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Московский Гуманитарный Педагогический Институт

Московский Гуманитарный Педагогический Институт. ПРОЕКТ ПО ПАУПР Тема: “Fables Teach Us Good Lessons” Выполнили студентки гр.3505 Беспалденнова Над e жда Маевски Евгения Михеева Яна Хаирова Регина Харченко Мария Блинова Мария Руководители: А.Б. Гулиянц, С.Б. Гулиянц 2009.

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Московский Гуманитарный Педагогический Институт

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  1. Московский Гуманитарный Педагогический Институт ПРОЕКТ ПО ПАУПР Тема: “Fables Teach Us Good Lessons” Выполнили студентки гр.3505 Беспалденнова Надeжда Маевски Евгения Михеева Яна Хаирова Регина Харченко Мария Блинова Мария Руководители: А.Б. Гулиянц, С.Б. Гулиянц 2009

  2. Актуальность данной разработки заключается в том, что, с одной стороны, данные упражнения могут использоваться для введения и отработки нового материала при обучению по вышеназванному учебнику, а с другой стороны, при работе с другим любым пособием со сходным лексическим материалом.

  3. Целью нашего исследования стала разработка комплекса упражнений, которые помогли бы полнее и интересней представить данный материал.В связи с поставленной целью было необходимо выполнить следующие задачи:- практические: разработать комплекс упражнений, который можно будет использовать на уроках английского языка в школах и непрофильных ВУЗах. - воспитательные: приобщение учащихся к мировой художественной культуре.- развивающие: развитие умения сопоставительного анализа

  4. Объектом исследования стали картины российских и зарубежных авторов, отобранные по теме «Мифы и легенды». Предметом исследования является использование данных картин на уроках английского языка.

  5. Гипотеза исследования предполагает, что использование художественного материала на уроках английского языка способствует лучшему усвоению лексического и грамматического материала.

  6. William-Adolphe Bouguereau • William-Adolphe Bouguereau (November 30, 1825 – August 19, 1905) was a French academic painter. Bouguereau was a staunch traditionalist whose realistic genre paintings and mythological themes were modern interpretations of Classical subjects with a heavy emphasis on the female human body. Although he created an idealized world, his almost photo-realistic style was popular with rich art patrons. He was very famous in his time but today his subject matter and technique receive relatively little attention compared to the popularity of the Impressionists. • He created several pictures of Cupid.

  7. Cupid with a Butterfly is a full-length portrait of a baby who is sitting on the fountain against the dark background. We can see a great contrast between Cupid, his light skin and hair, white wings, golden arrows and the shabby fountain and the dark trees behind. The sitter is careless and seems happy, he is playing with a butterfly. The artist depicts the air of calmness and serenity. The picture itself is almost photo-realistic and it makes her unbelievable as we can see a young winged god in it. • In general, the picture is moving and lyrical, it’s an exquisite piece of painting. • Now the picture is in the Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross.

  8. Alionushka (1881) – a well-known picture by Vasnetsov, based on the fairy-tale “About Sister Alionushka and her Brother Ivanushka”. Vasnetsov himself said about the picture: “One common girl I met in Akhtyrka reminded me Alionushka, whose image had lived in my mind for years. Those girl stroke my imagination – her eyes were full of melancholy, loneliness, genuine Russian sadness – she had a special Russian air”. In the picture we can see a young girl sitting on the stone near the pond. She is dressed in black patterned sarafan, the background is very dark and obscure, there is a thick mixed wood. Black and dark-green predominate in the colour-scheme. In general, the picture is poetic in tone and atmosphere, but it’s really depressing. Vasnetsov depicts a real grief, desperation and sadness of a young girl, who is lost and abandoned. Now the picture is in the State Tretyakov Gallery

