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The Baha'I faith in Iran. Bahá’u’lláh The founder of the Faith. The world according to the Bahia, a global society. Iranian socio-economic fights. Access to education. Shia Islam. Imams – descendents of Muhammad or chosen on personal merits and respect for Sunna. The last Shah.
Shia Islam • Imams – descendents of Muhammad or chosen on personal merits and respect for Sunna.
The last Shah • Coup d’Etat 1953 funded by USA and Great Britain • Autocratic rule • Arbitrary arrests and torture • The white revolution • American citizens gain legal immunity
The Islamic revolution 1978 Ayatolla Khomeyni - velayat e faqih – guardianship of the jurist • The protests against the Shah increased • Shah went into exile in 1979 • Referendum and a theocratic constitution
Iran today • Ayatolla Hussein Ali Montazeri • The Guardian Counsil • President Rohani 2013
The first Constitution of 1906 • Recognition of four religions (Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam) • The Bahai’s were seen as heretics so persecution followed • The Islamic Revolution in 1979
The Constitution of 1979 • The structure of the Constitution • The Article 14«The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all Muslims are duty-bound to treat non-Muslims in conformity with ethical norms and the principles of Islamic justice and equity, and to respect their human rights. This principle applies to all who refrain from engaging in conspiracy or activity against Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran. » • The Article 19 « All people of Iran, whatever the ethnic group or tribe to which they belong, enjoy equal rights; and color, race, language, and the like, do not bestow any privilege. »
The legal situation (II) • The persecution of the Bahai’s people • Deny of theirs most basic rights • Educational and economic discrimination • Ostracisation in school and in every day life situations • Degradation of theirs properties and cemeteries
International Reaction • MAY 2013 • United Nations called on Iran to immediately release the 7 imprisoned Baha'i leaders. • + Iran ensures that all citizens, regardless of religious belief, enjoy full rights without any discrimination (among them the Baha'i community).
JUNE 2013 ILO : "deep concern" over continuing economic and educational discrimination against Baha'is in Iran.
DECEMBER 2013 • UN General Assembly Resolution about continuing human rights violations in Iran. • => Unjustified executions, use of torture, limits on freedom of assembly and expression, and ongoing discrimination against women, ethnic minorities, and religious minorities (among them: the Baha'is).
Lately... MARCH 2014 • Reports of Ban Ki-moon (UN Secretary General) and Ahmed Shaheed (Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran) to the UN Human Rights Council. • => Discrimination against Iranian Baha'is continues to persist in Iran (imprisonments, arbitrary arrests and detentions, exclusion from higher education, and hostility in the legal system).