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3 September 2009 - Brisbane

3% Agency Utilisation – How Achievable is That? Presenter: Kym Dixon Hospital: Centauri Key contact person for this project : Kym Dixon, kym.dixon@health.sa.gov.au, (08) 8204 6268. 3 September 2009 - Brisbane. KEY PROBLEM. Agency utilisation high with an average of 8.8% by Sept 08/09

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3 September 2009 - Brisbane

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  1. 3% Agency Utilisation – How Achievable is That?Presenter: Kym DixonHospital: CentauriKey contact person for this project :Kym Dixon, kym.dixon@health.sa.gov.au, (08) 8204 6268 3 September 2009 - Brisbane

  2. KEY PROBLEM • Agency utilisation high with an average of 8.8% by Sept 08/09 • Trend of agency utilisation increasing • Agency utilisation was consistently high, although according to vacancy monitoring there was no vacancy

  3. AIM OF THIS PROJECT • Aim was to reduce agency to 3% in order to improve: • Financial targets • Quality of care • Agency utilisation was wide spread and therefore involved the whole organisation • The target was set in late 2008, with a goal to achieve the outcome by late January 2009. • No specific resources were dedicated to the outcome, although all staff were involved in and supported the outcome.

  4. KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED • A review of the hiring target formula was undertaken to identify the gap between ‘no vacancy’ and consistently large agency utilisation. • It was identified that there was approx 100 FTE hired but ‘unavailable’ to roster. • The hiring target was revised to include a routine monthly report of staff hired but ‘unavailable’ to roster . • Standard processes for recording staff ‘unavailable’ to roster were established. • The hiring target became flexible to hire to ‘unavailable’ where there was reasonable determination of minimal risk due to economies of scale. • Hiring to ‘unavailable’ to roster was determined at divisional level. • Recruitment initiated to meet actual vacancy.

  5. OUTCOMES SO FAR Pay Period 15 16 Jan 09 11.2% Pay Period 16 30 Jan 09 8.1% Pay Period 17 13 Feb 09 7.6% Pay Period 18 27 Feb 09 6.2% Pay Period 19 13 Mar 09 4.3% Pay Period 20 27 Mar 09 5.3% Pay Period 21 10 Apr 09 2.1% Pay Period 22 24 Apr 09 1.1% Pay Period 23 8 May 09 0.5% Pay Period 24 22 May 09 1.6% Pay Period 25 5 Jun 09 3.1% Pay Period 26 19 Jun 09 4.0%

  6. LESSONS LEARNT • Understand the trends – if it doesn’t look right, there’s probably a reason! • Standardise processes – never assume that everyone is doing the same thing. • Know your staff.

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