  9. Active words and phrases from Units 3 and 4: (лексические единицы уже отработаны и выучены) To imagine,imagination Usual / Unusual Fantastic Free Quiet Alone Lonely Curious To appear / To disappear Strange An interest To dream / A dream To pretend Magic Real, really To believe Make-believe To wait Silly / Wise To boast, boastful Naughty Work, to work Hardworking | Lazy Attentive Sad Slow / Fast Right / Wrong Pleased Ashamed / proud a fable a moral well-known famous to become to try to take place to remember / to forget to act suddenly Easy | difficult to decide Grammar: Say || tell Would like smth ||to do smth Past simple Past Continuous Tag questions Task and exercises based on Units 3 and 4 (English V – V.N. Bogoroditskaya, L.V. Khrustalyova) – “Fables teach us good lessons” ,“The World of Imagination”

  10. Proper names: Psyche /’saiki/ - Психея Cupid /’kju:pid/ - Купидон Venus /’vi:nes/ - Венера The Olymp – гора Олимп Alionushka Ivanushka Vasnetsov Bouguereau /bu3e’ro:/ In the picture – на картине Colorful - красочный Faded colors – поблекшие краски Myth - миф Tale - сказка According to – согласно, в соответствии с Jealous, jealousy – завистливый, зависть Wicked - злобный A kid - козлёночек Fall in | out of love – влюбиться / разлюбить Approve/u:/ - одобрять Misbehave – не послушаться Character /k/ - персонаж Pond - пруд God - бог Common - обыкновенный Forbid - запрещать Hide – прятать Turn into – превратиться в… Immortal - бессмертный Positive - положительный Negative - отрицательный In smb’s place – на месте кого-то Describe - описать Description - описание to be based on – быть основанным на… happy-end – счастливый конец Grammar: To make smb do smth To make smb feel … If I were….., I would…. New words, phrases and grammar constructions to be used at the lesson (частично знакомая лексика):

  11. Exercises: 1. Do you remember tag-questions? Answer these questions. Alionushka looks happy, doesn’t she? Ivanushka turned into a dog, didn’t he? Ivanushka didn’t drink water from the step, did he? Alionushka isn’t angry with her brother, is she? Ivanushka will come back, won’t he? 2. Make the tags: Cupid loved Psyche, __________? Psyche’s sisters were jealous, __________? Psyche couldn’t see Cupid’s face, ___________? Cupid is painted as a child, __________? Greek Gods live at the Olymp, ___________?

  12. 3. Put the verbs in the right form: Ivanushka (misbehave) and (drink) water from the step. Alionushka (cry) while Ivanushka (be) away from her. Alionushka (feel) very sad and (want) to find her brother. Alionushka (sit) near the pond while Ivanushka (run) somewhere. The witch (want) to kill Alionushka because she (be) jealous. 4. Fill in the gaps with active words. Cupid was _____________ and ____________. Venus was ____________ and _____________. Psyche was ____________ and _____________. Psyche’s sisters were ______________ and ____________. The myth is ____________ and _____________.

  13. 5. Match characters with their descriptions: 1 – Ivanushka A – Wicked 2 – Alionushka B – Kind 3 – Venus C – Silly 4 – Cupid D – Kurious 5 – Psyche E – Jealous 6 – Witch F - Lonely 6. True or false? If false, give the right answer. • Alionushka made her brother drink from the step. • Cupid fell in love with Psyche. • Ivanushka turned into a frog. • Psyche was ugly and jealous. • Venus lived at the Olymp. • The witch wanted to kill Ivanushka. • Cupid turned into a kid. • The Olymp is a forest.

  14. Tasks: • Make two lists of words: positive characteristics and negative ones. Use your active vocabulary. • Suggest as many adjectives to describe the main character as you can. • Describe one of the characters of the tale | myth using active words and phrases. • Can you suggest a moral for each of the stories?

