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GLAST SYMPOSIUM. STANFORD. FEBRUARY 2007. L.S.Stark 1 , M.Doro 2 , H.Bartko 3 , A.Biland 1 , M.Gaug 2 , S.Lombardi 2 , M.Mariotti 2 , F.Prada 4 , M.Sanchez-Conde 4 , F.Zandanel 2 (for the MAGIC Collaboration*).
GLAST SYMPOSIUM. STANFORD. FEBRUARY 2007 L.S.Stark1, M.Doro2, H.Bartko3, A.Biland1, M.Gaug2, S.Lombardi2, M.Mariotti2, F.Prada4, M.Sanchez-Conde4, F.Zandanel2 (for the MAGIC Collaboration*) The lightest supersymmetric particle, the neutralino, provides an excellent Cold Dark Matter (DM) candidate. In regions where DM is concentrated, a continuum-spectrum gamma radiation from annihilation of neutralinos is expected. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies accompanying the Milky Way are suitable targets for DM searched, having large mass-to-light ratio and vicinity (within 100kpc). We made the exercise to evaluate the expected flux for different DM density profiles and SUSY models. Other promising targets are the Unidentified EGRET Sources, whereas sub-haloes with a cuspy profile or IMBHs with mini-spikes could be bright gamma-ray sources. The MAGIC telescope with good sensitivity at low energy threshold is well-suited for such observations. Indirect Dark Matter Searches with the MAGIC Telescope Physics Scenario The IACT Technique and MAGIC The gamma-ray FLUX from DM-annihilating object: High collection area236m2 surface105m2 effective area END 2007 From the PARTICLE PHYSICS: MAGIC telescope I Low Energy Threshold (at zenith)50 GeV (trigger)70-100 GeV (analysis) mSUGRA models with a common scalar mass m0 < 6 TeV and a common gaugino mass m1/2 < 4 TeV have been calculated. Green points: m0<2TeV (favored by particle physics); Red points: m0 > 2TeV.Models with a relic density smaller than the lower WMAP bound need to be rescaled. They are indicated as blue points. X 2 Flux sensitivity2.5% crab/50 hours(10-11ph/cm2/s) MAGIC telescop I+II Energy Resolution 30% (100 GeV) 20% (1 TeV) Is the IACT Technique and the MAGIC Telescope suitable for DM searches? Unidentified EGRET-IMBH association Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Draco SCENARIO: In the studies of the evolution of SuperMassive Black Holes (SMBHs), a number of Intermediate Mass Black Holes (IMBHs) is found spherically distributed in the galactic halos. Those objects must not have suffered major merging and barionic accretion during their evolution. This condition alloweda “MINI-SPIKE” of DM to be createdonto the IMBH**. <J()> for core and cuspy DM profiles and an angular resolution of ∆=10-5sr for Draco. Such objects (100-1000 according to models of generation) must have the SAME SPECTRAL INDEX and SAME CUT-OFF at DM particle mass, thus constituting a SMOKING GUN OBSERVATION. It is natural to primarily search for these candidates among the high galactic latitude steady emitters EGRET unidentified sources. MAGIC selected a sample of such sources that can be future observation targets. A small sample of 7 sources survived the criteria. Sensitivity: MAGIC sensitivity for 50 hours of effective observation time. Models above the curves would be detectable. The lines correspond to a core and a cuspy density profile. Differential spectra from different candidate unidentified EGRET sources extrapolated from EGRET fluxes with typical IMBHs spectrum** (colored lines) reported for two values of DM mass (m=300 GeV and m=1500 GeV). As reference the upper black line is the Crab differential spectrum, while the lower line is 1/20 of the Crab flux. **See Bertone, Zentner, Silk “A New Signature of DM annihilation: Gamma-rays from Intermediate Mass Black Holes”, 2005 (1) ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2) INFN-University of Padua, Italy (3) MPI Munich, Germany (4) IAA-CSIC Granada, Spain * for a complete list of MAGIC collaborators and extensive information on the telescope: http://wwwmagic.mppmu.mpg.de/