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Hydrotermale mineralforekomster

Hydrotermale mineralforekomster. Ca. Si. K. Li. Na. Ti. Al. Ta. B. O. Fe. P. Au. Li. Cu. Ta. Ti. B. Mo. Al. Si. Bi. Fe. Qz. Kfld. Au. Mo. Au. Li. Li. B. Cu. B. Cu. Ta. Mo. Ta. Cu. Au. Mo. Fluid inclusion trails in quartz. Glassy. Milky.

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Hydrotermale mineralforekomster

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hydrotermale mineralforekomster

  2. Ca Si K Li Na Ti Al Ta B O Fe P

  3. Au Li Cu Ta Ti B Mo Al Si Bi Fe Qz Kfld

  4. Au Mo Au Li Li B Cu B Cu Ta Mo Ta

  5. Cu Au Mo

  6. Fluid inclusion trails in quartz Glassy Milky

  7. Different types of fluid inclusions Trains of secondary inclusions along healed micro-fracture Primary inclusion with daughter mineral Primary inclusions with sylvite (KCl)

  8. MINERALFOREKOMSTER DANNET VED HYDROTERMALE PROSESSER Viktige forekomster av metaller: Cu, Mo, Sn, W, Fe, Au, Ag, Zn, Pb Viktige forekomster av industrimineraler: Zeolitt, asbest, talk, kaolin, pyrofylitt, flusspat Endogene, hypogene, epigenetiske og (stratabundete) Avsetninger som fyller alle typer av sprekker, hulrom og rom etter utlutete mineraler

  9. Skorpedyp: • Episonale forekomster: 0-5 km dyp, kaolin, Zn-Pb, • flusspat, Au-Ag • Mesosonale: 5-10 km, Au, Sn-W, Cu-Mo, talk, asbest • Hyposonale: 10-20 km, Au • Mineralene fyller: • Forskastninger/store sprekker, gangmineraliseringer • Nettverk av sprekker, stokkverk- el. porfyr mineral. • Tektoniske, kollaps og hydrauliske breksjer • Hulrom og porer i sandsteiner, karst-rom i karbonater • og fortrenger primære bergartsmineraler • (hydrotermal omvandling)

  10. Drivkraft: Termiske gradienter og trykkgradienter Væsketyper: Metamorft vann (dehydrering av vann-holdige mineraler), magmatisk vann (salt-rikt vann avblandet fra granittiske smelter) og overflate vann/grunnvann. Gull-kvarts-turmalin gang

  11. Volcanic hosted Cu, Zn, (Au)

  12. Volcanic hosted Cu, Zn, (Au)

  13. Volcanic hosted Cu, Zn, Pb (Au)

  14. Sedimentary hosted Zn, Pb, Cu, Ag

  15. Orogenic gold, shear zones (greenstone belts)

  16. Carbonate hosted (MVT) Pb – Zn - Ag

  17. Champagne Pool, New Zealand 1-3 g/t Au Kaolinitt Kvartsårer med Ag +Au AgS

  18. Ore deposits related to granitic plutons are formed by the interaction of two major processes: Exsolution of metalliferous magmatic water during crystallization of the pluton. Heat source for the convection of meteoric and/or metamorphic water which may leach metals from the rocks along their pathways.

  19. Ores consisting of a stockwork of thin polygeneration veinlets of quartz, ore-sulphides and pyrite. Sulphides also as dissemination, i.e. along micro-fractures

  20. Stockwork of quartz-sulphide veins enveloped by quartz-pyrite-sericite alteration (phyllic; brown) in granodiorite

  21. HYDROTERMAL OMVANDLING Sprekkebundet talk omvandling Serpentinitt (venstre) and peridotite (høyre)

  22. Caledonianmantle fragmentsAlteration  Talc Talc LinnajavriVery largetalc resource Altermark Mine in operation by Norwegian Talc (Omya) Raudfjellet Large talc and magnesite resource


  24. Bauxite ores, Al(OH)3

  25. Saprolite gold deposits

  26. Garnierite, Ni-serpentine (Ni, Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4 Ni laterite deposits NEW CALEDONIA

  27. Sekundær anrikning • Overflatevann • Utluting fra øvre del av en forekomst • Utfelling lengre ned • Gull • Sølv • Residuale forekomster • Utluting av løselige mineral fører til en oppkonsentrering av de ikke-løselige • Garnieritt (vannholdig silikat av nikkel og magnesium) • Lateritt (jern og/eller aluminium) • Bauxitt (lateritt med nesten bare aluminium)

  28. Sedimentære mineralforkomster Precambrian Banded Iron Formations, Australia (BIF, viktigste kilde til jern)


  30. Entrapment mechanisms for gold and other heavy minerals in fluvial systems Physical barriers

  31. Gold accumulation Old river bed Meandring stream Heavy-mineral sand Zone of suiteable velocity of flood water

  32. Witwatersrand alluvial fans Ventersdorpbasalt VCR conglomerate

  33. Ore deposit models for Witwatersrand gold

  34. Placer mineralforkomster

  35. Witwatersrand

  36. Beach-placers formed by heavy-mineral separation by action of waves, wind and current Normal situation Open stormy coast Storm waves Windy

  37. Reserver Kendte ressurser der kan utnyttes idag innen givne økonomiske og juridiske rammer Kennecott Open Pit Copper Mine, Utah

  38. Destructive plate margin Contructive plate margin Destructive boundary Contructiveboundary Marginal basin Spreading ridge International terminology for the different platetectonic elements Ensialic island arc Continental island arc Subduction trench Ensimatic island arc Back-arc basin Foreland basin Continent Oceanic crust (ophiolite) Continental crust Fore-arc prism Benioff zone (zone of earthquakes)

  39. DV DV Intracratonic CV DV Intracontinental CV CV CV CV TF CV DV CV TF TF CV TF DV DV CV CV DV DV TF DV DV DV DV = divergent plate margin CV = convergent plate margin TF = transform fault Present plate configurations Continental drift

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