  15. Discussion:(варианты вопросов и тем для обсуждения – на выбор учителя) • Look at the picture. Describe the picture. Do you like it? Why? • Tell about the picture: who is the author? When was it painted? What is it based on? • Try to guess, who is painted there. • What do you know about this character? How does he | she look? Why does he | she look so? • Do you know the Tale of Alionushka and her Brother Ivanushka? What is this tale about? Who are the main characters? Which characters are positive and which ones are negative? • Do you know the myth about Psyche and Cupid? What is it about? Who are the main characters? Which characters are positive and which ones are negative? • (Read the tale | the myth and retell it, using active words and phrases) • If you were an artist, what would you paint to illustrate this tale | myth? • If you were the main character of this tale | myth, what would you do in his place? • Can you continue the story the picture is based on? Suggest your own story based on the picture. • Both stories have happy-ends. Do you know other stories with happy-ends?

  16. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, (29 September 1571 – 18 July 1610) was an Italian artist active in Rome, Naples, Malta and Sicily between 1593 and 1610, considered the first great representative of the Baroque school of painting. Few artists in history have exercised as extraordinary an influence as this tempestuous and short-lived painter. Caravaggio was destined to turn a large part of European art away from the ideal viewpoint of the Renaissance to the concept that simple reality was of primary importance. He was one of the first to paint people as ordinary looking. • Medusa Gorgons Gorgons were three sisters Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. Only Medusa was mortal, two others were immortal. They had snakes on the heads instead of hair, and one look at their faces turned anyone into stone. Perseus, a Greek hero, with the help of gods killed sleeping Medusa and cut off her head, which nevertheless continued to be dangerous and turn into stone anyone who dared to look at it.

  17. Discussion: • Look at the picture (Medusa Gorgons) and describe it using the following words and phrases: unusual sad fantastic serious strange snakes on the heads instead of hair terrible expression • Do you like it? Why? • What do you know about this character? • Do you know the myth about Medusa Gorgons?

  18. Exercises: 1. Open the brackets using Past Indefinite Gorgons were three sisters Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. Only Medusa (to be) mortal, two others (to be) immortal. They (to have) snakes on the heads instead of hair, and one look at their faces (to turn) anyone into stone. Perseus, a Greek hero, with the help of gods (kill) sleeping Medusa and (to cut off) her head, which nevertheless continued to be dangerous and turn into stone anyone who dared to look at it. 2. True or false? • Gorgons were two sisters • Only Medusa was mortal • They had snakes instead of hands • One look at their faces turned anyone into tree • Perseus, a Roman hero, with the help of gods killed sleeping Medusa

  19. The Alkonost and Sirin; The Birds of Joy and Sorrow by Victor Vasnetsov

  20. The Alkonost and Sirin The Alkonost is a legendary bird in Slavic mythology. It has the body of a bird with the head and chest of a woman. The name Alkonost came from the name of Greek demi-goddess Alcyone transformed by gods into a kingfisher. The Alkonost reproduces by laying eggs on the sea-shore then putting them into the water. The sea is then calm for six or seven days at which point the eggs hatch, bringing a storm. For the Russian Orthodox Church Alkonost personifies God's will. She lives in paradise but goes into our world to deliver a message. Her voice is so sweet that anybody hearing it can forget everything. Unlike Sirin, another similar creature, she is not evil. Sirin is a mythological creature of Russian legends, with the head and chest of a beautiful woman and the body of a bird. These half-women half-birds are loosely based on the Greek stories about sirens. They sang beautiful songs to the saints, foretelling future joys. For mortals, however, the birds were dangerous. Men who heard them would forget everything on earth, follow them, and ultimately die. People would attempt to save themselves from Sirins by shooting cannons, ringing bells and making other loud noises to scare the bird off. to personify [pə:’sənifai]– олицетворять mortal[mə:tl]– смертный to deliver [di’livə’] – доставлять, передавать ultimately [‘лltimətli] – в конце концов loosely[‘lu:sili]– приблизительно cannon[‘kænən] - пушка

  21. Discussion: • Look at the picture. Describe it. • What do you know about this character? How do they look? Compare two characters, their appearance, emotions • Unusual Happy Kind • Sad Unreal Proud • Fantastic Magic • Free Strange • Quiet Lonely • Alone Lively • Lonely Serious • Do you know the myth about The Alkonost and Sirin? • Do you know some other stories with mythological characters?

