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Outline. NASA Innovation and Technology InitiativeNASA Office of the Chief TechnologistSpace Technology Program. 2. NASA Innovation Initiative Goals*. Revitalize NASA as a preeminent R
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2. Outline
NASA Innovation and Technology Initiative
NASA Office of the Chief Technologist
Space Technology Program 2
3. NASA Innovation Initiative Goals* Revitalize NASA as a preeminent R&D organization through significant investment in longer term technical or process innovations
Encourage innovative application of NASA capabilities to address broader national needs such as energy, weather and climate, Earth science, health and wellness, national security, and STEM education
Stimulate a vibrant commercial space sector through helping to create new types of engagement, creation of new markets, and investments in future technologies
Generate excitement about NASA’s work by investing in a large number of highly creative activities with potential for disruptive breakthroughs
Provide exciting hands-on work for students and new employees 3
4. Attributes of a Reinvigorated Innovation and Technology Program ISS Utilization Extended, likely to 2020 or beyond*
Implement priorities of Life and Physical Sciences community
Fully utilize ISS as a test bed for exploration, science and technology advances
Fundamental and applied research to improve crew health and performance for long-duration missions and development of countermeasures for microgravity effects
Promote the use of ISS as a National Laboratory by a variety of government and non-government organizations for the conduct of research across an array of science and engineering disciplines, some of which is anticipated to have terrestrial applications.
Early Stage Innovation and Game-Changing Technology
An emphasis on non-mission-focused innovation and technology development
Expanded Commercial Sector Engagement
NACA-like approach to developing investment strategy and partnerships to open long-term commercial markets
NASA Innovation Applied to Broader National Needs
Leverage NASA capabilities and technology for applications in energy, weather and climate, Earth science, health and wellness, and National security
Technology Innovation for Flexible Human Exploration Capabilities*
Provide critical capabilities needed to implement various options examined by the Augustine Committee to extend human presence beyond low Earth orbit
Precursor Demonstrations and Flight Testing*
Demonstrate prototype systems and key capabilities on international robotic missions to reduce risk for future human exploration and more ambitious science missions 4
5. Why Invest in Technology & Innovation? Many positive outcomes are likely from a long-term NASA advanced concepts& broad technology development program with mission-focused, crosscutting, game-changing and early-stage innovation components.
A more vital and productive aeronautics and space future than our country has today
A means to focus NASA intellectual capital on significant national needs
A spark to a technology-based economy
An international symbol of our country’s scientific and technological leadership
A motivation for many of the country’s best young minds to pursue educational programs and careers in engineering and science
While these efforts are high risk and not all will succeed, when taken in total, the benefits will be significant for NASA and the Nation.
Individual project failure must be acceptable for innovation to flourish
We must develop a program that extracts knowledge even in cases of failure
Consider the following three examples:
Mars Pathfinder
Orion Thermal Protection System development
Human Mars exploration
6. Mars Pathfinder Initiated in 1992, Mars Pathfinder (MPF) was essentially a $250M experiment in innovation made possible by Wes Huntress (AA) and Tony Spear (JPL PM).
Key technology innovation was integration of airbag technology (initially put forward by the Russians) with Viking-era systems.
In addition to science and technology objectives, the MPF innovation accomplished the following Game-changers:
Established surface mobility and ground truth as important exploration principles
Groundswell and experience for a new generation of Mars scientists and engineers
Re-engaged public with Mars as a destination worthy of exploration
Creation of Mars program and establishment of Mars program budget line
Led to a wide spectrum of NASA better, faster, cheaper missions 6
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9. Orion TPS Advanced Development Project (ADP) The Orion Thermal Protection System (TPS) ADP was a three year $150 M effort to develop ablative TPS materials options for the Orion crew capsule
The ADP was motivated by the absence of ablative TPS material solutions to protect Orion for atmospheric re-entry
The TPS ADP pursued a competitive phased development strategy with succeeding rounds of development, testing and down selections
Stimulating the commercial market, the Project raised the technology readiness level (TRL) of 8 different TPS materials from 5 different commercial vendors, eventual down selecting to a single material system for the Orion heat shield
In addition to providing a heat shield material and design for Orion on time and on budget, the Project accomplished the following:
Re-invigorated a TPS industry that was in danger of collapse
Re-established a NASA competency able to respond to future TPS needs
Identified a potentially catastrophic problem with the planned MSL heat shield, and remedied the problem by providing a viable, high TRL alternate heat shield material and design option within stringent schedule constraints (Game-changing)
Transferred mature heat shield material and design options to the commercial space industry, including TPS solution for the SpaceX Dragon capsule (NACA-like) with implications for a wide variety of customers 9
10. Direct Results of the Orion TPS ADP 10
11. The Value of Technology InvestmentsMars Mission Example 11 Without technology investments, the mass required to initiate a human Mars mission in LEO is approximately eight times the mass of the International Space Station
Technology investments of the type proposed in the FY 2011 budget are required to put such a mission within reach
12. 11/13/09
13. Office of Chief TechnologistRoles/Responsibilities OCT has six main goals and responsibilities:
Principal NASA advisor and advocate on matters concerning Agency-wide technology policy and programs.
