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18 장 Data Transmission

18 장 Data Transmission. 2001.11.19 인공지능 연구실 홍 정 연. Contents. Executing a Data Transmission How can XML help? SOAP Transmission Over HTTP. Executing a Data Transmission. Agree on a Format Transport Routing Request-Response Processing. How can XML help?.

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18 장 Data Transmission

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  1. 18장 Data Transmission 2001.11.19 인공지능 연구실 홍 정 연

  2. Contents • Executing a Data Transmission • How can XML help? • SOAP • Transmission Over HTTP

  3. Executing a Data Transmission • Agree on a Format • Transport • Routing • Request-Response Processing

  4. How can XML help? • XML Documents are Self-Documenting • Element나 attribute의 이름이 contents를 표현 • 다른 document의 supporting없이 명확하게 문서를 표현

  5. <OrderData> <Invoice orderDate="10/17/2000" shipDate="10/20/2000"> <Customer name="Homer J. Simpson" address="742 Evergreen Terrace" city="Springfield" state="KY" postalCode="12345" /> <Part description="2 inch blue grommets" quantity="17" price="0.10" /> <Part description="3 inch red sprockets" quantity="11" price="0.15" /> </Invoice> <Invoice orderDate="10/21/2000" shipDate="10/25/2000"> <Customer name="Kevin B. Williams" address="744 Evergreen Terrace" city="Springfield" state="KY" postalCode="12345" /> <Part description="1.5 inch silver sprockets" quantity="9" price="0.25" /> <Part description="0.5 inch gold widgets" quantity="3" price="0.35" /> </Invoice> </OrderData> <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE OrderData [ <!ELEMENT OrderData (Invoice+)> <!ELEMENT Invoice (Customer, Part+)> <!ATTLIST Invoice orderDate CDATA #REQUIRED shipDate CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Customer EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Customer name CDATA #REQUIRED address CDATA #REQUIRED city CDATA #REQUIRED state CDATA #REQUIRED postalCode CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Part EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Part description CDATA #REQUIRED quantity CDATA #REQUIRED price CDATA #REQUIRED> ] >

  6. How can XML help? • XML Documents are Flexible • 현재 코드의 변형 없이 information을 추가 하는 것이 쉬움 <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE OrderData [ <!ELEMENT OrderData (Invoice+)> <!ELEMENT Invoice (Customer, Part+)> <!ATTLIST Invoice orderDate CDATA #REQUIRED shipDate CDATA #REQUIRED> shiplMethod (USPS | UPS | FedEx) #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT Customer EMPTY>

  7. How can XML help? • XML Documents are Normalized • XML Documents can Utilize Off-The-Shelf XML Tools • Off-the-shelf XML tools ; XML document의 creation, manipulation, processing에 적합

  8. How can XML help? • Routing and Requesting • 기존의 문서를 추가적인 parent element로 wrapping하여 문서가 어떻게 process되고 route되는지를 describe 할 수 있음  envelope <!ELEMENT OrderData (Invoice+)> <!ELEMENT Invoice (Customer, Part+)> <!ATTLIST Invoice orderDate CDATA #REQUIRED shipDate CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Customer EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Customer name CDATA #REQUIRED address CDATA #REQUIRED …..

  9. add some routing information <!ELEMENT OrderData (Invoice+)> <!ATTLIST OrderData userName CDATA #IMPLIED status (PleaseCall | FYI | PleaseFulfill | Fulfilled) #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT Invoice (Customer, Part+)> <!ATTLIST Invoice orderDate CDATA #REQUIRED shipDate CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Customer EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Customer name CDATA #REQUIRED ….. <OrderData> userName=“Ned Flanders” status=”FYI”> <Invoice orderDate="10/17/2000" shipDate="10/20/2000"> <Customer name="Homer J. Simpson" address="742 Evergreen Terrace“ …..

  10. request-response pairs * request <!ELEMENT OrderData (Invoice+)> <!ATTLIST OrderData userName CDATA #IMPLIED status (PleaseCall | FYI | PleaseFulfill | Fulfilled) #IMPLIED transactionID CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT Invoice (Customer, Part+)> <!ATTLIST Invoice orderDate CDATA #REQUIRED <OrderData> userName=“Ned Flanders” status=”FYI” transactionID=“101700A1B12”> <Invoice orderDate="10/17/2000" shipDate="10/20/2000"> <Customer name="Homer J. Simpson" address="742 Evergreen Terrace“ …..