  22. Exercises: • True or false? • The Alkonost is a legendary animal in Slavic mythology • The Alkonost reproduces by laying wings on the sea-shore then putting them into the water • It has the body of a bird with the head and chest of a woman • She lives in forest but goes into our world to deliver a message • Her voice is so bad that anybody hearing it can forget everything • Tag – questions • Sirin is a mythological creature of Russian legends, … ? • Sirin has the head and chest of a beautiful woman and the body of a bird, … ? • These half-women half-birds are based on the Greek stories about sirens, … ? • They sang beautiful songs to the saints, foretelling future joys, … ? • Men who heard them would forget everything on earth, • follow them, and ultimately die, … ?

  23. Diego Velazquez "The Fable of Arachne"

  24. Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (June 6, 1599 – August 6, 1660) was a Spanish painter who was the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV. He was an individualistic artist of the contemporary baroque period, important as a portrait artist. In addition to numerous renditions of scenes of historical and cultural significance, he painted scores of portraits of the Spanish royal family, other notable European figures and commoners. From the first quarter of the nineteenth century, Velázquez's artwork was a model for the realist and impressionist painters, in particular Édouard Manet. Since that time, more modern artists, including Spain's Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí, as well as the Anglo-Irish painter Francis Bacon, have paid tribute to Velázquez by recreating several of his most famous works.

  25. Arachne was a Lydian girl, who was famous for her great talent for weaving. She liked to boast that she was the best weaver in the world. All people in the town wanted to know, who had given Arachne her gift. They thought that it was Athena, a wise goddess of weaving. Athena, looking like an old lady, appeared in the town. She wanted to compete with Arachne in the art of weaving. Arachne agreed. She made a wonderful work and everyone thought that it was even better than Athena’s one. But the goddess decided that it was offensive for the gods of the Olympus mountain and punished Arachne. Arachne was turned into a spider for being boastful.

  26. Examples of the exercises: Add tags to the sentences: Arachne could weave well, …………………………? Athena can’t be right, …………………………..? Arachne can be nice when she wants, ……………………..? Athena couldn’t help Arachne, ……………………………..? Arachne could be more attentive to the goddess, …………………….? Athena can’t be famous for her silliness, …………………………? You can’t find such hardworking girls now,…………………….? The story could take place in Moscow,………………………….? Arachne can win easily, ……………………………? It could be a rather sad story, ……………………………………? Between or among? Arachne was the best ………………… all the girls. “They will choose ……………. you and me”- said Arachne. …………………….. the gods Athena is the wisest. “You are the most boastful girl …………………all I knew!” – said Athene. There was a competition …………………… her and Athena. Arachne is the silliest girl ………………………her friends.

  27. Imagine the dialogue between Arachne and Athena. Arrange the sentences in the correct order: - You are hardworking, but silly. Gods are not pleased with you! - You, boastful girl! - She can do nothing, she’s just a goddess. There are no gods! - Not even a bit! - You are wrong. Wise Athena did! - I’m right. I know it’s only my gift! - Who gave you this talent? - Nobody. It’s only mine. - I’m Athena. Aren’t you ashamed? What can be the moral of this story? Explain you choice. Don’t be boastful. Be ready to say that you are wrong. Be hardworking, and everybody will be pleased with you.

