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IOP Algorithm Workshop - Ocean Optics XIX NASA Workshop Overview

Join the Ocean Optics XIX workshop to discuss IOP algorithms, operational strategies, and user perspectives. Explore new directions, regional adjustments, and consolidation of SAA metrics.

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IOP Algorithm Workshop - Ocean Optics XIX NASA Workshop Overview

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  1. IOP Algorithm Workshop @ OOXIX IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  2. Fri / Sat workshop generic agenda: 9:00 start 10:30 break 12:30 lunch 13:30 resume 15:30 break 17:30 end 22:00 group dinner (Fri) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  3. focus topics: overview end-user perspectives operational implementation strategies relationships between Rrs and IOPs regional adjustment of SAA parameterization new directions summary, recommendations, & steps forward IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  4. topic 1 - overview (mod by Jeremy) topics: summarize goals, approaches, evaluation process, & limitations goals: clear understanding of workshop goals agreement on evaluation process & metrics agreement on accuracy of SAA summaries recognition of overlap amongst approaches IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  5. workshop motivation & goal: achieve community consensus on an effective algorithmic approach for producing global-scale, remotely sensed SAA IOP products what we’re (NASA, anyway) looking to do: extend the IOCCG SAA survey by evaluating application of SAA algorithms to satellite radiometry reviewing & consolidating SAA construction what we’re (NASA, anyway) looking for: combination of accuracy and geographic coverage flexible, multi-sensor implementation computational efficiency to support operational environment open source software and accompanying LUTs associated SAA uncertainties IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  6. algorithm “shoot out” you’ve been warned: IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  7. topic 1 - overview (mod by Jeremy) topics: summarize goals, approaches, evaluation process, & limitations goals:  clear understanding of workshop goals  agreement on evaluation process & metrics agreement on accuracy of SAA summaries recognition of overlap amongst approaches IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  8. SAA consolidation: identification of (dis)similarities sensitivity studies evaluation prep: define metrics; design analyses; identify test data sets workshop: consolidate recom-mendations; ideas “validation” analyses software accumulation: standalone versions & l2gen (SeaDAS) import process: open community dialog SAA identification: literature review (IOCCG report 5); community solicitation IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  9. pre-workshop achievements - overview process: a philosophy & a path forward software: l2gen (msl12) & l3gen & IDL, Matlab, C, etc. dialog: public record of (forum for) issues & ideas shared analyses (evaluation, sensitivity, etc.) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  10. pre-workshop achievements - dialog & discussion air-sea transmission, Rrs  rrs(0-) calculation of Rrs (bandpass correction, f/Q) temperature & salinity dependence of aw & bbw spectral data products to be considered (adg, bb, etc.) evaluation metrics & SAA failure conditions inversion methods & linearization issues calculation of uncertainties SAA product validation & sensitivity analyses strategies to produce level-3 products http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/forum/oceancolor/board_show.pl?bid=24 IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  11. pre-workshop achievements - analyses in situ-to-in situ & satellite-to-in situ match-ups global (level-3) comparisons spatial coverage (level-2) comparisions sensitivities to parameterization & noisy input sensitivity to inversion method level-2 vs. level-3 inversion http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/MEETINGS/OOXIX/IOP/analyses.html IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  12. available metrics: level-3 flagging … ( for 400 <  < 600 ) Rrs() > 0 (?) -0.95 aw() < a() < 5 -0.05 aw() < adg() < 5 -0.05 aw() < a() < 5 -0.95 bbw() < bb() < 0.015 -0.05 bbw() < bbp() < 0.015 available metrics: posted analyses … ( for 400 <  < 700 ) Rrs() > 0 adg() & a() > -0.005 bbp() > -0.0001 coverage … retrieval quality / comparison … IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  13. topic 1 - overview (mod by Jeremy) topics: summarize goals, approaches, evaluation process, & limitations goals: clear understanding of workshop goals  agreement on evaluation process & metrics  agreement on accuracy of SAA summaries recognition of overlap amongst approaches IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  14. anatomy of a semi-analytical algorithm (SAA): many approaches are similarly constructed & parameterized next, I’ll deconstruct the SAAs to illustrate similarities & differences the goal is to convince you that most SAAs fall within 2 / 3 categories of construction & that most have interchangeable parts IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  15. total a and bb are sums of coefficients for all components in seawater each coefficient expressed as product of magnitude and spectral shape satellite provides Rrs() a () and bb () are desired products IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  16. IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  17. GSM, HL, BR inversion Gordon quad; Lee trans simultaneous: nonlinear (L-M), matrix inversion  variable S variable a variable system of 5/6 equations with 3 unknowns IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  18. QAA empirical a(555) Gordon quad; Lee trans calculate a calculate a  variable a = a - aw - adg iteration a(i,j) estimateadg(i) using S, adg(i,j), anda(i,j) PML, NIWA LUT IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  