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Explore the misunderstood aspects of Islam, its traditions, and women's rights in different cultures. Learn about creation, God, and the status of women in Islam. Discover first-hand information from leading Islamic scholars.
Why This Presentation? • Islam, probably the most misunderstood religion in the world, is among the hot reading topics for people all over the world. • Misjudgments because of not enough or wrong information. • Confusion about Muslim and Islam. • Confusion about Tradition and Islam.
Why This Presentation? Questions and Answers about Islam Vol. 1 and 2 have been prepared to provide first-hand information from one of the most leading Islamic scholars of our time. We should learn for our needs and answer properly if needed. Suggested reading…
Muslim Defined One who submits one’s will to its “divine” law Plants Celestial Bodies Angels ? People Animals
Why did God Create the Universe?It was not asked me to come to life. ?
Answer: • While we perceive things from a human perspective, God does not. While we act out of necessity or desire, God does not. In other words, we cannot ascribe human attributes and motivations to God.
Answer: • Who is distressed by the universe's creation? Who does not desire to enjoy its benefits or seek happiness? Very very few people. • Every potentiality wishes to reveal the reality hidden within itself, to demonstrate what it knows by assuming an outward form. • All artistry in the universe informs us of God's Names. Each Name, displayed by what has been created, illuminates our way and guides us to knowledge of the Creator's Attributes.
Great artists manifest their talents through works of art; • the Owner of the universe created it simply to manifest the Might and Omnipotence of His Creativity.
I was a hidden treasure and I liked to be known. So I created the Creation so that I may be known. * Allah (cc) do not do things from necessity… But He prefers to create with wisdom. * (Acluni, II, 132)
Who created God? • The Prophet pbuh said that some people would ask this very question: "A day will certainly come when some people will sit with their legs crossed and ask: 'If God created everything, who created God?'" Hadith, Bukhari, I'tisam, 3.
Say: “He, God, the unique one of Absolute unity. • God, the eternally-Besought-of-All (Himself in no need of anything). • He begets not, nor is He begotten. • And comparable to Him there is none.”
Allah is the Creator of the All Causes. • We cannot find a creator of the first cause, because each creator must have had a prior creator. The end result is a never-ending chain of creators. This chain must not go forever. • The Creator must be Self-Subsistent and One, without like or equal. • God does not need causes and effects to create; rather, we need them to understand what He has created. • If something has an END, it has have a BEGINING.
Endless Chain, Does not make sense It must stop somewhere !
Does Islam degrade women? Women's Rights? In one sense we don't separate men and women. In another sense there are physical and psychological differences. Women and men should be the two sides of truth, like the two faces of a coin. Man without woman, or woman without man, cannot exist; they were created together. Adam suffered in Heaven because he had no mate, and then Heaven became a real Heaven when he found Eve. Man and woman complement each other.
“God has got ready forgiveness and tremendous rewards for the Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, the devout men and women, the truthful men and women, the patiently suffering men and women, the humble men and women, the almsgiving men and women, the fasting men and women, the men and women who guard their chastity, and the men and women who are exceedingly mindful of God.” Al-Ahzab/33:35
Independent, thus fully responsible “Whether male or female, who is a believer and perform good deeds, We shall give him a goodly life” (Al-Nahl 16:97)
Same reward or punishment “Whosoever does an evil deed, will not be requited except the like thereof; and whosoever does a righteous deed, whether male or female and is a true believer (in the Oneness of God), such will enter Paradise where they will be provided therein without limit.” (Ghafir 40:40)
Her status changed drastically after Islam • Right to own and dispose property • Right to inheritance • Right to choose husband • Right to acquire education and work • Full freedom of expression of views
Her status changed drastically • right to keep all her own money • may refuse any marriage proposal that is not pleasing • right to negotiate marriage terms of her choice • right to provisions from the husband for all her needs
Women in Other Cultures • In ancient Rome, women as slaves • In ancient Greece, as a commodity • In Europe discussed “Do they possess souls?” • In India, burning the widows • 587 C.E.: Are they human beings? • No right of citizenship until 1850Note: The Western civilization has flourished through the viewpoints of Ancient Greece. The Ancient Greek thought sets a model for the European nations.
Marriage in Islam • Men and women are created for each other “They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them.” (Al-Baqara 2:187) • Love, mercy and tranquility in marriage “And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them and he has put love and mercy between you.” (Ar-Rum 30:21)
Role of Husband and Wife • Different but complementary natures • Husband is financially responsible • Different Duty, not superiority: “We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you might get to know one another. The noblest of you in God’s sight is who is most righteous” (Al-Hujurat 49:13)
Role of Wife • Wife does not have to spend for expenses • Not obligated to do housework • Keeps her basic rights after marriage • Responsible for • Safeguarding her own and husband’s chastity, as well as his property • Raising the children
Our Prophet (pbuh) said to Fatima, his daughter, "You should do the housework and Ali should do the tasks outside the house.” Our Prophet is the best model and example for us in everything, including the family life. The most important reason of the problems we have today is the fact that we have moved away from the Quran and the Sunnah.
