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Bunch compressors. ILC Accelerator School May 20 2006 Eun-San Kim Kyungpook National University Korea. Locations of bunch compressors in ILC. BCs locates between e - (e + ) damping rings and main linacs, and make bunch length reduce from 6 mm rms to 0.15 mm rms.
Bunch compressors ILC Accelerator School May 20 2006 Eun-San Kim Kyungpook National University Korea
Locations of bunch compressors in ILC • BCs locates between e- (e+) damping rings and main linacs, and • make bunch length reduce from 6 mm rms to 0.15 mm rms. 1st stage ILC : 500 GeV 2nd stage ILC : 1 TeV - extension of main linac - moving of SR and BC
Why we need bunch compressors • Beams in damping rings has bunch length of 6 mm rms. - Such beams with long bunch length tend to reduce effects of beam instabilities in damping rings. - Thus, beams are compressed after the damping rings. • Main linac and IP in ILC require very short beams: - to prevent large energy spread in the linac due to the curvature of the rf. - to reduce the disruption parameter ( ~ sz) : (ratio of bunch length to strength of mutual focusing between colliding beams) • Thus, bunches between DRs and main linacs are shortened. - Required bunch length in ILC is 0.15 mm rms.
Main issues in bunch compressors • How can we produce such a beam with short bunch length? • How can we keep low emittance (ex/ey= 8mm / 20nm) and high charge (~3.2 nC) of the e- and e+ beams in bunch compression? • How large is the effects of incoherent and coherent synchrotron radiation in bunch compression?
How to do bunch compression • Beam compression can be achieved: (1) by introducing an energy-position correlation along the bunch with an RF section at zero-crossing of voltage (2) and passing beam through a region where path length isenergy dependent : this is generated by bending magnets to create dispersive regions. DE/E -z Tail (advance) lower energy trajectory Head (delay) center energy trajectory higher energy trajectory • To compress a bunch longitudinally, trajectory in dispersive region must be • shorter for tail of the bunch than it is for the head.
Consideration factors in bunch compressor design • The compressor must reduce bunch from damping ring to appropriate size with acceptable emittance growth. • The system may perform a 90 degree longitudinal phase space rotation so that damping ring extracted phase errors do not translate into linac phase errors which can produce large final beam energy deviations. • The system should include tuning elements for corrections. • The compressor should be as short and error tolerant as possible.
Beam parameters in bunch compressors for ILC • beam energy : 5 GeV • rms initial horizontal emittance : 8 mm • rms initial vertical emittance : 20 nm • rms initial bunch length : 6 mm • rms final bunch length : 0.15 mm • compression ratio : 40 • rms initial energy spread : 0.15 % • charge / bunch : 3.2 nC (N=2x1010)
Different types of bunch compressor Chicane Double chicane Chicanes as a Wiggler Arc as a FODO-compressor
Different types of bunch compressor • Chicane : Simplest type with a 4-bending magnets for bunch compression. • Double chicane : Second chicane is weaker to compress higher charge density in order to minimize emittance growth due to synchrotron radiation. • Wiggler type : This type can be used when a large R56 is required, as in linear collider. It is also possible to locate quadrupole magnets between dipoles where dispersion passes through zero, allowing continuous focusing across the long systems. • Arc type : R56 can be adjusted by varying betatron phase advance per cell. The systems introduce large beamline geometry and need many well aligned components.
Path length in chicane • A path length difference for particles with a relative energy deviationd is given by: • Dz = hd = R56d + T566 d2 + U5666d3…… • h : longitudinal dispersion • d : relative energy deviation (= DE/E) • R56 : linear longitudinal dispersion • (leading term for bunch compression) • T566 : second - order longitudinal dispersion • U5666 : third - order longitudinal dispersion
Longitudinal particle motion in bunch compressor • Longitudinal coordinates z : longitudinal position of a particle with respect to bunch center • Positive z means that particle is ahead of reference particle (z=0). • d : relative energy deviation • When a beam passes through a RF cavity on the zero crossing • of the voltage (i.e. without acceleration, frf= p/2) krf = 2p frf/c
Longitudinal particle motion in bunch compressor • When reference particle crosses at some frf, reference energy of the beam is changed from Eo to E1. Initial (Ei) and final (Ef) energies of a given particle are Then,
Longitudinal particle motion in bunch compressor To first order in eVrf/Eo << 1, In a linear approximation for RF,
Longitudinal particle motion in bunch compressor In a wiggler (or chicane), In a linear approximation R56 >> T566d1, Total transformation For frf= p/2, R66=1, the transformation matrix is sympletic, which means that longitudinal emittance is a conserved quantitiy.
