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Salesforce CRM for Online Retail Features & Benefits-converted

Salesforce CRM that aims to bridge the gap between companies and customers with its amazing features. Let us go over a few core features and find out how they add benefit to your cause.1.Intelligent Advertising, 2. Personal Journeys,3. Unified Commerce, 4. Delivering on All Channels

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Salesforce CRM for Online Retail Features & Benefits-converted

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  1. Salesforce CRM for Online Retail: Features &Benefits


  3. IntelligentAdvertising Sales follow when you push your product/service out into the world. Without good advertising, countless prospects won’t even know about your product. Today, there are many channels to advertise a product. Salesforce Advertisement Studio uses Intelligent Advertising to take huge strides inthis. Itusesthedatacollectedbytheotherclouds(likemarketing & sales cloud) to build targeted advertising strategies. Atits best,itcanproducenewleads,nurturethecurrentonesand turncoldleadshot.Bystudyingthedata,youpushtheright products to the right customer at the right time. Overall, Salesforce CRM supports you in making customer-focused strategies.

  4. PersonalJourneys There is a myth that email marketing is dead, but a whopping 4 billion email users worldwide in 2021 (according to statista.com) says otherwise. Salesforce realised its importance and launched support for its email studio in 2016. The Salesforce email studio personalises the journey for each customer. Creating targeted content is extremely easy with the email studio. It allows you to customize email templates and manage leads by tracking subscribers, non-subscribers & other customer actions. You can study crucial information like clicks and email open rates to improve your marketing strategy.

  5. UnifiedCommerce Besidesallthenitty-gritty,youronlinestoremustbeconsistent across all devices. Salesforce makes that possible with its omnichannel order management capabilities, making shoppingseamlessacrossmobile,webandsocialstores. You have access to easy features such as drag and drop to make a lucrative store with the Commerce cloud. This unified frontisfueledwithEinsteinanalyticsthatusesAItotakeyoua step ahead. It handles large, complex data and helps to get a better understanding of product sales, customer behaviour, organization’s performance,etc.

  6. Delivering on AllChannels Be it a query or a complaint, many companies put the customer through a waiting block until their representative is available. Live Message of Salesforce puts a stop to this by interactingwiththecustomerontheirpreferredchannel. Currently, you can use SMS, Apple Business Chat and Facebook Messenger, but this will soon include WeChat and WhatsApp. Chatbots are there to automate a few routine questions so that your agent doesn’t start with a blank sheet oftheproblem.What’sbetteristhatasingleagentcanhandle multiple chatssimultaneously.

  7. No More TimeWastage In a world where time is of the essence, Salesforce services try to reduce manual work & time wastage. It breaks down the walls between teams working in the same organization by providing a holisticviewofacustomer’sdata.One-clickletsanyoneaccessthe same,andallchangesupdateinreal-time. Benefits Boost inRevenue ThecombinationofalltheservicesofSalesforcegivesaboost tothebusiness.Improvedcustomerexperiencemotivatesthem toshopwithyouandeventuallybecomeregularcustomers. Manyofthemwillbringinmorecustomersthroughreferences. On your end, it gives you fresh leads. Not just that, it lets you knowthebesttimetocontactaprospecttoconvertthemintoa customer.

  8. Conclusion ByinvestinginSalesforce,youwilljoinagrowingfamily of over 150,000 businessesglobally. Are you looking to unlock your company’s full potential? OurSalesforceConsultingServicesatAtoCloudcanhelp you- Implement a new Salesforce Solution MigratefromyourexistingCRMtoSalesforce Enhance your ExistingSolution

  9. ContactUs +919953170767 0129-4032277 contact@Atocloud.com

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