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CBS-MG-5/Doc 4/ APPENDIX EC Action Group for an Enhanced WMO. January 24-25, 2005. Action Group Members. J.J. Kelly (chair) A.M.H Isa M.D. Everell A.D. Moura (unable to participate) D. Rogers N. Gordon, president of CAeM B. Stewart, president of CHy.
CBS-MG-5/Doc 4/ APPENDIXEC Action Group for an Enhanced WMO January 24-25, 2005
Action Group Members • J.J. Kelly (chair) • A.M.H Isa • M.D. Everell • A.D. Moura (unable to participate) • D. Rogers • N. Gordon, president of CAeM • B. Stewart, president of CHy
Terms of Reference from Res. 7, EC 56 • Identify and prioritize opportunities for making WMO more • Proactive • Responsive • Relevant • Through changes in its mode of operation • Identify specific actions required by WMO • Can be implemented as soon as possible • Report to EC 57 • action implementation status, and • propose further actions to be taken
Why take action now…? • Evolving international and national contexts • Broad recognition of need for change, including new President wishing to lead improvements, and SG introducing significant changes to Secretariat • Survey of EC members – strong desire and expectation for improvements to operation of EC • Relevant – WMO is already relevant but must organize to highlight and enhance our unique role (e.g., Tsunami) – risk of becoming less relevant and lacking recognition for key roles • Responsive – discussion, decisions and mobilization of WMO resources to respond to world situations need to be streamlined, better managed • Proactive – WMO can’t wait for disasters to consider appropriate responses to situations or societal needs
HOW?…2 WAYS… 1. Build an agile organization through leadership • Develop an issue oriented/integrated approach • Organize and track performance around cross-cutting issues • Address how WMO can mobilize its programs, commissions, regional associations, relationships with other organizations, etc., to bear on key issues and societal need • Take into account and act on WMO vision • Define and clarify unique role of WMO now and in future • Review progress towards long-term objectives • Adjust management approach to meet vision
HOW?....2nd way 2. Provide good governance • Make timely/effective decisions • need mechanisms, communication • evaluate and manage risk associated with decisions • Monitor performance and adjust plans • need performance measures • Use resources efficiently • need strong budget/admin/audit system • Respond to Members’ concerns • need good communication mechanisms • need to link program resources to Members’ needs
Mandate for Action • Congress and EC have requested change….their proposals for improvement still await implementation • This Group focused on • Prerequisites for action • Four specific actions for immediate implementation to improve the EC 57 session • Further actions which will facilitate more responsiveness, proactiveness and ensure relevance
Prerequisites for Action • The President and vice Presidents must embrace and lead the necessary changes in EC • The SG must support, nurture and be actively engaged in the changes through a culture of change in the Secretariat • All EC members and participants must recognise that things will need to operate differently and they will need to act differently
Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session • Organize session for better governance • Organize EC to be more productive • Schedule discussion of key cross-cutting issues within the first week of the EC session • Resulting actions need to be owned by specific entities for follow-up and reporting
Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session • Organize session for better governance • President to reinforce to EC members their governance role as individual experts to review and provide guidance on programs, budget, personnel, regional reports, awards, etc. • SG to prepare handout for EC members clarifying governance roles of key WMO bodies • Secretariat and constituent bodies must provide complete but concise reports focusing on what was intended to be achieved, what was actually achieved, reasons for gaps, risks, and guidance sought • Chairs should ensure that discussion is focused on items where major problems or strategic decisions are involved • Discuss resource allotment and other issues, applying tools such as cost/benefit and risk assessment • Consider approaches such as crosscut and integration as means of bringing organization to issues • EC should address key issues and strategies early in the session (see point 3)
Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. • Organize EC to be more productive • Active discussion of a few cross-cutting issues • Identify other topics for future meetings (e.g., Disaster Mitigation, GEOSS, Water, Sustainability, Data Management/ Tele-communication, Earth Science and Environmental monitoring roles of members, Globalization ) • Identify key decisions to make by the end of the session • Improve documentation format • Revise document format to include executive summary. EC discussion/decision preceded only by executive summary. Body of report (with information but no decisions) to be included for the record. (We understand that there are already draft examples of this.) • Based on experience, adopt new format for other bodies • Complete documents available early (at least 48 hours)
Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. • Organize EC to be more productive cont • Limit time for presentation of documents • No reading of document text • No presentation at all for purely information documents • Limit time for interventions • Combine reports and structure session to eliminate duplication • Structure subjects to better integrate and enable links to performance measures and long-term plan • Improve conduct of session (chairing, interventions, time management, etc.) • SG should provide support – chairing guidelines, training, etc. • Reintroduce coffee breaks • Useful for resolving polarizing issues but time discipline needed
Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. • Schedule discussion of key cross-cutting issues within the first week of the EC session • Secretariat and President to identify issues and structure discussion • Prior to EC, members should receive a summary of issues/options and proposed approaches • Provide an opportunity for TC and RA Presidents to address cross-cutting topics as relates to their responsibilities
Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. • Resulting actions need to be owned by specific entities for follow-up and reporting. • SG to prepare survey form prior to EC 57 for use in evaluation of participants’ satisfaction with the session, with the changes, and to solicit suggestions for further change
Further Actions • Further improve documentation and streamline decision processes for future EC sessions, based on experiences at EC 57 and the formal evaluation • Establish mechanisms for less calendar driven and more issue driven interaction of the EC • Active EC involvement and consultation between EC sessions should improve the governance role of EC and provide better support and guidance to the President and SG • Consider formal changes to intersessional role of EC to be proposed to next Congress • Review the number, composition, purpose and mode of operation of EC groups; use sunset clauses • Pursue appropriate integration within WMO • Pursue strategic alliances with UN bodies and other entities • e.g., explore links to IHP/Water – WMO niche? • Enhance the communication strategy to raise the visibility of WMO and services provided by its Members