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Strong is what happens when you run out of weak.

Strong is what happens when you run out of weak. TACO TUESDAY. • Breakfast Tacos: $1.50 • EVERY Tuesday 7:45 – 8:45 a.m. • Front Foyer -Bacon & Egg -Potato & Egg -Chorizo & Egg -Bean & Cheese. Christian Club Meeting Room 235 4:15 p.m. Contact: Mr. D. Kelly.

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Strong is what happens when you run out of weak.

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  1. Strong is what happens when you run out of weak.

  2. TACO TUESDAY • Breakfast Tacos: $1.50 • EVERY Tuesday 7:45 – 8:45 a.m. • Front Foyer -Bacon & Egg -Potato & Egg -Chorizo & Egg -Bean & Cheese

  3. Christian Club Meeting Room 235 4:15 p.m. Contact: Mr. D. Kelly May 21Rays of the Son

  4. May 21Softball • Banquet • Holiday Inn Emerald Beach • 6 p.m.

  5. TEXAN FOOTBALL Spring Game May 22 Buc Stadium 5:30 p.m.

  6. May 23Orchestra • Spring Concert • Wolf Recital Hall • Del Mar College • 7 to 8:30 p.m.

  7. May 24Awards Assemblies • Seniors @ 9:30 a.m. • Underclassmen @ 2:30 p.m. • Small Gym

  8. The deadline for turning in Dual Credit applications is June 6. Be sure to complete entrance testing ASAP, so you may submit paperwork on time. JUNIORS

  9. May 24Tex-Anns • Banquet • Retama Room • Del Mar College • 7:30 to 10 p.m.

  10. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$ Want a scholarship for Dual Credit enrollment fees? Apply no later than May 22. Get the application from Ms. Gasiorowski in the counselors’ office. JUNIORS

  11. Please take all letters offering scholarship and college admittance to CCRC (Room 132) to photocopy. You will be invited to reserved seating at the Senior Awards Assembly May 24. SENIORS


  13. PERFECT ATTENDANCE! Each week a student has PERFECT ATTENDANCE, his/her name goes into a drawing for AWESOME PRIZES! Better attendance = Better chances to WIN! BE HERE ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!

  14. Character First DISCRETION Recognizing and avoiding words, actions, and attitudes that could bring undesirable consequences

  15. May 25Orchestra • State Solo & Ensemble Competition • University of Texas – Austin • 7:30 to 5 p.m. • GOOD LUCK!

  16. Talent Show 2013 May 29 during Period 8 sponsored by Spanish Honor Society Sign up in Room 337 or CIS Room 211 If you have a talent, SHOW IT OFF!

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