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MANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK BAGI TANAH-TANAMAN. Manajemen Kesuburan Tanah Smno fpub Oktober 2013. Nutrient Management Planning Criteria. Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO. Jim Sharkoff State Conservation Agronomist
MANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK BAGI TANAH-TANAMAN ManajemenKesuburan Tanah SmnofpubOktober2013
Nutrient Management Planning Criteria Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO Jim Sharkoff State Conservation Agronomist USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Denver Federal Center, Building 56, Room 2604 PO Box 25426. Denver, CO 80225-0426. 720-544-2812 jim.sharkoff@co.usda.gov
Apa Kriterias Perencanaannya? Planning criteria establishes the minimum level of treatment required to achieve an intended purpose for the planning and application of a conservation practice. • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
ELEMENTS OF CONSERVATION PRACTICE STANDARDS • Definisi • Tujuan • Kondisi-kondisi untuk aplikasinya • Kriteria umum untuk semua tujuan • Kriteria tambahan untuk tujuan khusus • Pertimbangan-pertimbangan • Rencana & Spesifikasinya • Operational & Pemeliharaan. • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Definisi managing the amount (rate), source, placement (method of application), and timing of plant nutrients and soil amendments • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Tujuan • to budget, supply, and conserve nutrients for plant production • to minimize agricultural nonpoint source pollution of surface and groundwater • to properly utilize manure or organic by-products as a plant nutrient source • to protect air quality by reducing odors, nitrogen emissions, and the formation of atmospheric particulates • to maintain or improve the physical, chemical and biological condition of soil • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kondisi-kondisi untuk aplikasi • applies to all lands where plant nutrients and soil amendments are applied • does not apply to one time nutrient applications to establish perennial crops Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • must develop a budget for N, P and K that includes all nutrient sources including green manure, legumes, crop residues, compost, manure, other organics, biosolids, waste water, organic matter, fertilizer and irrigation water • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • enhanced efficiency fertilizers must be defined by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO), and accepted for use by the state fertilizer control official (CDA, Inspection and Consumer Services Division, Fertilizer Program) • application rate and placement of starter fertilizers must be consistent with CSU recommendations to avoid salt damage • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • a risk assessment for nitrogen leaching must be completed for all sites, unless specific conditions are defined where N leaching is not a water quality risk (Colorado nitrogen leaching index screening tool defines site and management factors where N leaching is not a resource concern) • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • a risk assessment for phosphorus runoff must be completed when • planned P application rate exceeds CSU recommendation • the field is located in a P impaired watershed (303D list) • specific conditions where P runoff is not a risk, have not been defined (Colorado phosphorus index screening tool defines site and management factors where P runoff is not a resource concern) • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • nutrient planning must be based on current soil and manure analysis, and tissue sampling analysis (when used as supplemental information) • current soil tests analyses for inorganic systems must be no older than 3 years • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • soil test labs must meet the requirements and performance standards of the North American Proficiency Testing Program – Performance Assessment Program (NAPT-PAP) • nutrient values for manure, organic by-products and biosolids must be determined annually, prior to land application • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • manure test labs must meet the requirements and performance standards of the Manure Testing Laboratory Certification Program of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture • planned nutrient application rates for N, P and K must not exceed CSU recommendations • realistic yield goals must be based on historic yield data (5 yr average + 5 %) • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: • Unsur hara (pupuk) tidak boleh di sebar di permukaan tanah, kalau ada ancaman kehilangan unsur hara melalui penguapan • this precludes spreading on frozen and or snow covered soils, and when the top 2 inches of soil are saturated from rainfall or snowmelt • exceptions can be made for surface applied manure when specified conditions are met and adequate conservation measures are installed to prevent offsite delivery of nutrients • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria Umum untuk semua tujuan: …….. Aplikasi Rabuk kandang di permukaan tanah… • adequate treatment level and specified conditions for winter applications of manure must be defined by NRCS in concurrence with the water quality control authority in the state • as a minimum, the following site and management factors must be considered slope, cover, application rates, and setbacks • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk meminimumkan sumber-sumber non-point (pertanian) bagi pencemaan air permukaan dan groundwater • must use current NRCS approved nutrient loss and soil erosion risk assessment tools to evaluate potential nutrient and soil losses • identified resource concerns must be addressed to meet current planning criteria (eFOTG, Sec III, Quality Criteria) • nutrients – low or moderate leaching and runoff risk assessment index scores • soil erosion – “T” • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk meminimumkan sumber-sumber non-point (pertanian) bagi pencemaan air permukaan dan groundwater • nutrients must be applied in the right place, right amount, at the right time and from the right source, to minimize nutrient losses. (4R-PATS) • the following nutrient use efficiency strategies / technologies must be considered. • Pupuk yang lambat tersedia, pelepasan haranya terkontrol • Penghambat nitrification dan/atau inhibitor urease • Meningkatkan efisiensi pupuk • Pembenaman atau injeksi. • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk meminimumkan sumber-sumber non-point (pertanian) bagi pencemaan air permukaan dan groundwater • nutrient use efficiency strategies / technologies continued • timing and number of nutrient applications • soil nitrate and organic N testing • optimize nutrient applications with crop uptake • corn stalk nitrate test (CSNT), pre-sidedress nitrate test (PSNT) or pre-plant soil nitrate test (PPSNT) • tissue testing, chlorophyll meters and spectral analysis technologies • other land grant university recommendations to improve nutrient use efficiency and minimize surface and groundwater concerns • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk memanfaatkan secara tepat rabuk kandang dan limbah organik sebagai pupuk. • Annual soil, manure and organic by-product sampling and analysis is required to determine application rates • N and P application rates must be planned based on N and P risk assessment results • Indeks runoff P • Rendah– N based • Moderat – P based • Tinggi – P based (if P drawdown strategy has been implemented) • very high (or soil test phosphorus threshold) – no application • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk memanfaatkan secara tepat rabuk kandang dan limbah organik sebagai pupuk. • liquid manure and effluent application rates must not exceed soil infiltration or water holding capacity based on crop rooting depth • manure or other organics may be applied to legumes at N removal rates, not to exceed CSU recommendations • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk memanfaatkan secara tepat rabuk kandang dan limbah organik sebagai pupuk. • manure or other organics may be applied at P rates for multiple crop years provided • the P runoff risk is low or moderate • the P application rate does not exceed the N requirement for the year of application • no additional P is applied in the current year and in additional years for which the single application of P is supplying nutrients • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk melindungi kualitas udara dengan jalan meminimumkan “bau”, emisi nitrogen, dan pembentukan partikulat atmosferik • adjust nutrient placement, amount, application timing and source to minimize negative impacts to identified air quality resource concerns • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk melindungi kualitas udara dengan jalan meminimumkan “bau”, emisi nitrogen, dan pembentukan partikulat atmosferik • Satu atau lebih teknologi berikut dapat dipakai: • slow or controlled release fertilizers, stabilized N fertilizers • nitrification and or urease inhibitors • nutrient enhancement technologies • Pembenaman atau injeksi • residue and tillage management, no-till or strip-till • other appropriate technologies to minimize emission impacts • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Kriteria tambahan untuk memelihara dan memperbaiki kondisi fidsika, kimia dan biologi tanah • time the application of nutrients to avoid periods when fields activities will result in soil compaction • In areas where salinity is a concern, select nutrient sources that minimize the buildup of soil salts • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • aerial site photos/imagery or site maps, and a soil survey map of the site • soil information including soil type surface texture, pH, drainage class, permeability, available water capacity, depth to water table, restrictive features, and flooding and or ponding frequency • location of designated sensitive areas and associated nutrient application restrictions and setbacks • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • for manure applications: location of nearby residences or other locations where humans may be present on a regular basis, and any identified meteorological or topographical influences that may affect the transport of odors to those locations • Results of approved risk assessment tools for N, P, and erosion losses • Documentation establishing that the application site presents low risk for P transport to local water when P is applied in excess of crop requirement • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • current and or planned plant production sequence or crop rotation • Soil, water, compost, manure organic by-product and plant tissue analysis applicable to the plan • When soil P levels are increasing, include a discussion of the risk associated with P accumulation and a proposed P draw down strategy • Realistic yield goals for the crops • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • complete nutrient budget for N, P and K for the plant production sequence or crop rotation • listing and quantification of all nutrient sources and form • all enhanced efficiency products that are planned for use • In accordance with the N and P risk assessment tools, specify the recommended nutrient application source, timing, amount and placement of plant nutrients for each field or management unit • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • guidance for implementation, operation and maintenance, and recordkeeping In addition, the following components must be included in a precision/variable rate nutrient management plan • document the geo-referenced field boundary and data collected that was processed and analyzed as a GIS layer or layers, to generate nutrient or soil amendment recommendations • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • document the nutrient recommendation guidance and recommendation equations used to convert the GIS base data layer or layers to a nutrient source material recommendation GIS layer, or layers • Document if a variable rate nutrient or soil amendment application was made • Provide application records per management zone or as applied map within