A simple case of4-bending magnet chicane • Zeuthen Chicane : a benchmark layout used for CSR calculation comparisons at 2002 ICFA beam dynamics workshop B2 B3 qo B1 B4 DL LB DL DLc LB • Bend magnet length : LB = 0.5m • Drift length B1-B2 and B3-B4(projected) : DL = 5 m • Drift length B2-B3 : DLc = 1 m • Bend radius : r = 10.3 m • Effective total chicane length : (LT-DLc) = 12 m • Bending angle : qo = 2.77 deg Bunch charge : q = 1nC • Momentum compaction : R56 = -25 mm Electron energy : E = 5 GeV • 2nd order momentum compaction : T566 = 38 mm Initial bunch length : 0.2 mm • Total projected length of chicane : LT = 13 m Final bunch length : 0.02 mm
Relations among R56, T566 and U5666 in Chicane q b a a If a particle at reference energy is bent by qo, a particle with relative energy error d is bent by q = qo/ (1+d). Path length from first to final bending magnets is
Relations among R56, T566 and U5666 in Chicane Difference in path length due to relative energy error is By performing a Taylor expansion about d = 0 For large d, d2 and d3 terms may cause non-linear deformations of the phase space during compression.
Momentum compaction • The momentum compaction R56 of a chicane made up of rectangular bend magnets is negative (for bunch head at z<0). • The required R56 is determined from the desired compression, energy spread and rf phase. First-order path length dependence is • From the conservation of longitudinal emittance, final bunch lengthis
RF phase angle • Energy-position correlation from an rf section is • In general case that beam passes through RF away zero- crossing of voltage, that is R66 = 1, there is some damping (or antidamping) of the longitudinal phase space, associated with acceleration (or deceleration).
Synchrotron Radiation • Incoherent synchrotron radiation (ISR) is the result of individual electrons that randomly emit photons. Radiation power P ~ N (N : number of electrons in a bunch) • Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is produced when a group of electrons collectively emit photons in phase. This can occur when bunch length is shorter than radiation wavelength. Radiation power P ~ N2 • ISR and CSR may increase beam emittance in bunch compressors with shorter bunch length than the damping rings.
Coherent synchrotron radiation • Opposite to the well known collective effects where the wake-fields produced by head particles act on the particles behind, radiation fields generated at tail overtake the head of the bunch when bunch moves along a curved trajectory. • CSR longitudinal wake function is lr sz Lo R Coherent radiation forlr > sz q R=Lo/q Overtaking length : Lo (24 sz R2)1/3
Coherent synchrotron radiation • CSR-induced relative energy spread per dipole for a Gaussian bunch is • This is valid for a dipole magnet where radiation shielding of a conducting vacuum chamber is not significant, that is, for a full vacuum chamber height h which satisfies h (psz√R)2/3 hc. • Typically the value of h required to shield CSR effects (to cutoff low frequency components of the radiated field) is too small to allow an adequate beam aperture (for R 2.5 m, h « 10 mm will shield a 190 mm bunch.) • With very small apertures, resistive wakefields can also generate emittance dilution.
Incoherent Synchrotron Radiation When an electron emits a photon of energy u, the change in the betatron action is given by H=bxh'2+2axhh'+gxh2 • Transverse emittance growth is • Increase of energy spread is • The increase in energy spread is given by: • Beamenergy loss is Cq=3.84x10-13m
Bunch compressors for ILC • Two-stages of bunch compression were adopted to achieve σz = 0.15 mm. • Compared to single-stage BC, two-stage system provides reduced emittance growth. • The two-stage BC is used : (1) to limit the maximum energy spread in the beam (2) to get large transverse tolerances (3) to reduce coherent synchrotron radiation that is produced
Designed types of bunch compressors for ILC • A wiggler type that has a wiggler section made up of 12 periods each with 8 bending magnets and 2 quadrupoles at each zero crossing of the dispersion function : baseline design (SLAC) • A chicane type that produces necessary momentum compaction with a chicane made of 4 bending magnets :alternative design (E.-S. Kim)
Baseline design for ILC BC A wiggler based on a chicane between each pair of quadrupoles Each chicane contains 8 bend magnets (12 chicanes total).
Baseline design for ILC BC BC2 RF BC1 RF BC1 Wiggler BC1 Wiggler
Baseline design for ILC BC • First stage BC - contains 24 9-cell RF cavities arranged in 3 cryomodules. - Because the bunch is long, relatively strong focusing is used to limit emittance growth from transverse wakefields. • Second stage BC - contains 456 9-cell RF cavities arranged in 57 cryomodules. - A wiggler has optics identical to the wiggler in the first BC, but with weaker wiggler.
Alternative design for ILC BC Main linac Matching Chicane 1 Quadrupoles Chicane 2 RF section
Summary • Compared to single-stage BC, two-stage BC system provides reduced emittance growth at σz = 0.15 mm. • Two stage system can be tuned to ease transverse tolerances. • Two stage system is longer than one-stage system. • A shorter 2-stage may be also possible.
Problems • Show that emittance growth and increase of energy spread due to incoherent synchrotron radiation are given by 1) 2)