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Promoting International e-Commerce with .TW

Promoting International e-Commerce with .TW. Presentation for .TW Promotional Task Force April, 2003. Agenda. Partnering Options Who is NeuStar? Why partner with NeuStar? Registry Gateway Service NeuStar Promotional Capabilities Conclusions. One Partner or Multiple Partners?.

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Promoting International e-Commerce with .TW

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  1. Promoting International e-Commerce with .TW Presentation for .TW Promotional Task Force April, 2003 Confidential and proprietary

  2. Agenda • Partnering Options • Who is NeuStar? • Why partner with NeuStar? • Registry Gateway Service • NeuStar Promotional Capabilities • Conclusions Confidential and proprietary

  3. One Partner or Multiple Partners? Multiple Partners Single Partner • Reduced administrative and operational burden • Reduced cost • Highly motivated partner • Increased TWNIC control • Higher volumes due to more competitive pricing • Faster time to market and improved revenue for TWNIC • Higher administrative expense • Increased costs for additional resources • .TW not important to any of the partners…volume small to each • Difficult to control and monitor • Lower volumes because of fewer distribution channels • Slower time to market since must establish relationships • Some may not be financially strong Confidential and proprietary

  4. Who is NeuStar? “Leading trusted neutral third party provider of registry, clearinghouse and OSS services to the communications and Internet industry”. • History: • Originally business unit of Lockheed Martin • Warburg Pincus / Management buyout in December 1999 • ABS Capital and Deutche Bank investment in 2002 • : Washington D.C. • Locations Private company • Headquarters : Five (5) offices worldwide • Employees: 250+ • Worlds only FCC certified trusted neutral third party • Over 100MM in revenue and financially strong Confidential and proprietary

  5. Who is NeuStar? • Numbering Clearinghouse • Only North American Numbering Plan Administrator • Exclusive North American Number Portability Administrator • Sole European Telephony Numbering Space Administrator • Registry Services • Registry Operator for “.BIZ” gTLD and .US County Code Top Level Domain • Registry Gateway partner for .CN Country Code Top-Level Domain • Leader in the development of ENUM • Provider of Digital Identity services • OSS Clearinghouse • Inter- carrier ordering, provisioning and billing transactions • Exclusive agreement with AT&T • Over 300 participating Carriers Confidential and proprietary

  6. Why NeuStar Partnership? • Existing operational relationships with approximately 100 registrars • Only major global registry that is neutral • Does not compete with registrars (only registry) • EPP based registry experience (.BIZ, .US) • Proven ability to successfully partner with Asia ccTLDs • Good working relationship with TWNIC • Leadership role in ENUM and other new technologies • NeuStar Asia active in Taiwan • Working with ITRI on number portability • Discussing involvement in ENUM trial along with TWNIC • Proven Registry Gateway solution Confidential and proprietary

  7. Registry Gateway Service • Registrars in Taiwan continue to connect directly to TWNIC • International registrars connect to Registry Gateway • Registrants can register with any Registrar • Taiwan based or non-Taiwan based • All transactions on TWNIC registry platform • Authoritative database is TWNIC • TWNIC and DN Committee continues to determine all policy Confidential and proprietary

  8. Registry Gateway Service Confidential and proprietary

  9. Registry Gateway Service • Accreditation and Contracting Support • NeuStar will have Registrars sign TWNIC Accreditation Agreement and will forward to TWNIC for approval • Registrars will sign NeuStar Registry Gateway Agreement • Operational testing with registrars • Billing for international registrars • All international Registrar support • Worldwide promotion of .TW Confidential and proprietary

  10. Registry Gateway Service • NeuStar billing wholesale rate to registrars • International registrar price will not be any lower that Taiwan registrars • NeuStar and TWNIC will agree on revenue share arrangement • NeuStar will bill registrars and forward TWNIC share • NeuStar and TWNIC will agree on term of the agreement, but should be long term partnership • Performance targets will be established for each year Confidential and proprietary

  11. NeuStar Promotional Capabilities • Expect contracts and accreditation with 30 - 60 international Registrars in 90 days • Produce .TW Promotional Materials • Banners • Taiwan Business Guide • .TW information website and landing pages • Engage NeuStar PR agencies to promote .TW worldwide • .TW seminars for registrars • Jointly hosted NeuStar /TWNIC events • Registrar promotional activities • Allocation of promotional budget Confidential and proprietary

  12. Sample .TW Promotional Banners Confidential and proprietary

  13. Sample NeuStar .CN Websites www.NeuStar.cn www.getmy.cn Confidential and proprietary

  14. Conclusions • International promotion is consistent with Challenge 2008 and Taiwan’s status as a major international trading country • ccTLDs in Asia are becoming extremely competitive • Other ccTLDs are now aggressively promoting their TLDs outside their domestic markets • A single partner is the most effective and proven approach • NeuStar has a proven solution and demonstrated ability to work with partners • NeuStar over 100 registrar relationships and promotional capabilities will raise global awareness of .TW • The proposed approach maintains TWNIC control and requires NeuStar to achieve targets • NeuStar involvement in other Taiwan projects and leadership in ENUM makes it the ideal partner Confidential and proprietary

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