  28. Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (August 16, 1876 – February 7, 1942) was one of the most influential 20th-century illustrators and stage designers who took part in the Mir iskusstva and contributed to the Ballets Russes. Throughout his career, he was strongly inspired by Slavic folklore. Ivan Bilibin was born in a suburb of St. Petersburg. He studied first in 1898 at Anton Aschbe Art School in Munich, then under Ilya Repin in St. Peterburg. In 1902-1904 Bilibin traveled in the Russian North, where he became fascinated with old wooden architecture and Russian folklore. He published his findings in the monograph Folk Arts of the Russian North in 1904. Another major influence on his art was traditional Japanese prints. Bilibin gained renown in 1899, when he released his innovative illustrations of Russian fairy tales. During the Russian Revolution of 1905, he executed revolutionary cartoons. He was also the designer for the 1909 première production of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's The Golden Cockerel. The October Revolution, however, proved alien to him. After brief stints in Cairo and Alexandria, he settled in Paris in 1925. There he took to decorating private mansions and Orthodox churches. He still longed for his homeland and, after decorating the Soviet Embassy in 1936, he returned to Soviet Russia. He delivered lectures in the Soviet Academy of Arts until 1941. Bilibin died during the Siege of Leningrad. Ivan Bilibin "Ivan Tzarevich and the Firebird"

  29. Ivan Tsarevitch was the youngest son of a tsar. They lived in a beautiful palace and there were a lot of flowers and trees in the garden. And one tree the tsar liked most of all – a wonderful apple tree with golden apples. But every night a firebird came and stole apples from the tree. The tsar asked Ivan Tsarevitch to catch the bird. So, at night Ivan went to the garden. He saw the firebird and got its feather. The feather shone brightly and the tsar liked it very much. He wanted to get the bird and promised Ivan that he would give him all his country if he brings the bird. Tsarevitch made a long-long way and met a grey wolf, who showed him the way to the garden where the firebird lived. After a lot of dangers Ivan could get the firebird. He also met the love of all his life and married her!

  30. Examples of the exercises: Describe the picture using the word combinations: • make-believe • a fantastic world • magic wolf • unusual story • appeared in the garden • a silly tsar • suddenly got the firebird • proud of his son Fill in with “say” or “tell” in the correct form: • The tsar ………………his son to bring the firebird. • The tsar …………………that his son could get all his country • The wolf ……………………that he would kill Ivan’s horse. • The wolf ………………..that he wanted to help him. • Ivan Tsarevitch …………….. his father that he would get the bird.

  31. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel( 1856-1910) He is usually regarded as the greatest Russian painter of the Symbolist movement. In reality, he deliberately stood aloof from contemporary art trends, so that the origin of his unusual manner should be sought in the Late Byzantine and Early Renaissance painting.

  32. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel • Vrubel was born in the Omsk city (Siberia), in a military lawyer's family and graduated from the Law Faculty of St Petersburg University in 1880. Next year he entered the Imperial Academy of Arts, where he studied under direction of Pavel Tchistyakov. Even in his earliest works, he exhibited striking talent for drawing and highly idiosyncratic outlook. Although he still relished academic monumentality, he would later develop a penchant for fragmentary composition and "unfinished touch". • In 1884, he was summoned to replace the lost 12th-century murals and mosaics in the St. Cyril's Church of Kiev with the new ones. In order to execute this commission, he went to Venice to study the medieval Christian art. It was here that, in the words of an art historian, "his palette acquired new strong saturated tones resembling the iridescent play of precious stones". Most of his works painted in Venice have been lost, because the artist was more interested in creative process than in promoting his artwork. • In 1886, he returned to Kiev, where he submitted some monumental designs to the newly-built St Volodymir Cathedral. The jury, however, failed to appreciate the striking novelty of his works, and they were rejected. At that period, he executed some delightful illustrations for Hamlet and Anna Karenina which had little in common with his later dark meditations on the Demon and Prophet themes. • In 1905 he created the mosaics on the hotel "Metropol" in Moscow, the centre piece of the facade overlooking Teatralnaya Ploschad is taken by the mosaic panel, 'Princess Gryoza' (Princess of Dream).

