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Delve into the exploration of truth and lies surrounding salvation in Christ, confronting assumptions and embracing liberty. Witness the clash between the assurance of salvation and the fear of hell, finding solace in the eternal grace of God. Explore the essence of faith and grace through biblical teachings, emphasizing the significance of steadfast belief and continuous spiritual growth. Unravel the timeless message of everlasting love and security in God's unending mercy, inviting all to embrace the life-transforming power of Christ's sacrifice.
WHEN LIE BECOMES TRUTH (Part 1) By Pastor Andrew Morgridge
I pick up from where I stopped on my exposition on conformity drawn from Jam. 1: 21-25 where I looked at the reasons why people can’t conform to the image of Christ as the Bible enjoins us in Rm. 8:29 and 2Cor. 3:18.
From the Greek i.es of face and natural we saw the role of generational influence, native or traditional influences as major hindrances to our conformity.
For time, I did not address the last part that has to do with LIBERTY IN CHRIST. That’s my focus today, as I look at the Truth versus the assumptions that form the lies on salvation that is being circulated today.
It is easy for lie to spread and be accepted because the world is full of liars and potential liars (Gen. 3:1,10 Ps. 58:3; Jn. 8:44. The Truth is the very personification of Jesus – only few like it, only few endure it (Jn. 3:18-21).
Truth and Lie Influence 2Tim. 2:15-18
T.V Caller’s comments • It is obvious you are more assured of hell than you are of heaven. You preach, hell, hell, you don’t believe that you can’t loose your salvation in Christ Jesus, than you believe you can enter hell assuredly.
Sir, nothing can tamper with God’s gift to you, He gave it to you of His own will. It’s not by your good works or by your careful walk.
We sin daily and our sins are ever marked before Him, so if He takes note of them we perish. But now God sees Jesus, the only man who kept the law, and gave us grace to ride on His good works to gain access to the Father.
If you believe otherwise, you shall have it the way you chose to have it.
Why do you make mistakes and why do you repent immediately? It is the assurance of salvation that makes you do that. Note that there is nothing in the bible called mistake, all unrighteousness is sin, and if you are born again you must know that it is your spirit that is reborn, not your flesh.
Even the anger with which you called and the rage in you now can testify against you that you have sinned at that moment. So if you were saved yesterday, today, and would be saved tomorrow, that’s forever.
So in which of the days will you loose it? Preach the everlasting love of God, not hate and leading people to fear. We have boldness in Christ.
I asked you in which of the days do you lose your salvation? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. He loved you yesterday, hates you today?
You are actually the one tramping on God’s love because you say you ain’t secure in His love. You believe you can work it out till the day God says “my son you have passed the test.”
Sir Jesus passed the test and declared you righteous. If He didn’t give you everlasting life then He is not Everlasting Father.
God is eternal and he has made you eternally fit to dwell with Him, but if you keep saying John 3:16; 10:27-29 is a lie, because that’s the beginning of God’s generosity and unmerited mercy, then you are not part of us.
With these I know you and the unhealthy, fearful, weak and unbelieving congregation and keep. It’s still early enough to tell them the truth.
My own wish for you is to allow the Holy Spirit quicken your spirit to tell your folk that God have loved them to death and have given them life eternal by Christ Jesus. If you keep quiet henceforth and they hear it elsewhere (for you do not know where they go and who the associated with).
You will loose them to those who tell them this truth you have heard today. God Bless You Sir.
Once Saved Forever Saved!!! • Ephesians 2:8,9 • If you look at that faith, it goes beyond “I believe,’ it goes to the entirety of faith. Because over time many have just seen that scripture as “I believe” – “If I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose again, I will be saved”.
This is wrong as the faith has to do with the entirety of the gospel. Titus 1:16 “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”
That faith is PISTIS in Greek. Strong defines as persuasion – moral conviction of religions truths. Constancy in such profession.
