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Topics. The logic design process. Combinational logic networks. Functionality. Other requirements: Size. Power. Performance. Primary inputs. Primary outputs. Combinational logic. Non-functional requirements. Performance: Clock speed is generally a primary requirement. Size:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topics • The logic design process.

  2. Combinational logic networks • Functionality. • Other requirements: • Size. • Power. • Performance. Primary inputs Primary outputs Combinational logic

  3. Non-functional requirements • Performance: • Clock speed is generally a primary requirement. • Size: • Determines manufacturing cost. • Power/energy: • Energy related to battery life, power related to heat. • Many digital systems are power- or energy-limited.

  4. Mapping into an FPGA • Must choose the FPGA: • Capacity. • Pinout/package type. • Maximum speed.

  5. Hardware description languages • Structural description: • A connection of components. • Functional description: • A set of Boolean formulas, state transitions, etc. • Simulation description: • A program designed for simulation. • Major languages: • Verilog. • VHDL. A NAND x

  6. Logic optimization • Must transform Boolean expressions into a form that can be implemented. • Use available primitives (gates). • Meet delay, size, energy/power requirements. • Logic gates implement expressions. • Must rewrite logic to use the expressions provided by the logic gates. • Maintain functionality while meeting non-functional requirements.

  7. Macros • Larger modules designed to fit into a particular FPGA. • Hard macro includes placement. • Soft macro does not include placement.

  8. Physical design • Placement: • Place logic components into FPGA fabric. • Routing: • Choose connection paths through the fabric. • Configuration generation: • Generate bits required to configure FPGA.

  9. Example: parity • Simple parity function: • P = a0 XOR a1 XOR a2 XOR a3. • Implement with Xilinx ISE.

  10. Xilinx ISE main screen Sources in project Source window Processes for source Output

  11. New project

  12. New project info

  13. Create HDL file

  14. I/O description

  15. I/O info

  16. Empty Verilog description module parity(a,p); input [31:0] a; output p; endmodule

  17. Verilog with functional code module parity(a,p); input [31:0] a; output p; assign p = ^a; endmodule

  18. RTL schematic: top-level

  19. RTL model: implementation

  20. Example: simulation • Apply stimulus/test vectors. • Look at response/output vectors. • Can’t exhaustively simulate but we can exercise the module. • Simulation before synthesis is faster and easier than simulating the mapped design. • Sometimes want to simulate the mapped design.

  21. Testbench Stimulus Unit Under Test (UUT) Response testbench

  22. Automatically-created testbench module parity_testbench_v_tf(); // DATE: 11:48:13 11/07/2003 // MODULE: parity // DESIGN: parity // FILENAME: testbench.v // PROJECT: parity // VERSION: // Inputs reg [31:0] a; // Outputs wire p; // Bidirs // Instantiate the UUT parity uut ( .a(a), .p(p) ); // Initialize Inputs ‘ifdef auto_init initial begin a = 0; end ‘endif endmodule

  23. Test vector application code initial begin $monitor("a = %b, parity=%b\n",a,p); #10 a = 0; #10 a = 1; #10 a = 2’b10; #10 a = 2’b11; #10 a = 3’b100; #10 a = 3’b101; #10 a = 3’b110; #10 a = 3’b111; … #10 a = 1024; #10 a = 1025; #10 a = 16’b1010101010101010; #10 a = 17’b11010101010101010; #10 a = 17’b10010101010101010; #10 a = 32’b10101010101010101010101010101010; #10 a = 32’b11101010101010101010101010101010; #10 a = 32’b10101010101010101010101010101011; $finish; end

  24. Project summary

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