  33. Swan Princess. 1900. Oil on canvas. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia • The Swan Princess (1900) is evasively and inexpressibly beautiful in her glimmering garments shining with mother-of-pearl and sparkling with precious stones. • The composition is so constructed as to give the impression of glancing into a fairy-tale world where a magic swan-maiden has just appeared and is about to disappear again, floating away towards a distant mysterious shore. The last beams of sunshine play on her snowy white feathers, producing a rainbow of colours. The maiden is turning, her delicate face looks sad, and there is a mysterious mixture of melancholy and loneliness in her eyes. The Swan Princess is one of Vrubel's most enticing and heartfelt feminine images.

  34. Fairy-tale about Tsar Saltan • The story is of three sisters, of whom the youngest is chosen by Tsar Saltan to be his wife, while he makes the other two his royal cook and royalweaver. They are jealous, of course, and when the tsarina gives birth to a son, Prince Gvidon, they arrange to have her and her child ordered to be shut up in a barrel and thrown into the sea. The sea itself takes pity on them, and they are cast up on the shore of an island, Buyan. The son, having quickly grown while in the barrel, goes hunting. However, he ends up saving a beautiful swan from a kite. The swan creates a city for Prince Gvidon to rule, but he is homesick, and the swan turns him into a mosquito. In this guise he visits Tsar Saltan's court, where he stings his aunt's eye and escapes. • Back in his distant realm, the swan gives Gvidon a magical squirrel. But he continues to pine for home, so the swan transforms him into a fly, and in the Tsar's court he stings the eye of his other aunt. In a third round he becomes a bee and stings the nose of his grandmother. In the end, he expresses a desire for a brideinstead of his old home, upon which the swan is revealed to be a beautiful princess, whom he marries. He is visited by the Tsar, who is overjoyed to find his wife and newly-married son. • Weaver [ ‘wi:və]- ткачиха • Bride [braid]- невеста • Guise [ gaiz ]- облик • Barrel [ bǽrəl ]- бочка • Realm [ relm]- королевство • Kite [ ΄kait ] - коршун • Homesick [ ‘həumsik]- тоскующий по дому • Mosquito [ mə΄ski:təu ]-москит, комар

  35. ExercisesDescribe the picture using such words and expressions as : • good at magic • kind • help • feel lonely • beautiful • appear • disappear • huge wings • unhappy • look strange • pretend • free • grace • wise • attentive

  36. Complete tag questions 1) The Swan princess can be good at magic,…….? 2) She helped Prince Gvidon,………..? 3) The Swan princess doesn’t feel lonely…………..? 4) She can be wise, ………..? 5)The swan creates a city for Prince Gvidon,……….? Open the brackets using The Past Simple. • The story (to be) about three sisters. Tsar Saltan ( to marry) the youngest of them. Later the tsarina (to give) birth to a son, Prince Gvidon. She and her son ( to be ) shut up in a barrel and thrown into the sea. Then they ( to find) themselves on the island. Her son (to grow). Later Prince Gvidon ( to meet) a swan. He ( to save) the swan from a kite. The swan ( to be) wise and good at magic. Then the swan ( to turn into ) a beautiful princess. And Prince Gvidon ( to marry) her.

  37. Ivan Tsarevich riding the Gray Wolf by Viktor Vasnetsov1889 The picture “ Ivan Zarevich on the Grey Wolf” was painted in 1889. It represents an episode from the Russian fairy-tale about Ivan Zarevich, a Fire-bird and a Grey Wolf. Trying to show beauty of the world of folk fantasy and folk ideas about beauty and happiness. Vasnetsov used symbolic meanings of images of the folk poetry. In this picture you can see huge trunks of trees which look like fantastic giants. Through these trees we can see the light of the daybreak. There is a bog with water-lilies which conceal danger. The characters are surrounded by the atmosphere of alarm and sorrow. They will have unhappiness and a day of parting. On the front background you can see an apple-tree which has bloomed. It symbolizes love which is able to make wonders. And it is a sign of the happy end in the fairy-tale.

