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Explore the importance of repairing, renovating, and restoring traditional water bodies in India for irrigation, drinking water, tourism, and cultural needs. Learn about government interventions and successful pilot schemes.
“Repair Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies” Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Government of India
Need for RR&R • Water Body - a structure where water from ice-melt, streams, springs, rain or drainage of water from residential areas is accumulated or water is stored by diversion from a stream, nala or river. • In India, tanks/ponds and lakes have traditionally played an important role in conserving water for meeting various needs (i.e. drinking water, domestic uses, irrigation, tourism, cultural & religious etc) of the communities. • Traditionally called as Bhandaras, Khadin and Baolis, Vav or Vavdi, Ahar Pynes (Bihar) etc
Water bodies - Present Status As per 4thMinor Irrigation Census (2006-07) • Total number of water bodies - Over 5 lakh • Irrigation potential - 5.89 Million ha • Number of water bodies not in use- 0.80 lakh • Irrigation potential lost - 1.95 Million ha As per INDIA-WRIS Portal • No. of Water Bodies (Rural & Urban) – 7.989 lakh
Need for Govt. Intervention in Revival of Water Bodies Relative importance of some of these Water Bodies has waned due to: • Shifting away from community based tank system to individual beneficiary oriented ground water dependent system • Prolonged and continuous neglect of maintenance • Encroachments in the tank bund, foreshore, water-spread and supply channels • Deforestation in the catchment for urbanization & housing • Use of tank beds as dumping yards and thus silting of tank beds • Choking up feeder channels
Pilot Scheme for RRR of Water Bodies during X Plan Launched in January 2005 with objectives of Comprehensive improvement and restoration of water bodies including increasing tank storage capacity, Ground Water Recharge, Increased availability of drinking water, Improvement of catchment areas of tank commands, Development of tourism, cultural activities, etc. Funding Pattern: 3:1 (Centre : State) Outlay: Rs. 300 crore(225:75) • +++
Status of Pilot Scheme • No. of Water Bodies covered: 1098 • Work completed on water bodies: 1085 (13 dropped) • Grant released: Rs 197.30 crore • Potential restored 0.78 lakh ha(100%) • Independent evaluation done by WALMTRI, Hyd., CWRDM, Kerala, WTC, Bhubneshwar, NRSC, Hyd. Reports shown that the scheme has resulted in increase in storage capacity, increased utilization of water for irrigation, benefits of the scheme percolating to SC/ST families etc.
RRR of Water Bodies during XI Plan During XI Plan, Two scheme – One with Domestic support & other with External Assistance launched With Domestic Support • Outlay: Rs. 1250 crore • Funding Pattern: • Special Category States, Hilly States, Undivided KBK Districts of Odisha and drought prone/tribal/naxal affected areas : 90:10 (Centre : State) • Water bodies in other states/areas : 25:75 (Centre : State) • Physical & Financial Status • No. of water bodies taken up: 3341 • Total funds released during XI Plan: Rs 917.259 crore • Funds utilized: Rs 820.043 crore (till 31st Mar. ‘15) • Status of water bodies: Completed – 2501 • Potential Restored: 1.24 lakh ha Contd..
RRR of Water Bodies during XI Plan With External Assistance • Reason for external support: To cover more number of water bodies and expedite their completion in a mission mode by providing 100% funds in the context of Bharat Nirman Programme. • Outlay: Rs. 1500 crore • Funding Pattern: 75% of the loan taken by the Government of India from World Bank and passed on to concerned states on back to back basis and is to be re-paid by the State. The balance 25% of the cost of the project as loan is taken as liability by Government of India and passed on to the states as 100% grant for the projects. Four states signed agreement with World Bank for taking up 10887 nos. of water bodies (Tamil Nadu 5763 at Rs 2182 cr, A.P. 3000 at Rs 835 cr, Karnataka 1224 at Rs 269 cr, and Odisha 900 at Rs 448 cr) • Processing & disbursement of loan and Monitoring of the project was done by Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Min. of Finance.
