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Since both belong to the cardinal fire sign, both are fiery, passionate and adventurous, like their personalities the pair can be passionate, sensual and adventurous in their relationship, which can lead to an exciting and explosive journey.<br><br>• Since both share the unbeatable spirit of Aries, it is easy to see why they are attracted towards each other, the physical attraction between the two is undeniable and overwhelming.
Aries Man and Aries Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •Since both belong to the cardinal fire sign, both are fiery, passionate and adventurous, like their personalities the pair can be passionate, sensual and adventurous in their relationship, which can lead to an exciting and explosive journey. •Since both share the unbeatable spirit of Aries, it is easy to see why they are attracted towards each other, the physical attraction between the two is undeniable and overwhelming. •There will be no concealment of emotions or feelings between the two Arians. Their mutual goals and agendas and their ability to make up easily after an argument will make the relation very compatible. •Since Arians are adventurous, fun loving and they live their lives to the fullest, this relation is going to fun, passionate and very interesting. •Aries being a fire sign has a lot of intense energy in them, these intense energies can do wonder for the couple behind the bedroom door, if channelled in a proper way. Their sexual desires and intensity is going to be great and very passionate. Negative Qualities •Both are extremely independent and dominant, hence striving for dominance and control in the relation could lead up to problems in this relation. • Since Aries boast a lot of ego, their egos might not allow them to take criticism from each other. •Since Aries is fire sign, the relation between the two can be very volatile. They will try to control each other, which might lead to verbal arguments and physical violence. •Being a fire sign, Aries holds a lot of energy; hence a lot of arguments relating to smallest of the small issues are going to take place, without either of them backing down. •Aries individuals are known for committing actions with haste and without much consideration; this can seriously dampen or threaten the relation to varying degrees. •Being a competitive sign, the two Arians might compete against each other in various fields, which might worsen the relation. This might create situations for them to break into arguments. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-aries-woman.html Aries Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •The relationship between the two signs can be a very strange one, the fiery attitude of the Aries and the calm and reserved attitude of the Taurus is bound to complement each other. As partners, these two are good for one another. •Aries has a very risky and rash behaviour, Taurus brings much needed common sense in the relation and in return, Aries provides the excitement, fun and fire in the relation, which is good for the Taurus who is often lost in their own world. •The most remarkable feature of this relation is how the two signs balance each other; it is like balancing the masculine and feminine energy, impulsive and deliberate. •The contrasting personalities between the two signs give them a lot of room for learning from each other and a lot of mutual respect. •Both the signs are total opposite of each other; hence the relationship can work to a great degree based on the fact that each has something the other does not. Negative Qualities
•From an astrological point of view, the relationship between Aries and Taurus is a total mismatch. After a couple of loving days spent together, nagging and bickering might start soon. The reason being Aries love to live their life to the fullest and does not take life seriously, whereas a Taurus is very practical and might be too serious for the impulsive Arians. •Taurean women are known to be very possessive and jealous, these traits will not be appreciated by the Arian men as they like to have fun and flirt a little. •The couple may also struggle with issues regarding finance and security, Arains are confident about his earning capacity hence would love to splurge without thinking twice. Whereas Taurus women like to save and invest for the future. Disagreements regarding the financial issues might stir up problems. •When it comes to emotional securities, Taurus women need to feel safe and secure in the relation, whereas for the impulsive Aries this can be quite limiting, which might set them off. