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Antique postcards are a wonderful way to learn about the past and you can easily get these products directly from postcards auctions.
Stamps and Postcards – Collecting and Appraising Stamps
One thing to ask you is which postcards are valuable? There are books that set a standard price range which can be a good guideline, but when it comes right down to it the book is only good as a general guideline. The value is in the collector's mind and what he will pay for it. It all depends on the collector as to what he collects and is looking for. One might collect Michigan postcards; another might collect bridges; another might collect his home town; another might collect birds, etc. Antique postcards are a wonderful way to learn about the past and you can easily get these products directly from postcards auctions. Often the only way to see
pictures of old buildings, street cars, expositions, or sports and other pastimes, is on a postcard. A collector of postcards usually specializes in a theme: perhaps a particular location or mode of transportation, or a sport or pastime, or in advertising cards. Trains and old sports stadiums are very popular, and fetch high prices. Postcard collectors are often referred to as deltiologists. Vintage postcards can be found in several postcards auctions and ephemera auctions in Georgia. Auctions are a good place to look for postcards. In the United States there are many postcard clubs which often have public shows. Now, choice is completely yours, you want to buy the postcards at realistic cost or not.