Achievement of Earlier Schemes Pilot Scheme • Restoration of potential of 0.78 Lakh ha • Increase in storage capacity up to 83%including expansion of area benefitting from irrigation, command area development and catchment area treatment • Improvement in agricultural production/productivity • Improvement in socio economic condition of people • Community participation and self supporting system for sustainable management of water bodies • Capacity building of Panchayat, strengthening of WUAs, State and Central Government agencies --Contd.
Achievement of Earlier Schemes---Contd. XI Plan Scheme • Out of 3341 water bodies, 2501 completed. • 1.24 lakh ha of irrigation potential restored. Sixteenth Report of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Water Resources on ‘RRR of Water Bodies’, presented in Lok Sabha on 27.11.2012, commented that • The Scheme has given huge benefits and be extended in the 12th Plan • To take necessary steps to incentivize the States by enhancing the domestic and external assistance to 50% to all the States ---Contd.
Achievement of Earlier Schemes---Contd. • Working Group for Minor Irrigation and Watershed Management for XII Plan stressed that restoration of water bodies would require due attention in future in view of burgeoning gap in utilization. A target of 2.4 mHa was set for schemes for Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of water bodies in XII Plan and recommended an outlay of Rs 30,000 crore with 90% central assistance in special category states /areas and 50% central assistance in other states/areas
Scheme on RRR of Water Bodies for continuation during XII Plan • Scheme was approved by Union Government on 20.9.2013 • Detailed guidelines were circulated on 28.10.2013 • Modification on 03.07.2015 adding “Priority will be given to water bodies in villages covered under Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) subject to the conditions that the said water body qualifies for assistance with the other eligibility criteria”
Scheme on RRR of Water Bodies for continuation during XII Plan-Objectives • Comprehensive improvement and restoration of water bodies, thereby increasing tank storage capacity, • Ground Water Recharge, • Increased availability of drinking water, • Improvement in agriculture/horticulture productivity, • Improvement of catchment areas of water bodies commands, • Improved water use efficiency and conjunctive use of surface and ground water, • Community participation and self-supporting system • Capacity building of communities, in better water management, • Development of tourism, cultural activities, etc.
Scheme on RRR of Water Bodies for coninuation during XII Plan-Features • All public and community owned water bodies may be covered under the project. Private owned water bodies will not be covered. • Under the scheme, 10,000 Water Bodies would be covered - 9,000 water bodies would be in rural areas and 1,000 water bodies in urban areas. • The scheme will emphasize development of catchment area, de-siltation and command area development in respect of water bodies. • Participatory Management and Project Implementation with active involvement of stake holders. Contd…/-
Scheme on RRR of Water Bodies during XII Plan-Features (contd) • Association of NGOs with the organization of Water Users’ Association in the command areas may be encouraged. • The RR&R scheme in rural areas would be implemented in convergence with the Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) so that the catchment areas of the water body selected are located either in treated micro/mini watershed or those selected for treatment during the next year or two. The proposals of only those water bodies in which catchment area treatment works have started under IWMP would be included in the scheme of RR&R of water bodies. Contd…/- • Contd…/-
Scheme on RRR of Water Bodies during XII Plan-Features (contd) • It is envisaged that by restoring water bodies, CCA of 6.235 lakh ha would be recovered. • An outlay of Rs 10000 crore with Central share of Rs 6235 crore has been provided for XII Plan. • The works of RR&R of water bodies spilling over from XI Plan would be funded as per XI Plan guidelines. • State Governments will be required to enter into an MoU with the MoWR indicating estimated cost, benefits to be accrued viz potential to be restored, targeted storage after restoration, proposed ground water recharge, population benefitted from drinking water etc., year-wise phasing of expenditure along with the target date of completion. Contd…/-
Scheme on RRR of Water Bodies during XII Plan-Features (contd) • Cost at the time of inclusion of any new project in the scheme of RRR of water bodies will be frozen. No Revision of cost. • Time extension for maximum one year in case of Force Majeure, • Monitoring of the projects will be carried out by Central Water Commission. • Concurrent Evaluation by independent agencies like IIMs, IITs, etc., to be carried out by the respective State Governments. • Provision of funds @1.5% of the central share for strengthening of implementation mechanism, concurrent evaluation. • Impact assessment after completion of the scheme by MoWR, RD & GR
Eligibility Criteria for inclusion of Rural Water Bodies and Urban Water Bodies in XII Plan • Urban water bodies having water spread area from 2 hectares to 10 hectares • Rural water bodies having minimum water spread area of 5 hectares • DPR of water bodies to be approved by the State Advisory Technical Committee (TAC) which includes representative from Central Water Commission (CWC) and Central Ground Water Board as Members. • Water Bodies with Benefit-Cost Ratio of 1 for Special Category States/areas and more than 1 for Non-Special Category States would be eligible under the scheme.