Why Hijab ordered? • Modesty advised to both men and women “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them… And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof…” (Al-Nur 24:30-31)
The Hijab “…That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed.” (Ahzab 33:59) • Statement of her identity • Concealing her sexuality • Revealing her individuality
‘O Asmaa! When a girl reaches puberty, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands. (Abu Dawood)
Women Within IslamHijab -The Cover "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men).Qur'an- 33:59
Conclusion • Islam is in line with human nature • Men and women complete each other “The believing men and believing women are associates and helpers of each other. They collaborate to promote all that is beneficial and discourage all that is evil.”
General Dress codes • Should cover the complete body except the face and the hands up to the wrist. • Should be loose and should not reveal the figure. • Should not be transparent such that one can see through them. • Should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex. • Should not resemble that of the opposite sex. • Should not resemble that of the unbelievers Complete ‘hijaab’, besides the six criteria of clothing, also includes the moral conduct, behavior, attitude and intention of the individual. A person only fulfilling the criteria of ‘hijaab’ of the clothes is observing ‘hijaab’ in a limited sense. ‘Hijaab’of the clothes should be accompanied by ‘hijaab’of the eyes, ‘hijaab’ of the heart, ‘hijaab’ of thought and ‘hijaab’of intention. It also includes the way a person walks, the way a person talks, the way he behaves, etc.
Examples of Piety From Among Muslim Women Eve Asiya Mary Khadija Aisha Fatima
Polygamy ? • Islam did not invent polygamy • It restricted the number • Ordered to be just for all of them • Religion covers for different people, different societies, different races, geographies etc. • Ideal is to marry with one wife
The reasons why Islam permits polygamy: • In Islam monogamy is essential and polygamy is exceptional. • It can be used only when it is necessary or compulsory. • Islam did not make polygamy obligatory for anybody, nor did it encourage polygamy. • However, it is regarded permissible when there are some general or special reasons.
The reasons why Islam permits polygamy: • In some regions the male population decreases and female population may increase above normal. During the time of wars it is more frequent.After the World War I in Germany, there were four or six women for one man. Then German women advocated that men should marry more than one woman. In such a situation polygamy serves to protect women from prostitution, to provide them with a warm home and to guard fatherless children. • Sometimes it may be necessary to marry more than one woman to increase the population in some regions; for instance, the death of most of the population in war. • The woman may be ill and cannot meet her husband’s needs. • Some men may have fallen in love with another woman. The only way to prevent him from adultery is the second marriage.
Prophet do not marry because of sexual desires.When he was first time married with Hz Khadija(ra) he was 25 and Hz Khadija (ra) was 40. Hz Khadija(ra) died at 65. They were together for 25 years. All his other marriages were after he was 54 years old. In his last 10 years of his life. Answer
Why Prophet Muhammed PBUH did marry more than one? Most if his wife’s are old over 50 and widows and some of them have kids.
Why Prophet Muhammed PBUH did marry more than one? 3. No one in his time blamed His pbuh exceptional character for moral issues.He was known as El-Emin (The Trustworthy) by his companions and by his enemies.He pbuh was respected because of his all high character in his time and then.
Why Prophet Muhammed PBUH did marry more than one? 4. Half of the rules and details of the religion came from His pbuh words, actions through his wife’s (ra) side. His daily routine at home, his parenthood, his private life. This exemplary life has to be taught mankind by his inner circle students. 5. His message and details of his perfect life has to be conveyed to the humanity by also women in different natures.
5. Since His pbuh wife’s are from in different ages and from different tribes, This caused to establish foundation of Islamic law and peace among the tribes and to ease acceptance of Islam by other nations. Answer continued.
Why Prophet pbuh got married with Aisha (ra) in her early ages?
Why Prophet pbuh got married with Aisha (ra) in her early ages? • Hazrat Aisha ra conveyed 2210 hadiths (sayings, states, actions of Prophet)almost half of the religion. • No other wife could reach level of Hz Aisha in knowledge. • There are different source of news about exact age of her marriage (9,17 and 18).
Why Prophet pbuh got married with Aisha (ra) in her early ages? 4. She was engaged with Cubeyr before her engagement (marriage contract) with Prophet pbuh. But they broke with Cubeyr because of religious reason. This proves Hz. Aisha (ra) mature enough to marry and this marriage was normal in the society. 6. In hot climate puberty ages are low (9-10) comparing the cold regions (16-17). 5. Islamic law requires willful acceptance of the sides for marriage both man and woman after puberty age. 6. There is no actual marriage before puberty ages.