Up and out advocacy for NASA research and technology programs. Communication and integration with other Agency technology efforts.
Direct management of Space Technology program.
Coordination of technology investments across the Agency, including the mission-focused investments made by the NASA mission directorates. Perform strategic technology integration.
Change culture towards creativity and innovation at NASA Centers, particularly in regard to workforce development.
Document/demonstrate/communicate societal impact of NASA technology investments. Lead technology transfer and commercialization opportunities across Agency.
14. NASA Office of the Chief Technologist 14
15. Partnership Development Partnerships are an integral part of NASA's strategy for reinvigorating technology and innovation.
The Office of the Chief Technologist provides a visible Agency entry point for technology transfer and commercialization, interagency coordination and joint activities, intellectual property management and partnership opportunities.
Activities within and coordinated by the Office of the Chief Technologist leverage partnerships with the NASA field Centers, other Government agencies, academia, small businesses, industry and international partners to build the capabilities for tomorrow’s space missions today.
The Office of the Chief Technologist proactively cultivates partnerships and facilitates transfer of NASA technologies for public benefit through a network of offices at each of NASA’s field centers.
16. Strategic Integration The Office of the Chief Technologist is responsible for strategic integration of NASA's technology portfolio.
This requires tight coordination with the Mission Directorates (MD) and NASA Centers in which OCT personnel:
Participate in all Agency technology program formulation activities
Develop and manage the Agency level technology portfolio
Agency technology gap/overlap assessments
Agency assessment of balance and prioritization
Develop an Agency level technology roadmap
Driven by the Agency's strategic goals, consistent with the NASA Strategic Plan, and coordinated with our partners in industry, academia and other government agencies
Integrated assessment of the Agency's technology portfolio is performed by the NASA Technology Executive Council (NTEC), chaired by the Agency's Chief Technologist with participation from the Mission Directorates and Office of the Chief Engineer. 16
17. Strategic Integration Within NASA, OCT develops and coordinates an integrated technology investment strategy through:
NASA Technology Executive Council (NTEC) – Representatives from OCT, OCE and of each MD. Technology coordination strategic planning across Agency.
Center Research and Technology Council (CRTC) – Top researchers from NASA Centers, innovative and engaged in external community and knowledgeable of research and technology efforts across Centers.
NAC Technology and Innovation Committee – guidance and feedback from external community
NAC Commercial Space Committee – guidance and feedback from external community
18. The Space Technology Program shall advance non-mission-focused technology currently at low-to-mid Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), in some cases to flight-ready status.
The Space Technology Program shall meet the Nation’s needs for new technologies to support future NASA missions in science and exploration, as well as the needs of other government agencies and the Nation’s space industry in a manner similar to the way NACA aided the early aeronautics industry. There shall be multiple customers for Space Technology program products.
The Space Technology Program shall employ a portfolio approach to innovation that ensures opportunities for technology investment and maturation over the entire TRL spectrum.
The Space Technology Program shall sponsor research in academia, industry, and NASA field Centers based on the quality of research proposed at those institutions and in a manner that supports competition and balance. 18
19. Space Technology Program Element Proposed Budget 19
20. NASA Space Technology Program Elements
Early-Stage Innovation: Creative ideas regarding future NASA systems and/or solutions to national needs.
Game Changing Technology: Prove feasibility of novel, early-stage idea that has potential to revolutionize a future NASA mission and/or fulfill national need.