individual field boundaries, documenting source, timing, method and rates of applications resulting from the precision ag process • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • Maintain the electronic records of the GIS data layers and nutrient applications for at least 5 years In addition, if increases in soil P levels are expected the nutrient management plan must document • The soil P levels at which it is desirable to convert to P based planning • The potential plan for P drawdown from the production and harvesting of crops • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Rencana & Spesifikasinya • Management activities or techniques used to reduce the potential for P transport and loss for AFOs, a quantification of manure produced in excess of crop nutrient requirements • A long term strategy and proposed implementation timeline for reducing soil P to levels that protect water quality • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Operational dan Pemeliharaan • Conduct periodic plan reviews to determine if adjustments or modifications are needed. As a minimum, plans must be reviewed and revised as needed with each soil test cycle, and changes in manure volume or analysis, crops, or crop management. • Fields receiving animal manures and or biosolids must be monitored for the accumulation of heavy metals and phosphorus in accordance with land grant university recommendations and or state regulations. • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Operational dan Pemeliharaan • Significant changes in animal numbers, management and feed management will necessitate additional manure analysis to establish a revised average nutrient content. • Calibrate application equipment to ensure accurate distribution of material at planned rates. • Document the nutrient application rate. When the applied rate differs from the planned rate, provide appropriate documentation for the change. • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Operational dan Pemeliharaan • Records must be maintained for at least five years to document plan implementation and maintenance. As applicable, records include: • soil, plant tissue, water, manure and organic by-product analysis resulting in recommendations for nutrient analysis • quantities, analyses and sources of nutrients applied • dates and method(s) of nutrient applications, sources of nutrients, and rates of application • weather conditions and soil moisture at the time of application; lapsed time to manure incorporation; rainfall or irrigation event • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Operational dan Pemeliharaan • Records, as applicable (continued) • crops planted, planting and harvest dates, yields, nutrient analysis of harvested biomass, and crop residues removed • dates of plan review, name of reviewer, and recommended changes resulting from the review • all enhanced efficiency fertilizer products used • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
KRITERIA PERENCANAANMANAJEMEN UNSUR HARA PUPUK Operational dan Pemeliharaan Additional records to maintain for precision/variable rate sites must include: • Peta-peta untuk identifikasi sumber pupuk, waktu aplikasi, dosis pupuk, dan penempatan pupuk. • Peta hasil-tanaman berbasis GPS, informasi hasil tanaman dapat dikumpulkan secara digital. • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
IKHTISAR REVISI KRITERIA Kondisi-kondisi untuk menerapkan • does not apply to one time nutrient applications to establish perennial crops General criteria • enhanced efficiency fertilizers must be defined by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO), and accepted for use by the state fertilizer control official (CDA, Inspection and Consumer Services Division, Fertilizer Program) • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
IKHTISAR REVISI KRITERIA Kriteria Umum • a risk assessment for nitrogen leaching must be completed for all sites • a risk assessment for phosphorus runoff must be completed when planned P application rate exceeds CSU recommendation • current soil tests analyses for inorganic systems must be no older than 3 years • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
IKHTISAR REVISI KRITERIA Kriteria Umum • soil test labs must subscribe the North American Proficiency Testing Program – Performance Assessment Program (NAPT-PAP) • manure test labs must meet the requirements and performance standards of the Manure Testing Laboratory Certification Program of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
IKHTISAR REVISI KRITERIA General criteria • nutrients must not be surface applied on frozen, snow covered, or saturated soils (possible exceptions based on slope, cover, rate, setbacks) Additional criteria to minimize agricultural nonpoint source pollution of surface and groundwater • risk assessments for N and P, low or medium • soil erosion planned to “T” • must consider nutrient use efficiency strategies • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
IKHTISAR REVISI KRITERIA Additional criteria to properly utilize manure or organic by-products as a plant nutrient source • P runoff index adjustments • moderate – P based • high – P based (if P drawdown strategy has been implemented) • very high (or soil test phosphorus threshold) – no application • manure or other organics may be applied at P rates for multiple crop years provided • no additional P is applied in the current year and in additional years for which the single application of P is supplying nutrients • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
REVISION SUMMARY Additional criteria to protect air quality by reducing odors, nitrogen emissions and formation of atmospheric particulates Satu atau lebih teknologi berikut dapat digunakan: • slow or controlled release fertilizers, stabilized N fertilizers • nitrification and or urease inhibitors • nutrient enhancement technologies • incorporation or injection • residue and tillage management, no-till or strip-till • other appropriate technologies to minimize emission impacts • Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO
Sumber: Jim Sharkoff. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Denver, CO