Grace is CHARIS in Greek which means favour (not unmerited favour. Dietrich Bonheoffer, the martyred German said in his book on Discipleship that Grace is not cheap, it is only available. See 2Cor. 6:1-2
This is Thayer’s definition. The goodwill, loving kindness of God by which God exerts His holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens in knowledge, faith and kindles to the exercise of the Christian virtues. That is the proof of grace.
Matthew 25:1 • What Jesus is saying to us is that he may be late in coming back, but we should make provisions to be alert. Those virgins who were not alert at the arrival of the bridegroom were locked out. They had gone to buy oil but when they returned, the door had been shut against them.
The bridegroom told them exactly what Jesus told those at his left hand: “depart from me, I know you not”.
Once you are born again, you are heaven – bound is a fairy-tale to be believed and peddled by those who don’t know the Bible or those who don’t care to count the cost of Christianity;
Or better still, those who don’t want to accept that son-ship confers responsibilities on you. It is as you do those responsibilities very well, that you deserve to be in heaven. ( Heb. 12:22-23; 1kings 13; Mk. 10: 14-17)
Why Instructions(1Tim. 1:3-4; 2Tim. 3:14-17). • (Eph. 2:1-3). • Deut. 8:1; 12:1-7; God gave the children of Israel instructions on what to do as they went to the Promised Land.
He also gave instructions in terms of worship, to worship in the place He had chosen. They had no liberty to do whatever they liked. Lev. 10 – The price of disobedience. Korah too.
Why is it that in today’s Christendom, everybody is free? God’s children never had liberty in the sense that we practice it today.
Liberty is freedom from Satan, freedom from the laws and it is liberty to do only what God instructs you to do. • Deut. 30:15-18
If you don’t think so, try parking by a fire hydrant sometime and go whistling off to do your business. What is a law, anyway? The word has at least two meanings. Well, let’s look at that phrase, “the laws of nature.”
The first meaning is “an external rule imposed by an authority.”When you come back, you’ll go whistling off to pick up your car at the impound lot.
It’s a law imposed by an authority, the same as the laws against murder, assault and robbery. • Anyway, those are laws imposed by an authority from the outside. You either do it or else. And the “or else” part is a fine or jail time or something else. That’s one kind of law.
Then there’s another way the word law is used: by scientists, philosophers and the general public, but it’s not properly a law. It’s the path God’s power and wisdom take through creation. That’s what we call the laws of nature. It’s the way things are.
An eagle lays an egg and it hatches into an eagle instead of a mud turtle or a frog. We call that a law of nature, but nobody passed that law in any parliament or congress. It’s just the way it is.
That’s the way God works! Scientists study these phenomena and all science is based upon them, of course.
Liberty; we picked it from our text. It is freedom; as distinct from blessing or grace. It’s like a judge pronouncing you free despite all your sins. But you should walk in that law of liberty, to maintain it.
It is not a licence to sin or disregard the word of God, but rather, a distinctive blessing of the economy of grace, as against the restriction of the Old Testament. As you walk with a new genealogy, a new picture in your mirror, you get the blessings.
Liberty is defined as: • Freedom to act and think as one pleases. • Freedom from captivity, slavery or restrictions. • To take liberty means: • To act in an unauthorized way • To be deliberately inaccurate.
Satan had been with God before, so he knew that only God is free to do whatever He likes. There is no human being created by God, that is free to do whatever he likes.
You are either free to do what God likes or what Satan likes, there’s no free-thinker. There was a family called the Russells, who were mostly philosophers.
One of them, Bertrand Russell said, “there is nothing wrong with Christianity, except that it is impossible to profess”, so he preferred to be an atheist. There is a standard, you either meet it, or you don’t, there is no in-between.
Only God is magnificent and can do whatever He likes. • Dan. 4:34-35 • Psalm 135:5-6
Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” This scripture cannot be well interpreted if read from chapter 5,
Because Paul started telling the Galatians from chapters 3 and 4, that they should not live according to the law, because Christ had set them free from the law and its ordinances,
Which focused on outward appearances, and keeping of the commandments, which may not necessarily affect their inward persons – circumcision, etc