Crosscutting Capability Demonstration: Maturation to flight readiness of cross-cutting capabilities that advance multiple future space missions, including flight test projects where in-space demonstration is needed before the capability can transition to direct mission application. 20
22. Potential Topics Early Stage Innovation
Computational Materials Design, Nanotube Based Structural Materials, High Bandwidth Communications, Lightweight Low Transit Volume Space Structures, Non-Chemical In-Space Propulsion, Coatings and Adhesives, Flexible Power Arrays, Microwave/Laser Power Transmission, Energy Storage Systems, Space Robotic Assembly and Fabrication, Formation Flying Spacecraft Systems (Swarm Operations), Nonconventional Access to Space, Print Manufacturing and Rapid 3D Prototyping, Extreme Environment (Temperature/Radiation) Sensors and Mechanisms, Climate Sensors, Planetary Entry Decelerators, Reliable and Affordable Exploration Systems, Advanced Radiation Shielding Materials (Techniques and Systems), Safe Despin/Detumble Approaches for Large Non-operational Spacecraft, Material/Structural Concepts to Mitigate Impact of Small Debris, and Precision Timing and Navigation Using Only Celestial Objects
Game Changing Technology
Advanced lightweight structures and materials, advanced in-space propulsion, nano-propellants, lightweight large aperture antennas and telescopes, power generation/transmission, surface robotic construction, energy storage, high bandwidth communications, and small satellite subsystem technology
Crosscutting Capability Demonstrations
Optical communications, aerocapture, supersonic and hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerators, formation flying, advanced in-space propulsion
23. NASA Space Technology Program
25. Relationship Between ESMD and STP Technology Program Elements 25
26. Near-Term Actions An Agency-wide team is in place developing detailed plans for the execution of the three major program elements and an Agency partnership development and strategic integration function
Major milestones include:
Technology Roadmap and Prioritization Process: April 12, 2010
Space Technology Investment Coordination: April 12, 2010
Centennial Challenges Lunar Exploration Prize: April 26, 2010
Space Technology Program Plan (includes IPP): June 28, 2010
ISS as a Platform for Technology Development (SOMD lead): August 9, 2010
Center program leadership assignments completed in March
Solicitations/planning for new programs (Space Technology Research Grants, NIAC2, Center Innovation Fund, Game Changing Development, Small Satellite Technologies, Edison Small Satellite Missions, Technology Demonstrations) completed in May/June
Solicitation/planning for ongoing programs (SBIR/STTR, Centennial Challenges, Flight Opportunities) proceeding on schedule
27. Approximate Number of Planned FY11 Space Technology Products 200 Space Technology Research Grants
500 Space Technology Graduate Fellowships
20 NIAC2 Phase I Awards
125 Center Innovation Fund Awards
400 SBIR/STTR Phase I Awards
50 SBIR/STTR Phase II Awards
5 New Centennial Challenges
6 Game Changing Development Awards
2 Small Satellite Technologies
3 Technology Demonstration Missions
1 Edison Small Satellite Missions
40 FAST Awards
2 CRuSR Awards
28. Summary NASA as a Major Component of our Nation’s Innovation Engine:
America’s economic competitiveness and high standard of living are based on decades of investment in innovation
Investment in innovation in NASA communities will drive a sustainable, yet aggressive, future mission portfolio
Innovative research and technology, tied to exciting missions with national importance, is a strong motivator for students in STEM disciplines, and a strong attraction for new hires
This investment will also allow NASA to participate in the development of technological solutions addressing broader National needs in energy, weather & climate, Earth science, health & wellness, and National security
NASA’s focus on innovation and technology will:
Be responsive to Augustine and NRC input
Position NASA for human exploration beyond low earth orbit
Be highly engaging of our academic and industrial partners, and the emerging commercial space sector
Leverage efforts of other government agencies and international partners
Result in new inventions, new capabilities and creation of a pipeline of innovators trained to serve future national needs
29. NASA Space Technology Program
30. Backup 30
34. 34 Technology Readiness Level Definitions
35. In 2009, the Augustine Committee strongly endorsed increased investment in innovative technologies and approaches to achieving broadly defined NASA and national goals
This technology and innovation investment was included in all new Program Options suggested by the Augustine Committee
35 Augustine Committee Input
36. In 2009, the NRC report “America’s Future in Space” specifically speaks to this issue in one of its six key recommendations:
36 Recent NRC Recommendations (1 of 2)
37. In 2009, the Congressionally mandated NRC report “Fostering Visions for the Future: A Review of the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts” also speaks to this issue:
37 Recent NRC Recommendations (2 of 2)
38. 9 Examples of Game-Changing Civil Space Possibilities*:
Quantify Causes, Trends and Effects of Long-Term Earth Climate Change
Accurately Forecast the Emergence of Major Storms and Natural Disasters
Develop and Utilize Efficient Space-Based Energy Sources
Prepare an Asteroid Defense
Identify Life Elsewhere in our Solar System
Identify Earth-like Worlds Around Other Stars
Initiate Interstellar Robotic Exploration
Achieve Reliable Commercial Low-Earth Orbit Transportation
Achieve Permanent Human Presence Beyond the Cradle of Earth 38 A University Professor’s View of the Near Future