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WELCOME!. Ms. K Language A 2010-2011. Our Purpose:. This class will challenge you to think about : how you think (that’s called metacognition!), who you are and how people interact with one another …. Our Purpose:.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME! Ms. K Language A 2010-2011

  2. Our Purpose: This class will challenge you to think about : how you think (that’s called metacognition!), who you are and how people interact with one another …

  3. Our Purpose: • If you are up to the challenge, this class will also help to prepare you for further high school, college and life beyond college. This is your opportunity to build upon reading, writing, editing, listening and speaking skills.

  4. Basic Law: Show respect by refraining from activities that may keep me from teaching or others from learning.

  5. What does that mean? • These few basic rules will help make this learning environment better for everyone: • Raise your hand before speaking. • When others are speaking, listen respectfully. • Request permission before getting up so as not to disrupt others. If you need to sharpen your pencil, Ms. K has sharpeners for you to borrow. • Show up with your supplies and on time!

  6. Restroom Policy • Restroom usage must take place sometime before or after this class, NOT during it. • For your own comfort, try to use the bathroom between classes, during lunch and before or after school. • I can do it. You can, too! LADIES INCLUDED.

  7. Dress Code • To enter room 233, please be ready for school. • Shirts tucked in. • ID badges are on and visible. • No earrings for young men. • I have to follow dress code, so you will as well.

  8. We will continue this presentation tomorrow  Next: “Two Truths and a Lie” • Please write your full name and class period on one side of your note card. • On the other side, write three statements about yourself. Two of the things are true, one is false. • The challenge is that your class mates must guess which of your statements is false, so be as tricky as you can be!

  9. EXAMPLE: MS. K • I played basketball in middle school. • I have four older brothers and sisters. • I grew up in a round house that my dad built. • …..which statement is false? 

  10. Absent? • Check out the “While You Were Out!” folders for anything you might need. • I am happy to help you out during a quiet work time. You can also ask me to explain an assignment you missed before or after class. Please just ask so that you can succeed!  I am glad when you ask questions.


  12. Earning Credits – 9th Grade • You MUST earn credits in your 4 “Core Classes”: English (Language A) Math Social Studies (Humanities) Biology/Science

  13. Hard Work + Paying Attention = English Credit • This class may be one of your more challenging classes. If you pay close attention and get into the habit of working hard in the beginning, you will most likely pass. Think of a movie – if you miss the beginning, the rest of it doesn’t make as much sense, does it? And then, it gets boring.

  14. Tardies • Begin Wednesday (tomorrow) • If any part of your body is in the hallway when the bell rings, you are tardy. My door usually shuts when the bell rings. • You can talk to friends later; take care of yourself first and make sure you’re on time!

  15. Ms. K’s Desk • OFF LIMITS • Why? • Everyone has confidential information on and around my desk. • All of my students have a right to privacy!

  16. R - Respond • E - Effort • S - Sincere • P - Prompt • E - Encourage • C - Concentrate • T - TakeNotes • F - Forgive • U - Understand • L - Look @ Talker M - mystical S - serious K – krazy L – love to laugh U – usually in her room K - kind A – all over the place S - sweet

  17. ATTITUDE is everything! *On your own sheet of paper, explain the importance of ATTITUDE on your success and achievement in this class.

  18. Who are you? • Practice making an acrostic poem using your own name! Each letter of your name can be the beginning letter of an adjective (describing word) used to describe you!

  19. ACROSTIC POEM D aring E nergetic N oisy Z ippy! E clectic L oopy Acrostic poems go up and down Please make these colorful! All finished poems will be posted on the wall

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