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SWE 444 Internet and Web Application Development( javaScript ). Mr.Abdullah Mrian. Overview A "scripting" language for HTML pages - a scripting language is a lightweight programming language. Embed code in HTML pages so they are downloaded directly to browser.
SWE 444Internet and Web Application Development(javaScript) Mr.AbdullahMrian
Overview • A "scripting" language for HTML pages - a scripting • language is a lightweight programming language. • Embed code in HTML pages so they are downloaded • directly to browser. • The browser interprets and executes the script (it is not compiled). • Was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages. • Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a license. • Supported by all major browsers.
…Overview • Do not declare data types for variables. • Scripts can manipulate "browser objects:" • HTML form elements • Images • Frames • etc. • For security – cannot write to disk (when run on a client)
Abilities • Generating HTML content dynamically. • Monitoring and responding to user events. • Validate forms before submission. • Manipulate HTTP cookies. • Interact with the frames and windows of the browser. • Customize pages to suit users.
It is not Java • JavaScript is not Java, or even related to Java. • The original name for JavaScript was “LiveScript”. • The name was changed when Java became popular. • Statements in JavaScript resemble statements in Java,because both languages borrowed heavily from the C language. • JavaScript is seldom used to write complete “programs”. • Instead, small bits of JavaScript are used to add functionality to HTML pages. • JavaScript is often used in conjunction with HTML “forms”.
….It is not Java • JavaScript has some features that resemble features in Java: • JavaScript has Objects and primitive data types. • JavaScript has qualified names; for example: document.write("Hello World"); • JavaScript has Events and event handlers. • Exception handling in JavaScript is almost the same as in Java. • JavaScript has some features unlike anything in Java: • Variable names are untyped: the type of a variable depends on the value it is currently holding. • Objects and arrays are defined in quite a different way. • JavaScript has with statements and a new kind of for statement.
What is a script? • A program or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or carried out by another program. • A program embedded in an HTML document. • Scripts + HTML DHTML (dynamic HTML).
What is JavaScript? • Created by Netscape • Originally called LiveWire then LiveScript • A client-side scripting language: • Client-side refers to the fact that it is executed in the client (browser) that the viewer is using. • A server-side language is one that runs on the Web server : • Examples: PHP, ASP.
Client and Server • JavaScript can be used: • On the client side • On the server • More lightweight and reliable on clients than Java (Applets). • Useful for developing interactive interface (Dynamic HTML).
Example • JavaScript code is included within <script> tags: • Notes: • The type attribute is to allow you to use other scripting languages (but JavaScript is the default). • This simple code does the same thing as just putting • <h1>Hello World!</h1> in the same place in the HTML document. • The semicolon at the end of the JavaScript statement is optional: • You need semicolons if you put two or more statements on the same line. • It’s probably a good idea to keep using semicolons.
Dealing with old browsers • Some old browsers do not recognize script tags: • These browsers will ignore the script tags but will display the included JavaScript. • To get old browsers to ignore the whole thing, use: • The <!-- introduces an HTML comment. • To get JavaScript to ignore the HTML close comment, -->, the // starts a JavaScript comment, which extends to the end of the line.
The <script>…</script> tag <script type="text/javascript"> . . . </script> The code for the script is contained in the <script>…</script> tag
Displaying text • The document.write() method writes a string of text to the browser <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("<h1>Hello, world!</h1>"); </script>
document.write() Ends in a semicolon document.write("<h1>Hello,world!</h1>"); Enclosed in quotes -- denotes a "string"
Getting User Input • Use the prompt() function • Will display a pop-up window asking the user to enter data • Examples: name = prompt("What is your name?"); payRate = prompt("Enter your pay rate: "); score = prompt("Please enter the score: ");
Comments in JavaScript • Two types of comments • Single line • Uses two forward slashes (i.e. //) • Multiple line • Uses /* and */
Single Line Comment Example <script type="text/javascript"> // This is my JavaScript comment document.write("<h1>Hello!</h1>"); </script>
Multiple Line Comment Example <script type="text/javascript"> /* This is a multiple line comment. * The star at the beginning of this line is optional. * So is the star at the beginning of this line. */ document.write("<h1>Hello!</h1>"); </script>
Find the Bug! <script type="text/javascript"> /* This is my JavaScript comment * that spans more than 1 line. * document.write("<h1>Hello!</h1>"); </script>