  11. * Response <!ELEMENT OrderDataResponse EMPTY> <!ATTLIST OrderDataResponse status (Accepted | Errors | TooBusy ) #REQUIRED stateDetail CDATA #IMPLIED transactionID CDATA #REQUIRED> <OrderDataResponse statys=“Accepted” transactionID=“101700A1B12” /> <OrderDataResponse statys=“Errors” statusDetail=“Unknown customer.” transactionID=“101700A1B12” />

  12. SOAP • 웹상의 객체들을 액세스하기 위한 마이크로소프트의 프로토콜 • 이 프로토콜은 HTTP를 사용하여 인터넷에 텍스트 명령어를 보내기 위해 XML 구문을 씀 • SOAP은 COM, DCOM, 인터넷 익스플로러, 마이크로 소프트의 자바 이행등에서 지원됨 • Platform-independent component instantiation and remote procedure calls • Providing meta-information about a document in the form of an envelope. • Delivering XML documents over existing HTTP channels

  13. SOAP Envelope • HTTP를 이용하여 XML document를 전송하기 위해서는 SOAP envelope structure로 document를 encapsulate해야 함 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelop/”> <SOAP-ENV:Header> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

  14. SOAP Header <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelop/”> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <invoice:MessageStatus xmlns:invoice=“http://www.invoicesystem.com/soap”> <invoice:status>Resend</invoice:status> </invoic:MessageStatus> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> • client가 message를 handle하는데 additional processing information을 제공 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelop/”> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <invoice:MessageStatus xmlns:invoice=“http://www.invoicesystem.com/soap”> SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand=“1”> <invoice:status>Resend</invoice:status> </invoic:MessageStatus> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

  15. <Customer CustomerID="c1" name="Homer J. Simpson" address="742 Evergreen Terrace" city="Springfield" state="KY" postalCode="12345" /> <Part PartID="p1" name="grommets" size="3 in." color="blue" /> <Part PartID="p2" name="sprockets" size="2 in." color="red" /> <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <SOAP-ENV:faultcode>SOAP-ENV: Client.BusinessRule.NotFound </SOAP-ENV:faultcode> <SOAP-ENV:faultstring>The resent record was not found. </SOAP-ENV:faultstring> <SOAP-ENV:detail> <error:BusinessRule xmlns:error= "http://www.invoicesystem.com/soap"> <BusinessRule>ResendNotMatched</BusinessRule> <ErrorCode>1007</ErrorCode> </error:BusinessRule> </SOAP-ENV:detail> </SOAP-ENV:Fault> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> SOAP Body • contains the actual message <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <invoice:MessageStatus xmlns:invoice="http://www.invoicesystem.com/soap" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1"> <invoice:status>Resend</invoice:status> </invoice:MessageStatus> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <Invoice customerIDREF="c1" orderDate="10/17/2000" shipDate="10/20/2000"> <LineItem partIDREF="p1" quantity="17" price="0.15" /> <LineItem partIDREF="p2" quantity="13" price="0.25" /> </Invoice>

  16. SOAP Fault Element • Faultcode Element(1/2) • SOAP message를 parse할 때 일어나는 error를 가리킴 • versionMismatch : SOAP Envelop element에 맞는 namespace가 있는지 체크 • MustUnderstand :processor가 Messagestatus element를 어떻게 handle 해야 할 지 모르면 sender에게 error message를 return

  17. SOAP Fault Element • Faultcode Element(2/2) • Client : 잘못된 형태의 message나 적당하지 않은 information을 contain하고 있을 경우 • Server : message의 content에 접근할 수 없을 경우 <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <SOAP-ENV:faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Server.OutOfMemory</SOAP-ENV:faultcode> </SOAP-ENV:Fault>

  18. SOAP Fault Element • Faultstring Element • Error가 발생했을 때 human-readable description을 제공 <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <SOAP-ENV:faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Server.OutOfMemory</SOAP-ENV:faultcode> <SOAP-ENV:faultstring>Out of memory.</SOAP-ENV:faultstrng> </SOAP-ENV:Fault>

  19. SOAP Fault Element • Detail element • XML payload과정에서 발생하는 error를 describe <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <SOAP-ENV:faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client.BusinessRule.NotFound </SOAP-ENV:faulcode> <SOAP-ENV:faultstring>The resent record was not found. </SOAP-ENV:faultstring> <SOAP-ENV:detail> <error:BusinessRule xmlns:error=“http://www/invoicesystem.com/soap”> <BusinessRule>ResendNotMatched</BusinessRule> <ErrorCode>1007</ErrorCode> </error:BusinessRule> <SOAP-ENV:detail> </SOAP-ENV:Fault>

  20. Transmission Over HTTP • HTTP SOAP Request • SOAPAction • SOAP request를 위해 정의된 additional header field SOAPAction: “http://www.invoiceserver.com/soap/handler.exe#Invoice” SOAPAction: “ ” SOAPAction:

  21. Transmission Over HTTP POST / soap /Handler HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=“utf-8” Content-Length: nnnn SOAPAction: “ ” <SOAP-ENV: Envelope xmlns : SOAP-ENV=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”> <SOAP-ENV: Header> <invoice:MessageStatus xmlns:invoice=http://www.invoicesystem.com/soap SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand=“1”> <invoice:status>Resend</invoice:status> <invoice:MessageStatus> …..

  22. Transmission Over HTTP • HTTP SOAP Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=“utf-8” Content-Length: nnnn <SOAP-ENV:Envelope <SOAP-ENV:Body/> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

  23. Transmission Over HTTP • If the Handler resource doesn’t know how to handle the MessageStatus HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/xml; charset=“utf-8” Content-Length: nnnn <SOAP-ENV: Envelope xmlns : SOAP-ENV=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”> <SOAP-ENV: Body> <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:MustUnderstand</faultcode> <faultstring>MessageStatus header not recognized</faultstring> </SOAP-ENV:Fault> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

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