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A Web-based Item Bank http://sciencescass.org. developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the Science State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS). (over 1300 items). - Multiple Choice Items - Constructed Response Items - Performance Assessment:
A Web-based Item Bankhttp://sciencescass.org developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the Science State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS) (over 1300 items) - Multiple Choice Items - Constructed Response Items - Performance Assessment: - Events (1 class period) - Tasks (more than 1 class period) Search, View, and Select Items for Saving, Editing, and Printing (online testing available too) Contact Sara Moshman at MetaLogic, Inc.: Lincoln, NE: Phone: 402 474-6194 or Email: smoshman@metalogic1.com for help or more information
Benefits: • Secure access via the web • Search by any parameter, including full text. • Easy to view and select individual items and download for further editing and printing. • Save groups of items for future reference (or online testing) • Easy to add new items, new item descriptors – such as state or local standards. • Real-time item bank– any edits are immediately visible
Searching Basics To search: Enter text and/or select desired terms from catalog Click search button to initiate your search This “smart” search will return items cataloged as (grade level: High School AND (topic: Geologic time OR Fossils) AND (cognitive dimensions: Applying Knowledge)
Examine search results: Click here to select one item Click here to select next item 1. Table view - results displayed like a spreadsheet, one row per item 2. Items view - results displayed in a vertical scrolling list Click here to select 3. Gallery view - results displayed with thumbnail images 4. Slide view - results displayed one item at a time
Functionality Saved work windows can be accessed as presentations. Presentations are immediately available as online assessments! Selected items can be held in the work window (a shopping cart for items). Actions Menu contains additional functionality - such as “customize” to show/hide descriptors. Shortcut Buttons: 1. copy items to work window, 2. open items as test, 3. open items as score guide Items can be opened in a new browser window as a test or as a score guide. Browser windows can then be saved to the local computer – edit these files as desired.
Save tests and score guides Selected items should be opened in a browser window as tests or score guides. From the browser window, choose “Save as” to save the items to the local computer. This will include a folder containing any images. Give the file a useful name and remember where you saved it. Next, edit this file in your word processor as needed. If items are constructed responses, rubrics and scored samples are included in the scoring guides. Items as Score Guide Items as test
Add/Edit Items If permission is granted, can edit items via web.
Online Testing Items are presented in real-time in an online test Can save and analyze results
Dynamic Analysis Teachers can view dynamic summaries of the results by any user parameter available. Additional reports in progress. Basic score summary
Analyze to any level of detail Dynamic item analysis by gender: Pull-down of custom parameters
Dynamic item analysis by ethnicity
Secure access and edit tracking Web-based Data Management Search Window – offers high-functionality for add/edit items and descriptive data.
Many collections Can have many collections of item banks – some in development, some for public use, some private to individuals, if desired.
Table View, batch editing of items This is a table view of search results. The Pop-up window shown allows many functions Groups of items can be selected for batch editing.
Editing Items Slide view, with pop-up menu displayed. To edit, select edit option from pop-up menu.
Advanced Editing –Edit Window Edit window – item data and descriptors displayed in a vertical scrolling list in left half of window. Many features exist for sophisticated, yet easy, data entry - such as select from predefined lists, and type-ahead features which allow you to start typing and will fill in the rest with matching values.
Advanced Editing- HTML html tags are used with text to format the data html tags and text are displayed in lower Screen –what the user sees.