Buxey, 2005), • Low cost of labor (Grebre-Egziabher, 2007) • Cluster (Franceschini & Azevedo, 2003 , Sousa, 2009).
1. Introdution • The footwear industry, according to ABICALÇADOS (2012): • 15.3% increase in world production • 16.5% of consumption in the period 2006-2010.
1. Introdution • The selection of appropriate competitive strategies for companies. • According: • Pereira, Sellitto & Borchardt (2010) • Guidolin, Costa & Rocha (2009) & Bimbatti (2007)
1. Introdution • In Brazil, the main producing areas are… • RS (Sinos Valley), SP (Franca, Jau & Birigui) & CE (Cariri). • The Brazilian footwear industry requires: • Strategies to balance international competitiveness • Regional development.
1. Introdution • Footwear industry has importance economic in several countries; • Deserving strategies and actions particular attention; • Objective this is paper: • To present an overview of the footwear industry in Brazil • Global competition, as presented in the literature.
1. Introdution • Analysis: • Theoretical based on the ISI Web of Science; • Articles published between the years • 2003-2013.
2. Method • Review literature • Method theoretical • Research in ISI Web of Science • Keywords: “strategy”and“footwear” • Engineering, Business e Economics • Period : 2003 to 2013.
2. Method Figure 1:Growth of a) and b Publications) Quotes with key word Source: Web Science (2013)
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry • Study growth on strategy in footwear industry; • The Study shows relevance; • Need to deepen the strategies studies; • Know strategies applicable to each type of industry.
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry • Applicable strategies shoes industries are presented in: • Zhang & Huang (2012), • Verdu, Gómez-Gras & Martinez-Mateo (2012) • Grebreeysus & Mohnen (2012).
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry • The survey revealed thirteen relevant studies :
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry • China (Zhang & Huang, 2012), • Brazil (Borchardt, Pereira & Sellitto, 2011), • Spain (Verdu,Gómez-Gras & Martinez Mateo, 2012), • USA,Áustria & South Korea (Ko et al., 2012), • Australia (Buxey,2005) (Connell & Voola, 2013) & Ethiopia (Gebreeysus e Mohnen, 2012).
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry • Note the adoption of various strategies by industry footwear, • Generic strategies, • Careful choice to compete, • Selection of segments and most attractive sectors • Control of strategically important resources
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry Zhang & Huang (2012) • Chinese companies low cost strategy. • High production volumes and location production. Gebreeyesus & Mohnen (2012) • Cluster Ethiopia. Impact of Asian products.
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry • Grebe-Egziabher (2007) • Innovation strategy for the footwear cluster in Ethiopia. • Buxey (2005) • Focus on quality in the cluster of Australia. • Verdu, Gómez-Gras e Martinez-Mateo (2012) • Location and geographic concentration of footwear companies in Spain
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry • Ko et al. (2012) • Global market segmentation for sports shoes companies • Connell e Voola (2013) • Knowledge sharing as a strategy in Australia • Navas-Almán (2011) • Focus on higher value-added activities
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry Bimbatti (2007) • Strategic tools for businesses cluster in Brazil. Borchardt, Pereira & Sellitto (2011) • Ecodesing as a strategy footwear industry in Brazil Guidolin, Costa e Rocha (2009) • Training that adds greater value to the product in Brazil.
3. Global strategies of the footwear industry Francischini & De Azevedo (2003) • Relocation of production strategy for firms in Brazil. Pereira, Sellitto & Borchardt (2010) • Increase the importance of consumer product.
4. Footwear industry in Brazil • The shoe production in Brazil is relevant • Despite the drop in rates due to global crisis • The industry has recovered
4. Footwear industry in Brazil • Direct jobs generated by the footwear industry in 2011; • 337,500 jobs, 3.33% of total workers in industrial production.(ABICALÇADOS, 2012)
4. Footwear industry in Brazil • Producing regions of greatest prominence RS, SP & CE. • Decreased production rates in the state of RS. • Industrial production in CE highlighted the rise
5. Producing regions in Brazil • The industrialization of footwear and leather craft culture; • RS production in Vale dos Sinos Region; • New Hamburg; • New Hamburg "Footwear Capital in Brazil."
5. Producing regions in Brazil • The second largest footwear production SP; • The footwear activity begins in the nineteenth century, • With the arrival of Italian immigrants.
5. Producing regions in Brazil • The consolidation of manufactured production occurred after 1920, • With emphasis on the production regions of France, and Jau Birigüi.
5. Producing regions in Brazil • Milaneze & Battle (2007) • Show the specialties of industries; • Franca production of men's shoes; • Birigui production of children's shoes; • Jau production of women's shoes.
5. Producing regions in Brazil • Adopt strategy Cluster; • The Cluster Birigui: 159 companies; • Accounting for an average production of; • 55 million pairs of shoes per year; • 85% market children’s. (SCARPIN ET AL.,2007)
5. Producing regions in Brazil • Cluster Jau • Market women’s • 180 enterprises; • Majority PME • Martins Jr. & Barbosa (2011)
5. Producing regions in Brazil • The third shoe industry is located in CE; • Production concentrated mainly in the Cariri; • Cariri located to the south of the state. • Largest production hub (ARAÚJO,2011). • Majority PME
5. Producing regions in Brazil • Strategy: cluster, government incentives, incentive geographical location.
5. Conclusions • The footwear industry caters largely production in Brazil • Challenges of reducing costs of production sector • Increased competition in the sector • The industrial production of footwear worldwide mutually relevant
5. Conclusions • Despite the global economic crisis, the sector has recovered with satisfactory rates in recent years. The industrial production of footwear in Brazil has followed this trend.
5. Conclusions • The research showed growth in studies on "strategy footwear" • Challenges to overcome Chinese products industries. • In the present competitive market prices.
5. Conclusions • The theory indicated similarities of footwear industries • Depend on the country in which they operate.
5. Conclusions • The paper has identified key strategies in the world: • The geographical relocation of production; • The formation of Clusters; • Investment and technological; • Innovation among others.
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