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Modane Underground Laboratory Past , present , future extension. CNRS and CEA. Gilles Gerbier – IRFU-Saclay. http://www.lsm.in2p3.fr. Modane Underground Laboratory. Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane. Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane. Depth : 4800 m.w.e .
Modane Underground Laboratory Past, present, future extension CNRS and CEA Gilles Gerbier – IRFU-Saclay http://www.lsm.in2p3.fr
Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane Depth: 4800 m.w.e. deepest (running) lab in Europe Surface::400 m2 Volume : 3500 m3 Muon flux: 4 10-5 µ.m-2.s-1 5 times lessthan LNGS Neutrons: Fast flux: 4 10-2 n.m-2.s-1 Thermal flux: 1.6 10-2 n.m-2.s-1 Radon: 15 Bq/m3 Access : horizontal Budget (full cost): 1 M€/yr Staff: 3 Physicists 3 Engineers 7 Technicians International associated laboratory agreement with JINR Dubna (Russia) and CTU Prague (Czech Republic)
Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane From a particle physics experiment to a multi-science plateform 1990- 2000 1979 - 1981 1982- 1990 2000 - …. tpExperiment Prototypes Experiments Construction Neutrino: double beta decay, double EC Darkmatter Nuclear structure Logical test failures in microélectronics Proton decay Ultra lowradioactivitymeasurement:Environmental sciences, applications, expertises
Neutrino physics: NEMO -3 Double beta decay : Tracking + calorimeter - 100Mo 7 kg
Dark matter: EDELWEISS Bolometric technique: Heat + Ionization Ge crystals - 40 kg preliminary x 2
Other experiments Neutrino physics Double EC search (106Cd) TGV-II (Ge with sheets of Double EC candidates) Nuclear physics Super Heavy Element In nature SHIN (osmium ore surrounded by 3He neutron detectors) TGV II SHIN BiPo(related to SuperNEMO, measurement of thin film at the level of 1 µBq/kg) MIMACprototype (Darkmatter TPC for DM directionaldetection) SEDINE spherical detector prototype (neutron, n, DM…) soon MEMPHYNO prototype for megaton – scalecherenkov detector
Scientific activities @ LSM Neutron detectors at LSM Sphere TPC 3He counters Gd loadedliquidscintillator Support from ILIAS TARI for the 3 detectors Radon detectors – sensitivity ~1 mBq/kg (electrostatic collection of radon daughters) Saga University (Japan) and Dubna (Russia))
Gamma ray spectroscopy @ LSM 14 HPGe from 7 different laboratories of CNRS , CEA, JINR DUBNA and CTU Prague are available at LSM • - Material selection for astroparticle physics, • Environnemental research (oceanography, • climat, retro-observation,….) • - Environmental survey • - Applications (wine datation, salt origin,…) • - Developements of Ge detector (ILIAS)
2005 New safetygallery=> new lab ? SFTRF initial plan for Ø 5.5 m => 300 000 m3, ½ F (+ ½ I) start 2006 Exc => 2009 End 2011 June fire ? Change plan ? Change diameter ?
2005 Extension possibility up to 15 000 m3 Fitswellwithinconstraints of SFTRF New safety gallery Initial drawings Actual lab 3 500 m3 15 m Extension 15 000 m3 Road tunnel
Lowadditional volume / 300 000 m3 total (5 -7 %) Little perturbation for planning half2009 : tunnel machines joinat LSM 2009-2010 : 3-6 months: digging Optionalpossibilitywithin main order => ratherlowcost Estimatedcost ( @ 20 %) Lombardi for 15 000 m3 Civil work~300 euros/m3 5'000'000 Equipment 20% (electricity, ventilation, support) 1‘000'000 Studies 10 % 600'000 Unexpected / various 20 % 1'200'000 TOTAL ESTIMATION 7'800'000 2005 Advantages of thisscenario
2011 EQUIPEX saga 2010 ULISSE rejected =>smaller 2011 DOMUS
LSM Extension: DOMUS project LSM Extension project New laboratory Present LSM Safety gallery Fréjus roadway tunnel
2012 DOMUS New Actual Actuallab
2012 Last version of project : nov 2012
SuperNEMO @ DOMUS SuperNEMO @LSM SuperNEMO: Double beta decay 20 modules 100 kg of 82Se (or 150Nd, 48Ca) Sensitivity on mn: 40 – 100 meV
EURECA infrastructure EURECA@DOMUS EURECA @LSM European consortium Edelweiss + CRESST + 4 labs 1 t of cryogenics detector DM +bb EURECA 1 t
Other@DOMUS EURECA @LSM Other possible projects - DARWIN multiton Ar/Xe for DM search - Large sphere (5m diam) for SN watch ≈ room for two medium size projets
LSM Extension project status LSM extension • Safetygaleryworkstarted in September 2009 • Excavation of the extension 2014 or 2015. • In operation in 2016. • Detailedstudiesfunded by Savoie departement and Rhone-AlpesRegion • Agreement fromMinistery and CNRS for the project • Funding in progress (85% alreadyobtained CNRS, • RegionRhone-Alpes, FEDER funds) • Technical discussion in progress