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Strategies for Conducting: Gap Analysis & Root Cause Analysis

Learn how to use a gap analysis to pinpoint focus areas in needs assessment, and implement root cause analysis effectively. Understand the importance and steps in these processes.

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Strategies for Conducting: Gap Analysis & Root Cause Analysis

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  1. Melissa BlossomAssistant Director Office of School Improvement Strategies for Conducting:Gap Analysis & Root Cause Analysis @EducateIN

  2. Objectives • Describe how to utilize a gap analysis to identify focus areas during a comprehensive needs assessment. • Illustrate strategies for conducting a root cause analysis during a comprehensive needs assessment. @EducateIN

  3. Connections to the CNA/SIP Template 2 3 1 Establish a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Planning Team Develop a Vision of Excellence Create a School Profile 4 5 Identify Focus Areas Collect Additional Data on Focus Areas 6 Analyze Data to Determine Key Findings and Root Causes @EducateIN

  4. Getting to the Gap Analysis 2 3 1 Establish a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Planning Team Develop a Vision of Excellence Create a School Profile @EducateIN

  5. Why Should You Use a Gap Analysis? 2 3 1 Establish a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Planning Team Develop a Vision of Excellence Create a School Profile 4 Identify Focus Areas @EducateIN

  6. Why Should You Use a Gap Analysis? Current State of the School Focus Areas: Key barriers to the desired state of the school. Desired State of the School @EducateIN

  7. Using a Gap Analysis to Identify Focus Areas @EducateIN

  8. Gap Analysis: Identify Focus Areas Focus Area: Professional Learning on Culturally Responsive Teaching @EducateIN

  9. Prioritizing Focus Areas @EducateIN

  10. Getting to the Root Cause Analysis 4 5 Identify Focus Areas Collect Additional Data on Focus Areas 6 Analyze Data to Determine Key Findings and Root Causes @EducateIN

  11. Why Use a Root Cause Analysis? Identify Focus Areas 5 Collect Additional Data on Focus Areas Analyze Data to Determine Key Findings and Root Causes 4 6 @EducateIN

  12. Conducting a Root Cause Analysis @EducateIN

  13. Conducting a Root Cause Analysis @EducateIN

  14. Conducting a Root Cause Analysis “10, 5, 5” Protocol Supporting Data @EducateIN

  15. Conducting a Root Cause Analysis “2 Circles” Protocol Circle of Concern Circle of Influence Covey, S. R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Free Press. @EducateIN

  16. Conducting a Root Cause Analysis “The 5 Whys” Protocol Example: We need to reprioritize professional development on culturally responsive teaching. Why? Potential root causes are responses to “Because…” @EducateIN

  17. For More Information If you have any questions about the information shared in this presentation, please contact: Melissa Blossom Assistant Director of School Improvement mblossom@doe.in.gov @MelissaABlossom @EducateIN

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