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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение г. Владимира «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 42». Соловей земли Владимирской – поэт - песенник А. И. Фатьянов. Галустьян С.А. – учитель английского языка, Некрасова Л.С. – учитель русского языка и литературы .
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение г. Владимира «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 42» Соловей земли Владимирской – поэт - песенник А. И. Фатьянов Галустьян С.А. – учитель английского языка, Некрасова Л.С. – учитель русского языка и литературы
One of the most popular songs during the Great Patriotic War was the song «Nightingales». It was loved by millions of Russian people — men and women, soldiers and generals. «Marshall of Victory» - Georgiy Zhukov called it immortal because the song reflected the soul of the Russian people. The author of the lyrics was AlekseiFatyanov.
AlekseiFatyanov A. I. Fatyanovis a famousSovietpoetwhosesongswereverypopularinthe 1940 — 1970-s. Hewasborninthevillageof MaloyePetrino (thecityof Vyaznikinow) in VladimirskayaGuberniaonthe 5thofMarch, 1919.
Крестовоздвиженская церковь (1794 г.) Покровская церковь (1806 г.)
TheEarlyYears In 1929 the Fatyanovs moved to the suburbs of Moscow to the settlement of Losinoostrovskiy, and in 1934 to Moscow. Alyosha was fond of visiting theatres and exhibitions. He studiedat musical school and later on at the theatre studio of the VTSPS theatre.
The Central Theatre of the Soviet Army, Moscow In 1937 Fatyanov became an actor of the Central Theatre of the Soviet Army. The young actor had a great talent for singing on the stage and playing the piano thanks to a good ear for music. He had a great success in reciting poems and leading concerts. Very soon well-known Soviet singers and actors paid attention to this young man.
The Front Nightingale Just before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Aleksei was called up for military service. But his rare speciality was taken into account and he was sent to the Song and Dance Company in the military district of the Oryol City. In June of 1941 the Company was dislocated to Bryansk air force garrison. He met the war there. Every day he performed before the soldiers reciting poems, singing songs and chastooshkis.
Without any exaggeration AlekseiFatyanov performed his feat of arms: he created the whole list of songs of the highest art expressiveness. His songs were accepted and sung by Russian people all over the country. • «Соловьи» "На солнечной поляночке", «Где ж ты, мой сад», "Давно мы дома не были", Где же вы теперь, друзья - однополчане" – all these songs have become a song memorial to the Great Patriotic War. • He got his fame just after the song "На солнечной поляночке". It was a very lyric song about true love, heroic deed and millions of people on the front and on the home front loved it at once.
Fatyanov was a very friendly and sociable person, an ordinary soldier as many others. A. I. Fatyanov was not only an actor of the front company but a participant of internecine battles. In one of the battles he was the first to burst into the city of Sekeshfekhervar in Hungary and was awarded to the Medal for Valour for his courage and bravery. He was also wounded on the front.
V. Solovyev – Sedoi and A.I. Fatyanov In 1942Fatyanovmet Vasiliy Solovyev-Sedoi, a famous Soviet composer, they became true friends and worked together for many years. Together with Solovyev – Sedoi Fatyanov created the majority of his best songs, more than 80 songs, generally recognised by Soviet people.
Cooperation with Soviet composers YuriyMilutin Boris Mokrousov AnatoliyLepin Nikita Bogoslovskiy MatveiBlanter
More than 50 years passed since Fatyanov’s death. But his songs are still popular in Russia. We can hear them on the radio, television, during the concerts, at veterans’ meetings and even at parties. Many people are sure that these songs are folk. The citizens of Vyazniki also remember their famous fellow-townsman A. I. Fatyanov.
Fatyanov’s Festivals in Vyazniki Every summer since 1974 thousands of people from all over Russia come to the city of Vyazniki to honor the memory of the great Russian poet Aleksei Ivanovich Fatyanov. Famous singers, poets and actors arrange concerts and remember “The nightingale of the Vladimir Land” on this day.
Fatyanov’s buryplace in Vagankovskoye Cemetery, Moscow