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-taurus-woman.html Aries Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •Aries men and Gemini women both are swift, fun loving, adventurous and energetic; this union between the two will be full of adventure and love. •The two signs are genuinely attracted towards each other; their mutual love is based on the deep friendship they share. Both have a similar personality, they live for the moment and are quite spontaneous. •Aries men and Gemini women do not allow boredom to creep in their relation; they are always looking for some adventure or doing things that they enjoy to do most. •Aries men and Gemini women both have the same approach toward life; they are carefree and love to live their life to the fullest. •As a couple together they appear to be everlastingly youthful, they together will create an alive and interesting household. •Gemini women are very smart and intellectual; the Aries men adore her intellect and often seek her opinion on many occasions. •The perfection which the Gemini woman look for can be provided by the Aries man, and on the other hand Aries man love the fact that the Gemini woman provide a great deal of stability in their life. Negative Qualities •When in a relation Aries often turn out to be dominating, however when it comes to being with a Gemini woman, he should realise that she does not like being dominated. •Domination by Aries to Gemini women would ask her to raise voice, ask reason for Aries men controlling nature and this might lead to arguments and confrontations. •Problems related to loyalty might rise in the relation. Gemini Woman tends to get carried away by all the attention she gets from the male members in her social circle. Aries man won’t like this and might jealous. •Gemini woman are big time dreamers, but in case of Aries man sometimes can find her idealistic and dreamy nature charming but other times it gets quite frustrating and annoying. •Aries man does not like to dwell in the past, especially regarding ex-lovers, but Gemini woman tend to bring about her past often, this can irritate an Aries. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-gemini-woman.html Aries Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities
•In the union between the Aries and Cancer, both get whatever they were looking for, Cancer woman will be happy to be with the hot Aries man, who will be a fierce and passionate lover, and Aries will be happy to be with a woman who is calm and does not throw tantrums at him. •Aries men are ambitious, social, and love to live their life to the fullest, Cancer women are sensitive, loyal and sympathetic, in this union both teach other the characterises the others has, Aries teaches the Cancer woman to loosen up a little and learn to live her life according to her will and he learns to be more grounded and focused in life from her. •Aries is a very ambitious sign but may get the tendency to try a lot of things and jump from career to career, Cancer being a sign which looks for stability will encourage the Aries to be focused in life and jump from one project to another. •Cancer woman tend to be quite, shy and introverted, they offer undying loyalty to their man, the Aries man appreciate the love and loyalty offered by their mate and shower with unconditional love and affection. They love to shower their women with gifts and luxury. Negative Qualities •Aries a Fire sign and Cancer a water sign, are exact opposite of each other. They are indeed like fire and water, their relationship will have lots of difference in opinion and lots of disagreement. Their personality clashes on different levels, making this relation a mismatch. •Aries Men are individualistic and independent, sometime they don’t prefer to stay in long term committed relation, whereas Cancer women look for mutual dependency. •Cancer women want to have a family and crave for stability, but Aries wants to take risks, start new ideas and have great adventure, they don’t want to settle too early. The adventurous spirit of the Aries frankly scares the Cancer. •In terms of sexual desires, it is pretty obvious the difference between the two, Cancer women wants romanticism, tender love, caressing whereas the Aries men simply do not enjoy such things, burning passion is what he desires, the very things that Cancer women dislikes. •Aries like a little bit of flirting once in a while, but the emotional and moody Cancer will not like this. She may get jealous and this may lead to many quarrels. Any misunderstanding between can lead to violent outbursts of insults and aggressions. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-cancer-woman.html Aries Man and Leo Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •When two fire signs form a relation as in the case between Aries man and Leo woman, the relationship is going to be a fiery one, filled with passion and drama. •Aries man and Leo woman share many things in common, they have similar likes and dislikes; they both are fun loving, adventurous and crave for romance. •Aries loves nothing more than their personal freedom and Leo respects this, as Aries do not interfere in the life affairs of Leo. •The compatibility that an Aries man and Leo woman share is amazing, they will be happy and in love with their life as a couple. The thrill and adventure will be constant in their life. •The sexual chemistry between the two signs is great, both being a fire sign, bring about fire and passion in their relation. Keeping things exciting and passionate behind the bedroom doors. •Both the signs are known for not holding grudges, so there will be hardly any long term conflict or bad feeling between the two. •Aries and Leo respect each other very well. They respect the views, ideas, likes and dislikes of one another. •Leo woman finds Aries man as partner, a very high spirited person, who is ever ready to take on life with excitement and Leo woman prove to be excellent companion for Aries man with whom she shares her dreams.
