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Learn classroom objects in Japanese with vocabulary, expressions, and interactive activities for language practice. Practice speaking, writing, and engaging in fun classroom object games in Japanese.
ASKING FOR CLASSROOM objectS ~かして ~kashite Lend me ~
classroom OBJECTs • Pencil? • Pen? • Eraser? • Ruler? • Pencil case? • Glue? • Notebook? • Scissors? • Book? How many classroom objects can you remember? Write as many as in Japanese as you can in 2 minutes.
きょうしつ の もの • じょぅぎ jougi ruler • えんぴつ empitsu pencil • けしごむ keshigomu eraser • ふでばこ fudebako pencil case • ペン pen pen • ノート nooto notebook • はさみ hasami scissors • のり nori glue • ほん hon book (novel) Check your answers. Write down the kana for 3 to 5 of the words. Write each word out 3 times using look, say, cover, write, check.
LEND ME YOUR…~かして~KASHITE えんぷつ かして。 Empitsu kashite. Lend me your pencil. えんぴつ を かして ください。 Empitsu o kashite kudasai. Lend me your pencil please. This is informal language. Used between students. This is formal language. Used when talking to a teacher or adult. Copy these examples and write your own 3 examples.
POSSIBLE RESPONSES… いいえ。はい どうぞ。 Iie. Hai douzo. No. Sure, take it. ありがとう。どうも。 Arigatou. Doumo. Thank you. Thanks. Write down these possible responses.
OTHER QUESTIONS… トイレ に いって も いい です か。 Toire ni itte mo ii desu ka. May I please go to the toilet? みず を のんで も いい です か。 Mizu o nonde mo ii desu ka. May I have a drink of water? Write down these examples as well.
はなしましょう! • Find a partner. Practice speaking in Japanese. Ask each other for classroom objects. • If you can think of other classroom objects that we haven’t included in our vocabulary list, look them up in the dictionary. For example, pencil sharpener, sticky tape, hat, handball, etc.
ゲーム を しましょう! • Form two teams. • A volunteer will come to the front of the class. A new volunteer will be appointed occasionally. This person will ask for an object in Japanese. Example: ぺん を かして。 Pen o kashite. • The first person in the class to hold the object above their head gets a point for their team. • The team with the most points at the end is the winner!