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Food Deserts: A Farmers’ Market Intervention. Rehab Abdelfatta, Blyss Kay, Anne Harrell, Melanie Peskoe, Nikka Sorrells. What is a food Desert?.
Food Deserts:A Farmers’ MarketIntervention Rehab Abdelfatta, Blyss Kay, Anne Harrell, Melanie Peskoe, Nikka Sorrells
What is a food Desert? According to the CDC “Food deserts are areas that lack access to affordable fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk, and other foods that make up the full range of a healthy diet”
Food Deserts • Geographic areas where mainstream grocery stores are either totally absent or inaccessible to low-income shoppers • Associated with large, urban communities, food deserts can also occur in rural neighborhoods
Accessibility to supermarkets in the U.S. • 2.3 million or 2.2 percent live more than a mile from a supermarket and do not have access to a vehicle • 3.4 million households, or 3.2 percent of all households live between one-half to 1 mile and do not have access to a vehicle
Accessibility to supermarkets in Louisville • In Jefferson County only 13% of households lack vehicle access • 28% of West Louisville households do not have vehicle access • 51% of East Downtown residents lack vehicle access
Accessibility • 6% of all U.S. households did not always have the food they needed because of low accessibility • More than half of these households also lacked money for the right food
Those who shop at Convenient stores as primary source of food are…
Childhood obesity • Children are disproportionately affected by lack of access to fresh foods • It is extremely important for children to receive proper nutrition in order to promote healthy development • According to the CDC, childhood obesity has tripled in the past 30 years
Role of School in fight Against Obesity • Nutritional education in schools has been shown to have a positive effect on healthy food choices made by children • Education paired with increased access is the strategy of the proposed intervention.
Many States and communities have found these evidence-based strategies successful in practice, and to produce the desired outcomes: • Farm to Institution including schools, worksites, hospitals and community institutions. • Incentives to food retailers to locate, offer healthier food choices in underserved areas.
Healthier choices in day care, schools and worksites. Limit unhealthy food/drinks availability like whole milk, sugar sweetened beverages, and high fat snacks. • Changing relative prices of healthy versus unhealthy items (through bulk purchase and competitive pricing). • Reduce density of fast food establishments.
On February 9, 2010, when First Lady Michelle Obama launched the Let's Move! Initiative, she announced that eliminating the estimated 6,500 food deserts that exist in America in just seven years would be a pillar of her childhood obesity campaign.
Our plan for intervention has two parts: • Education • Farmers market
Key Stakeholders • Students at Kennedy Elementary • Volunteers-PTA members, parents of students, local high school students • Local members of the community-purchasers and supporters of the market • Farmers
Partnerships • Public Health Department • New Roots • Healthy in a Hurry Program • Mayor’s Healthy Hometown Movement • Coalitions to decrease disparities in food access across the city • Provide credibility to the intervention • Provide human resources to help staff the market
Eliminating Food Deserts • http://www.youtube.com/letsmove#p/u/1/pZ6qGAs_4W8
Farmers’ Market Where: Kennedy Elementary When: Tuesdays 4-6 pm Beginning of September to mid-October Details: 10 vendors, double value coupon program, school garden participation Marketing campaign, EBT, community partnerships
Education Choose one 5th grade class as intervention class Students participate in marketing, growing, harvesting and selling foods Curriculum based on Food Folks 12 weeks, 30 minutes per week Recipe book for market
Evaluation Prior to the Market • Surveys will be sent home with every student in the school • Based on a survey used by The Food Group in Shasta County, California • The preliminary evaluation is necessary to determine the food access of individuals as well as their perceived need for increased access in the community.
Survey Questions • Do you feel that you have adequate access to vegetables and fruits in your community? • How many people do you shop for? • Circle one: 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8+ • 3. How many children do you shop for? • Circle one: 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8+ • 4. Are you a food stamp or WIC participant? • 5. How do you get to the store? • Circle all that apply: • Car Bus Walk Bike Taxi Get a ride OTHER______ • 6. List the top five fruits that you eat or serve most often. • 7. List the top five vegetables that you eat or serve most often.
Survey Questions 8. Are there fruits and vegetables that you like, but cannot buy? If yes, what? 9. Rank the following from most important to least important. 1=most important, 4=least important: 10. How important is it to you that the food provided by stores: • Is fresh • Is affordable • Includes healthy, prepared foods • Is free of chemicals/pesticides and grown by local farmers 11. Would you purchase vegetables and fruits from a farmers market if it was convenient and affordable? 12. Do you feel that your child is knowledgeable about a healthy diet? 13. Do you feel that you are knowledgeable about a healthy diet?
Post-Market Evaluation It is important to collect data on the percentage of families who attended the event, as well as the percentage of shoppers who purchased produce. This will be determined by comparing the pre and post market surveys.