  38. Answer the questions: • 1. Have you read the fairy-tale “Ivan Tsarevich, a Fire-bird and a Grey Wolf”? • 2. Do you know the plot of the fairy-tale? • 3. How does Ivan Tsarevich look like? • 4. How does Helen look like? Describe her. • 5. What is the wolf doing? Describe him. • 6. Where are these three characters situated? • 7. What kind of tree is next to them? • 8. Do you know what symbolizes a blooming tree in the picture? • 9. Is the wolf a positive character in the fairy-tale? Can you prove it? • 10. Does the fairy-tale have a happy end?

  39. Which characteristics refer to Ivan Tsarevich, Helen, a Grey Wolf • beautiful • run fast • wise • strong • look sad • try to save

  40. Grammar Practice Open the brackets using the Past Continuous. • While the two oldest sons ( to sleep) the fire-bird stole apples. • Ivan Tsarevitch ( to sit) under the apple tree when he saw a fire-bird. • While Ivan Tsarevich ( to catch) a fire-bird it flew away. • When Ivan ( to wait for) a fire-bird it didn’t return. • While he ( to try) to find a fire-bird his oldest brothers wanted to prevent Ivan from finding it.

  41. IVAN NIKOLAYEVICH KRAMSKOY (1837-1887) • The best and brightest period in the development of Russian art is closely connected with the name of Kramskoy. He is known not only as a talented artist but an outstanding art critic and public figure as well. • I.N. Kramskoy was born in 1837 in Voronezh Gubernia. His parents were poor and he had to start earning his living very early. On arriving in St. Petersburg in 1857, he was soon admitted to the Academy of Arts. While studying in the Academy he was against the teaching methods of arts and headed a group of fourteen students who refused to paint pictures on traditional themes proposed by their teachers. Later on he became an organizer of the Association of Travelling Artists (Peredvizhniki). • Kramskoy created many great paintings which are an important part of Russian art. His excellent canvases such as "The Stranger," "Christ in the Desert," "Mermaids" are among the best treasures of Russian culture. • Kramskoy is also known for his portraits of his famous contemporaries: writers, poets, painters and actors. As a portrait painter Kramskoy shows a great ability of understanding and revealing the inner world of his models. He is a great master of realistic and psychological portraits.

  42. MermaidsMermaids are the fantastic creatures of the famous novel “the night of May” by Gogol. It was painted in 1871. The main character of this novel Levko saw them in his dream. Kramskoy painted them from imagination. Besides he developed his own style of painting-so all his works are shining inside. This piece of art is distinguished by a marvelous sense of color and composition.

  43. Exercises: Ex.1. Answer the following questions: • 1. What is the name of Kramskoy connected with? • 2. When was he born? • 3. Why did he have to start earning his living very early? • 4. Where did he study? • 5. What did Kramskoy and his supporters demand from their teachers? • 6. What association did he organize? • 7. What were his most famous pictures? • 8. Why was he so important as a portrait painter? • 9.What is your favourite picture by Kramskoy? Why? • 10. Who is the main character of “The night of May”? Ex. 2. Explain the meaning of the prefixes in the following words: • unthinkable; unusual; unknown; useless; shapeless; disproportion; impossible.

  44. Ex. 3. Match suitable adjectives from A to the nouns in B: A B General details Brilliant handling Sharp sketches Incomplete outlines Careful pictures Infinite gradation of tone Perfect execution Masterful colourist effect • Ex. 4. Translate: • —  Я знаю, что вчера вы были в картинной галерее. Вы получили удовольствие? • —  Certainly. I enjoyed every minute of my stay there. • —  Что вам больше всего понравилось? • —  It is hard to say. There are so many pictures in the gallery that it is impossible to answer your question. • —  Я думаю, что в такую картинную галерею надо пойти несколько раз. Высогласнысомной? • —  Of course. I am going to the gallery tomorrow. I want to see the canvases of Russian avant-garde art once more. • —   Можно к вам присоединиться? • I'll be happy if you join me.