Negative Qualities •Both the signs are extremely independent and freedom loving, both wants to be dominant in the relation. This might cause hindrance and issues in the relation. •Aries and Leo both are very ambitious signs and the can be quite egoistic, when in a relation they need to put aside their egos for the betterment of their relation. •Aries man can sometimes get involved in their own world and may get lost in his own world, Leo woman will not appreciate this as she likes to have the attention and love her lover. •Leo woman can be extremely egoistic and difficult to control and might sometimes be a real cruel person and can insult the proud Arian, which can really set them off. •Aries man and Leo woman both have the tendency to be impulsive and make hasty decisions together, which sometimes might backfire and cause problems for them. •Both can grow to be selfish and just look after their personal needs, which can threaten the relationship. •Leo woman can get flirtatious at times; this might make the control seeking Aries jealous and hurt. This can raise doubts and tension in the relation. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-leo-woman.html Aries Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •Aries is a fire sign and Virgo an earth sign, they are complete different from each other and can teach other a lot of things in life. •Virgo woman is very observant and cautious and she can teach her Aries man how to find and avoid the possible stumbling blocks in life. •Aries man can help the Virgo woman to relax a bit and enjoy life a little and learn to live in the moment. •Aries man is an independent soul and loves to lead and Virgo woman have no problem following the lead, this will not create any power struggle in the relation. •Virgo woman is very much grounded and she helps the Aries man to stay grounded and not live an impulsive life. •Aries man brings a lot of adventure and fire in a calm Virgo woman’s life and she brings the much needed stability in the Aries man’s life. •In an Aries-Virgo relation, one starts and the other supports. Aries can motivate Virgo to put herself first and she helps and encourages him to achieve his dreams. •These two opposite signs will be most compatible in the bedroom, Virgo woman will be attracted towards his confidence and he will adore her submissive nature. If he learns to satisfy her pleasures, she will keep him happy. Negative Qualities •Virgo woman is shy, mysterious and introverted and the Aries man is adventurous, spontaneous and extremely social, this can take the Virgo woman off-guard makes her feel insecure ad he can find her boring. •Virgo woman is extremely cautious and she measures each and every step she takes, the wild and free living Aries man can find this rather annoying. •Aries man has no respect for rules and believes in not following them whereas Virgo woman places a great importance on following rules, this difference in view point can create rift between the two. •Virgo woman thinks that constructive criticism can be extremely helpful and tend to criticise Aries, but he does not like being criticised. •Aries man finds Virgo woman stuck-up and extremely difficult to deal with and she finds him very impulsive and irrational.
•Virgo woman likes to plan things out and work them out accordingly but Aries man does not believe in planning and tend to do things on his own accord. •Aries man is very social and enjoys the company of his female counterparts and might even flirt a little, this can make Virgo woman extremely insecure and jealous. •Aries man loves to live his life to the fullest and enjoy each and every moment but Virgo woman likes to take life one step at a time. This can make him frustrated. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-virgo-woman.html Aries Man and Libra Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •The relation between an Aries man and Libra woman can be a steamy one. They are instantly attracted towards each other. Aries man is attracted by her charm and beauty. •Aries and the Libra are the two opposite signs, which balance each other with a great understanding. •Each will bring what the other is lacking in the relation, make it naturally balanced. •When in a relation, Aries man is going to do everything to keep his Libra woman happy and she in return will shower him with her affection and care. •These two will grow in this relation together, admiring each other’s personality and skills. •Aries man is a freedom loving individual, who loves to live his life to the fullest; Libra woman adores this quality of his and seeks to learn from his independence. •Libra woman is very smart and balanced and she can teach Aries man a lot about life and give priceless feedbacks and suggestions. •These two complement each other perfectly in terms of having fun together. Aries man loves to have adventures and is ready for excitement and Libra woman compliments him on his antics. •The calm and quite natured off Libra woman perfectly complements the lively and joyful nature of Aries man and he adores her calm and laid back approach to life. •In terms of sexual chemistry Aries man will worship the Libra woman’s femininity and Libra woman will let the masculine nature of Aries to take over. Negative Qualities •In the beginning of the relation Libra woman will enjoy Aries man’s thrilling nature but with the passage of time, she will not like being thrown out of balance often. •Aries man can be quite direct and blunt and Libra woman, who is usually calm, won’t like these traits of his. •Aries man tends to get selfish and think only about himself but Libra woman tends to think more about the two together. This can create issues for the two. •Libra woman sometimes tends to be indecisive and this can really make Aries lose their mind. •Aries man can be impulsive and aggressive at times and loses his temper frequently; these characteristics of his can disturb the calm and balanced Libra woman. •Both tend to enjoy their social lives and all the attention they receive. Libra woman likes to make her partner jealous and this can make the aggressive Aries man lose his cool. •Aries man finds Libra woman trying to please everyone and too dependent and she finds him too reckless and carefree. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-libra-woman.html Aries Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities
•Aries man and Scorpio woman are drawn to each other with strong physical attraction, desire and passion. •Both the signs are extremely passionate, social, independent and adventurous and they bring a lot to the table. They never get bored and are always pursuing some adventure. •Scorpio woman sees an Aries man as strong, confident, independent and powerful individual, she find these qualities of his very appealing and attractive and her deep passion and fierceness is highly appreciated by him. •Scorpio woman is fascinated by Aries man’s love for adventure and excitement and she loves joining him in his adventure. •Aries man will shower Scorpio woman with all the attention and affection she desires for and her mysterious personality will keep him enthralled and charmed. •Aries man can teach the Scorpio woman to be more spontaneous and live for the experience and she can teach his about stability and how to balance life. •Aries man has a tendency to jump from one career to another, Scorpio woman one can help him to settle down and take life more seriously. •The independent and free-spirited nature of Aries man can inspire the Scorpio woman to take her life less seriously and enjoy the moment. •The sexual chemistry between the two is thrilling and exciting. Aries man brings the heat and Scorpio woman brings the passion, making their relation behind the bedroom doors and explosive one. Negative Qualities •The differences in their emotional needs can create problems in their relation. Scorpio woman looks for security and an intimate bond with her partner but Aries man does not like too much of closeness and intimacy. •Both the signs are quite aggressive and their aggression can lead to confrontations and fights, which will create a rift in the relation. •Aries man are dominant in nature and they might try to be the dominant one in the relation but the Scorpio woman does not like be dominated at all and she might voice her protest. •Scorpio woman might find Aries man a bit cold and blunt and he might find her too emotionally needy. •Aries man believes that little amount of flirting won’t do much harm, but Scorpio woman are extremely possessive and will get offended by Aries’ flirtatious nature. •Scorpio woman are thoughtful and analytical and then tend to think their every move and Aries man is rather impulsive and hasty. This difference in approach can lead to misunderstandings. •Aries man is more open and expressive whereas Scorpio woman is emotional and aloof, they might have problems understanding each other. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-scorpio-woman.html Aries Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •Aries man and Sagittarius woman both are born under the fire sign. They are high compatible and bring a lot of passion, energy and fire in the relation. •Aries man and Sagittarius woman are instantly attracted towards each other. They have similar likes and dislikes and make a great team. •Aries man and Sagittarius woman both serve as an inspiration for each other. They inspire each other’s creativity and aspire to reach great heights. •Aries man and Sagittarius woman both are thrill seekers and adventurous, they will love each other’s company and have a great time together. •Due to similar nature they will understand each other very well and will support each other in times of need. •Between the two there is never going to be a dull moment, both are extremely fun loving and will never run out of topics to talk about.
•Aries man and Sagittarius woman do not like to get stuck with one thing and they are extremely independent and free spirited, Aries man will be surprised and impressed to find someone like him. •Aries and Sagittarius pair will support and encourage each other and will help each other in times of need and difficulty. •The desire and passion which both of them share is also found behind the bedroom door. Their sexual energy and passion is wild and explosive. Negative Qualities •Aries man and Sagittarius woman are both very impulsive and make rash decisions. This impulsive behaviour can do a lot of damage for their relation. •Aries man is jealous by nature and can get aggressive when he feels like the Sagittarius woman is not giving him enough time and attention. •Even though the Sagittarius woman has found the best partner who is extremely compatible to her, she has the tendency to keep looking for better. She likes to gamble with life. •Aries man is dominant by nature and they like to have the upper hand in the relation but with the Sagittarius woman, who is fiercely independent, it is not going to work and she is bound to protest. •The possessive nature of Aries man is going to make things difficult in the relation as the Sagittarius woman does not like to be tamed. •Though Sagittarius woman is extremely social and extroverted, in a relation she looks for commitment and loyalty and unfortunately Aries man cannot provide her this. •Both of them tend to get bored easily, so when they have started a project together, they have the tendency to leave it without completion and jump into something else. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-sagittarius-woman.html Aires Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •The initial attraction between the Aries man and Capricorn woman is going to be strong, his independent and outgoing nature will appeal to her and her shy and mysterious nature is going to intrigue her. •Aries man is always looking to lead and in this match the Capricorn woman will willingly follow him and let him take the lead. •Aries man and Capricorn woman have striking personalities, opposite of one another. The extroverted and outgoing nature of Aries is going to help her come out of her shell and her reserved and balanced qualities will teach him to be more serious in life. •Aries man and Capricorn woman both want to be extremely successful and in their common pursuit they will help and motivate one another. •Aries man helps Capricorn woman to let loose and have fun with life and she helps him to stay grounded and stable. •Aries man and Capricorn woman both are extremely ambitious and determined and they will whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. •When it comes to sex Capricorn woman is very steady behind the bedroom doors and Aries man will always find ways to keep her fire of desire burning. •Capricorn woman can help the Aries to bring about stability and balance in life and he will encourage her to go on more adventures and live for the moment. Negative Qualities •The initial stage of the relation is going to be perfect, the problem beings when they move to the next phase. The initial chemistry and charm that attracted them towards each other might soon fade away.