JavaScript Statements <html> <head><title>My Page</title></head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> document.write('This is my first JavaScript Page'); </script> </body> </html>
HTML written inside JavaScript JavaScript Statements <html> <head><title>My Page</title></head> <body> <script language= "JavaScript"> document.write('<h1>This is my first JavaScript Page</h1>'); </script> </body> </html>
JavaScript Statements <html> <head><title>My Page</title></head> <body> <p> <a href="myfile.html" onMouseover="window.alert('Hello');"> My Page</a> </p> </body> </html> JavaScript written inside HTML An Event
Example Statements <script language="JavaScript"> window.prompt('Enter your name:',''); </script> <form> <input type="button" Value="Press" onClick="window.alert('Hello');"> </form> Note quotes: " and '
Input and Output • The input functions available are: • prompt (message, defaultvalue) takes an input and returns it to the JavaScript program • confirm (question) asks the user to confirm an input value and return a Boolean value • The output functions available are: • document.write (string) • alert (string)
HTML Forms and JavaScript • JavaScript is very good at processing user input in the web browser • HTML <form> elements receive input <form action="…"method="…"name="…"…> any number of form elements and plain HTML </form>
HTML Form Elements <input type="text"/> <input type="password"/> <input type="button" value="Label"/> <input type="submit"/> <input type="reset"/> <input type="image" src="smiley.jpg"/> <input type="checkbox"/> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male"/> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female"/> <textarea rows="3" cols="40"> This is the initial text spread over two lines </textarea> <select> <option>First</option> <option>Second</option> </select> <input type="file"/>
Naming Form Elements in HTML <form name="addressform"> Name: <input name="yourname"><br /> Phone: <input name="phone"><br /> Email: <input name="email"><br /> </form>
Forms and JavaScript document.formname.elementname.value document.addressform.yourname.value document.addressform.phone.value document.addressform.email.value
Using Form Data Personalising an alert box <form name="alertform"> Enter your name: <input type="text" name="yourname"> <input type="button" value= "Go" onClick="window.alert('Hello ' + document.alertform.yourname.value);"> </form>
<html> <body> <form> <input type=button name=btn1 value="Click A" onClick="alert('button A was clicked');" > <input type=button name=btn2 value="Click B" onClick="alert('button B was clicked');" > </form> </body> </html>
Variables • Variables names must begin with a letter or underscore • Variable names are case-sensitive • Variables are untyped (they can hold values of any type) • The word var is optional (but it’s good style to use it)
Which Are Legal Identifiers? • AREA 3D • lucky*** num45 • Last-Chance #values • x_yt3 pi • num+ %done • area_under_the_curve
Declaring Variables • Before using a variable, you need to declare it. • The declaration statement includes the varkeyword and the name of the variable. • Examples of variable declarations: var ball; var ball, area; var area;
More About Variables • In JavaScript variables can hold four basic types of values • Numbers • i.e. 40, 15.5, 700 • Strings • i.e. "Hello, World!", "Linux is cool!" • Booleans • i.e. true, false • Null • i.e. null
length 7 diameter 5.9 message “Hello!” walletEmpty true Using Variables: Initialization • Variables may be be given initial values, or initialized, when declared. Examples: var length = 7; var diameter = 5.9; var message = "Hello!"; var walletEmpty = true;
Using Variables: Assignment • Uses the assignment operator = Examples: diameter = 5.9 ; area = length * width ;
JavaScript Arithmetic Operators Given that y=5, the table below explains the arithmetic operators:
JavaScript Assignment Operators Given thatx=10andy=5, the table below explains the assignment operators:
Adding Strings and Numbers x=5+5;document.write(x);x="5"+"5";document.write(x);x=5+"5";document.write(x);x="5"+5;document.write(x); 10 55 55 55
Conditional Statements • if statement • if...else statement • if...else if....else statement • switch statement
Example var d = new Date();var time = d.getHours();if (time < 10) { document.write("Good morning!"); }else { document.write("Good day!"); }
Gotcha! = versus == var a = 2; if(a = 1) /* semantic (logic) error! */ { alert("a is one"); } else if(a == 2) { alert("a is two"); } else { alert("a is " + a); }
Multiple Selection with if if (day == 0 ) { alert ("Sunday") ; } if (day == 1 ) { alert ("Monday") ; } if (day == 2) { alert ("Tuesday") ; } if (day == 3) { alert ("Wednesday") ; }
Multiple Selection with if-else if (day == 0 ) { alert ("Sunday") ; } else if (day == 1 ) { alert ("Monday") ; } else if (day == 2) { alert ("Tuesday") ; } else if (day == 3) { alert ("Wednesday") ; } else if (day == 4) { alert ("Thursday") ; } else if (day == 5) { alert ("Friday") ; } else if (day == 6) { alert ("Saturday") ; } else { alert ("Error - invalid day.") ; }
switch Example switch ( day ) { case 0: alert ("Sunday") ; break ; case 1: alert ("Monday") ; break ; case 2: alert ("Tuesday") ; break ; case 3: alert ("Wednesday") ; break ; case 4: alert ("Thursday") ; break ; case 5: alert ("Friday") ; break ; case 6: alert ("Saturday") ; break ; default: alert ("Error -- invalid day.") ; }