  45. Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865-1911) • Serov was born in St. Petersburg, son of the Russian composer Alexander Serov. In his childhood the future artist was steeped in an artistic atmosphere: not only musicians, but also artists such as Mark Antokolsky and Ilya Repin were visitors to the house, and Alexander Serov himself was an ardent amateur artist. In his childhood he studied in Paris and Moscow under Ilya Repin and in the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1880–1885) under Pavel Chistyakov. • The greatest works of Serov's early period were portraits: The Girl with Peaches (1887), and The Girl Covered by the Sun (1888), both in the Tretyakov Gallery. • From 1890 on, the portrait became the basic genre in Serov's art. The last years of Serov's life were marked by works on themes from classical mythology. While addressing images from the ancient tradition, Serov endowed classical subject matter with a personal interpretation. • In May 1907 Serov went to Greece, which impressed his very much. He admired the old monuments, temples and thief sizes. He tried to create the characters of the legend myth, the beauty of the history of Ellada. The artist created The Rape of Europe in 1910. It was made by means of oil on canvas. But as for me I don’t really like it. To my mind we can’t even compare it with “The girl with the peaches”.

  46. The Rape of Europe • According to the myth Europa was daughter of a king; Zeus saw her when she was playing with her companions on the beach at Sidon. He was filled with love for her beauty and transformed himself into a gorgeous bull. In this form he lay down at Europa’s feet. After she had overcome her fright, she caressed the bull and even sat upon its back. The bull immediately rose to his feet, made for the sea, and swam away. They reached Crete. Europa had three sons by Zeus: Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthys.

  47. Exercises: Ex.1. Find and read the words before the text: • composer [kəm'pəυzə] композитор •  genre ['ʒɒnrə] жанр; манера, стиль •  theme [θi:m] тема, предмет (разговора,сочинения) •  ancient ['eɪnʃǝnt] древний; старинный, старый; • endow [ɪn'daυ] обеспечивать постоянным доходом; завещать • rape [reɪp] поэт. похищение; • impress производить впечатление • childhood ['tʃaɪldhυd] детство; • companion [kəm'pænjən] товарищ; •  gorgeous ['ɡɔ:dʒəs] ярко расцвеченный •  immediately [ɪ'mi:dɪətlɪ] немедленно, тотчас же

  48. Ex. 2 Answer the questions: 1.      When and where was V.A. Serov born? 2.      What was his father? 3.      In what atmosphere was V. Serov steeped in his childhood? 4.      Who were the famous artists visited his house? 5.      Who were his teachers? 6.      What were the greatest works of Serov's early period? 7. To which country did Serov go in May 1907? 8. Who was Europe according to the myth? • Do you know who of Europe’s son ruled Crete? Ex. 3 Describe the self-portrait of Serov

  49. Ex. 4 Say as many sentences as you can, using the following substitution pattern: • GainsboroughW. is an outstanding a painter of nature • HogarthRembrandtI. a brilliant pastoral picture • RepinV. SerovI. a prominent landscape • LevitanI. a famous sea-scape • ShishkinK. a well-known aristocracy • Bruyllov a wonderful genre scenes • Morland the great battle scenes • Aivasovski portraits

  50. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot(July 17, 1796– February 22, 1875) • Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot was born in Paris in 1796. • Camille Corot was a French landscape painter. • He preferred to paint out of doors. "… he was born a traveler who was  always on the move." • At the same time he produced large historical paintings, but it was his landscapes that brought him fame and are best remembered. • His manner of painting was full of mystery and poetry. White, added liberally to all his colors, gives the pictures a silvery look. His landscapes had an influence on the Impressionists and built his reputation in the eyes of the general public. • He died in Paris on February 22, 1875, at the age of 79.

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