19. LAS solution calculate Kd bb and a both from Kd, bw/b, and solz LUT LUT IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  20. GSM, HL, BR inversion Gordon quad; Lee trans simultaneous: nonlinear (L-M), matrix inversion  variable S variable a variable QAA empirical a(555) Gordon quad; Lee trans calculate a calculate a  variable a = a - aw - adg iteration a(i,j) estimateadg(i) using S, adg(i,j), anda(i,j) PML, NIWA LUT LAS solution calculate Kd bb and a both from Kd, bw/b, and solz LUT LUT IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  21. current state-of-the-art: agp(443) bbp(443) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  22. difference adg(555) retrievals adg(555) difference global deep water algorithm #2 algorithm #1 IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  23. topic 1 - overview (mod by Jeremy) topics: summarize goals, approaches, evaluation process, & limitations goals: clear understanding of workshop goals agreement on evaluation process & metrics  agreement on accuracy of SAA summaries   recognition of overlap amongst approaches  IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  24. QAA (standard) GSM (standard) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  25. QAA (standard) GSM (QAA , QAA S, Bricaud a) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  26. QAA (GSM , GSM S) GSM (standard) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  27. QAA (GSM , GSM S, GSM a(555)) GSM (standard) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  28. topic 2 - end-user perspectives (mod by Mike) topics: desired products & their uses accuracy / behavior uncertainty requirements goals: list(s) near- & long-term needs (with attention to what’s available) list(s) of data product hierarchy / priority IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  29. topic 3 - operational implementation strategies (mod by Bryan) topics: L2 Rrs - l2gen, f/Q & normalization, bandpass corrections L3 IOPs - masks, geometry, calc @ L2 vs L3, other strategies goals: consensus understanding of L2 Rrs generation agreeement on SAA flags & their use in L3 product generation discussion of (dis)advantages of product generation at L2 vs. L3 IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  30. topic 4 - relationships b/w Rrs and IOPs (mod by Emmanuel) topics: IOP shape functions; inversion procedures; uncertainties; ambiguity goals: discussion of sensitivities of shape functions & inversion procedures & how they impact product accuracies & geographic coverage discussion of methods for uncertainty determination IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  31. topic 5 - regional adjustment of SAA params (mod by Mark/Tim) topics: Dowell/Moore optical water type classification approach; others? goals: consensus (dis)agreement of need to pursue such approaches IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  32. topic 6 - new directions (mod by Samantha) topics: GlobColour; fluorescence; f/Q & normalization(s); others? goals: illumination IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  33. backup slides IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  34. questions to be answered: • SAAs predefine spectral shapes for the IOP products of interest. What are the key components & can their sensitivities, uncertainties, & relative priority be defined? • How critical / sensitive is the optimization or inversion method used? • How does spectral resolution effect the retrievals? • How do the SAAs perform: a. relative to in situ IOPs using in situ Rrs? b. relative to in situ IOPs using satellite Rrs (from a match-up data set)? c. on various satellite level-2 & level-3 scenes • Do the conclusions of #1-4 vary by trophic level or bioregime? • What are the remediations to failure? • What is the most appropriate implementation strategy for operational satellite data processing (e.g., level-2 Rrs normalization, masking & binning at level-3? IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  35. topic 2 - end-user perspectives (mod by Mike) recommendations: IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  36. topic 3 - operational implementation strategies (mod by Bryan) recommendations: IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  37. topic 4 - relationships b/w Rrs and IOPs (mod by Emmanuel) recommendations: IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  38. topic 5 - regional adjustment of SAA params (mod by Mark/Tim) recommendations: IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  39. topic 6 - new directions (mod by Samantha) recommendations: IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  40. (dis)advantages of various modeling approaches: empirical straightforward (Rrs  product) & computationally efficient biased to in situ database & degrades with optical complexity SAA / quasi-SAA configurable form & simultaneous output of multiple products only as representative as model assumptions (including empirical functions) LUT based on exact RTE calculations & simultaneous output of products only as representative and flexible as RTE model assumptions IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  41. attendees: Antoine Mangin (ACRI) Odile Hembise Fanton d’Andon (ACRI) Bryan Franz (NASA) Paula Bontempi (NASA) Catherine Brown (LOV) Samantha Lavender (U. Plymouth) Emmanuel Boss (U. Maine) Sean Bailey (NASA) Gene Feldman (NASA) Stephane Maritorena (UCSB) Hubert Loisel (U. Littoral) Takafumi Hirata (PML) Jeremy Werdell (NASA) Tim Moore (NURC) Jill Schwarz (NIWA) Tim Smyth (PML) Mark Dowell (JRC) Yannick Huot (LOV) Mike Behrenfeld (OSU) ZhongPing Lee (MSU) unable to attend: Andre Morel (LOV), Paul Lyon (NRL) IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  42. IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  43. IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

  44. IOP Algorithm Workshop, Ocean Optics XIX, 3-4 Oct 2008, PJW NASA/SSAI

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