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Welcome to English I. Miss Abigail Lind Room 217. Ms. Lind’s Information . alind@harnett.k12.nc.us 897-8121 ext. 2217 Email is the best way to reach me! http://mslind.wikispaces.com/. English I (NCSCS). Express reflections and reactions to literature and to personal experience.
Welcome to English I Miss Abigail Lind Room 217
Ms. Lind’s Information alind@harnett.k12.nc.us 897-8121 ext. 2217 Email is the best way to reach me! http://mslind.wikispaces.com/
English I (NCSCS) Express reflections and reactions to literature and to personal experience. Explain meaning, describe processes, and answer research questions. Evaluate communication and critique texts. Make and support an informed opinion. Participate in conversations about and written analysis of literary genres, elements, and traditions. Use knowledge of language and standard grammatical conventions
Is there an EOC?? YES!!!!
Grading Scale A- 93-100 B- 85-92 C-77-84 D-70-76 E-69 and below
Materials Needed 3 ring binder (1”-1.5”) College ruled notebook paper Pens, pencils, and highlighters Note cards (with a ring if possible!) and sheet protectors 5 Dividers with the following sections: Bell-ringers Grammar (Goal 6) Vocabulary / Lit. Terms (Goal 5 & 6) Literature (Goals 1-5) Writing & Journals (Goals 1,2,3,6)