Funding Pattern approved in XII Plan • Special Category States(North : 90:10 ( Centre : State) Eastern states, hilly states i.e. (same as in XI Plan) Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand and undivided Koraput, Bolangir & kalahandi (KBK) districts of Odisha as well as projects lying in desert prone area/drought prone area / tribal area / naxal affected area • Non-special Category States : 25: 75 ( Centre : State) (same as in XI Plan)
Release of funds • For projects receiving assistance upto 25% of project cost, 90% of GoI share of funds is to be released after release of atleast 50% state share. For projects receiving assistance higher than 25% of project cost, 50% GoI share is to be released after the State releases its full share. • Balance/2nd instalment of GoI share is to be released after obtaining Utilization Certificate of minimum of 50% of GoI funds released earlier. • Next year instalment is to be released after obtaining 100% Utilization Certificate of funds released in the previous years. • If the State Government fails to comply with the agreed date of completion, the grant component released will be treated as loan and recovered as per the usual term of recovery of the central loan.
Procedure for Submission of Proposals • Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) of the water bodies - to be prepared by WUA / Local Panchayat / a Government agency identified by DLIA. • DPRs – forwarded to District Level Implementation Agency (DLIA) for onward transmission to the State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA). • Proposals received by DLIA would be scrutinised, included in the District Plan and forwarded to State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) for putting up to State TAC. • After approval of the DPR by state TAC, DPRs submitted to the field office of Central Water Commission, which in turn will take further necessary action recommending to CWC (HQ) and MoWR, RD & GR for inclusion under the scheme and release of funds.
Present Status of Scheme in XII Plan • The Empowered Committee of MoWR, RD & GR, constituted for approval and inclusion of project under Scheme of RRR of water bodies, has approved 1057 water bodies of 8 states at an estimated cost of Rs. 830.6659 crore for inclusion under RRR till date. • A total grant amounting to Rs. 103.49 crore has been released to the states for taking up works on 898 water bodies in 4 states namely Odisha (760 water bodies), Meghalaya (9 water bodies), Manipur (4 water bodies) and Madhya Pradesh (125 water bodies) under RRR during 2014-15. Apart from that, an amount of Rs 105.406 crore has been released towards continuing schemes of XI Plan during XII Plan.
Latest Development • With the approval of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY), the Scheme of RRR of Water Bodies is now part of PMKSY. • The Scheme will be implemented in convergence with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) as part of PMKSY. • Guidelines of Scheme will be modified shortly. ----Contd.
Latest Development ---- Contd. • In a recent meeting under Adviser, MoWR, RD & GR, it has been recommended that: • Cluster of water bodies including cluster of rain water structures are eligible for inclusion under RRR scheme • Water bodies of 2 ha & above in rural area of hilly states will be eligible for inclusion under RRR scheme. • Both inclusion is subject to convergence with MNREGA for dissiltation works • Minor rivers/ rivulets/ springs of having water availability of minimum 2000 ha size can be taken under RRR scheme
Proposals received for the consideration of Empowered Committee of MOWR,RD&GR