•The fire born Aries man, who is always looking for new things and new experience, might get bored by the stagnant approach of the Capricorn woman. •The stagnant approach in the relation is where the Capricorn woman feels most secure and the fast paced life of Aires man might make her feels insecure. •Capricorn woman may appear to be a bit stubborn; Aries man will find her a bit stuck up. •Aries man is known for spending extravagantly and lavishly, Capricorn woman who is very careful about her monetary affairs will find him reckless. •Aries man is known for having a dominant nature and might try to dominate the Capricorn woman, but it is not going to work as she does not like being dominated by anyone and will surely revolt. •Capricorn woman may appear to be a bit too demanding for the free spirited Aries man. •Their approach on life and how they should deal with it may cause differences and misunderstandings between them. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-capricorn-woman.html Aries Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •Aries man and Aquarius woman share a number of characteristics together and this is what initially attracts them to one another. •The fire sign Aries and air sign Aquarius are both very enthusiastic, free thinkers, energetic, confident and capable of achieving great heights. •Their extremely love for independence and adventure will bring these two signs together. •Aries man and Aquarius woman will keep challenging one another and they will happily accept the other’s challenges. •Aquarius woman will understand the need of Aries man to be independent and Aries man will accept her need to explore new things and opportunities. There is a proper mutual understanding between the two. •Aries man and Aquarius woman enjoy the company of one another and they love doing things together and going on for adventures and exploring new horizons. •Aquarius woman will encourage and support Aries man in his adventures and he will appreciate her support and admire the way she looks at things. •Aries man and Aquarius woman are not worried about the future and believe in living in the moment, they are always ready to take off for their adventures. •Aries man and Aquarius woman will inspire each other’s creativity and passion. •Aries man and Aquarius woman both enjoy steamy love making sessions and both explore new ways to reach the climax. Negative Qualities •The possessive and dominating nature of the Aries man can create problems in the relation as Aquarius woman does not like to stay under anyone and may wander off. •Aquarius woman tend to be detached and be lost in her own web of thoughts, this may upset the egoistic Aries man as he desires full attention from his partner. •While making decisions both needs to compromise on their part and come to reach a common solution but both are unwilling to compromise. •Aries man has a tendency to lose his temper often; this will distance him from the Aquarius woman. •Aries man and Aquarius woman both are very social beings and love to socialise, but Aries man may get jealous and possessive. •When they are having an argument, both will be unwilling to back off and let the other one win. The argument is guaranteed to last for a very long time. •Aquarius woman tend to be a bit emotionless and this might cause the Aries man to panic and feel insecure.
•Aries man may try to control the Aquarius woman, this can really set her off and she might simply walk away. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-aquarius-woman.html Aries Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility Qualities Positive Qualities •Aries man and Pisces woman are complete opposite of one another but make an interesting pair. Aries man will find Pisces woman very attractive and won’t waste much time to declare his feelings for her. •Pisces woman will find Aries man quite charming and when he pursues her, she might be swept off her feet. •Aries man and Pisces woman have contrasting personalities; they can learn a great deal of things from one another. •Aries man and Pisces woman have a great degree of tolerance level with each other, helping them to put aside their differences and work for their relation. •Aries man and Pisces woman both are able to identify each other’s weak point and help each other to overcome them. •Pisces woman understands Aries man like no one else and she will be able to help him to calm and control his aggressiveness. •Aries man teaches the Pisces woman to be more adventurous, take risks and live for the moment. •Pisces woman can help the impulsive Aries man to get more serious with his life and get more organised and not act randomly. •Aries man can help the Pisces woman to be more confident about her and will help her come out of her shell. Negative Qualities •In a relation Aries man wants someone who is spontaneous like him but he might find the relaxed Pisces woman a bit too slow and overly cautious for him. •Pisces woman tend to give her all while in a relation but Aries man will find her a bit clingy and might distance himself. •Aries man is very social and he thrives in social gatherings, but Pisces woman prefers the peace of her home or to be in nature. •Aries man tends to be bit too aggressive and rough for the gentle Pisces woman. •Pisces woman can find Aries man not regarding her emotions and acting out on his own; this can cause her to lose interest in him. •Aries man is known for losing his temper and being a little too aggressive, Pisces woman does not like violence and this can cause issues in the relation. •Pisces woman tend to trust people too easily and in the long run she might get her trust broken by the Aries man. •Pisces woman are bit too conscious about the things she does and she tends to plan each and every move hers, this can irritate the spontaneous Aries man. •Aries man is quite dominating by nature; they like to have the upper hand in the relation. Pisces woman will not like the way Aries man takes all the decisions and prefers being dominant. http://www.astrolika.com/compatibility/aries-man-pisces-woman.html