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MRSA Surveillance in NHSN Metric 1 Nosocomial MRSA Infection Rate . Infection surveillance for all NHSN-defined healthcare-associated infections caused by MRSA in the defined location?e.g BRON, CAUTI, CLABSI, DECU, PNEU, SINU, etc. you review and make the determination if this is a Nosocomial
1. MRSA Surveillance in NHSN OBJECTIVES
Review MRSA Metric 1: Nosocomial MRSA Infection Rate
2. Review MRSA Metric 2: Incidence Rate of Hospital-Onset MRSA Based on Clinical Cultures
2. MRSA Surveillance in NHSNMetric 1 Nosocomial MRSA Infection Rate
Infection surveillance for all NHSN-defined healthcare-associated infections caused by MRSA in the defined location…e.g BRON, CAUTI, CLABSI, DECU, PNEU, SINU, etc.
you review and make the determination if this is a Nosocomial MRSA infection
3. MRSA Surveillance in NHSN Metric 1 Nosocomial MRSA Infection Rate
Source: Chapter 17 in NHSN Patient Safety Component Manual:
Surveillance Definition of Healthcare-Associated Infection and Criteria for Specific Types of Infections in the Acute Care Setting [PDF - 1.67MB] July 2010.
4. MRSA Surveillance in NHSN Metric 1 Nosocomial MRSA Infection Rate
5. MRSA Surveillance in NHSNMetric 2 Incidence Rate of Hospital-Onset MRSA Based on Clinical Cultures
LabID Event
Proxy Rates calculated by NHSN
6. MRSA Surveillance in NHSN Metric 2 Incidence Rate of Hospital-Onset MRSA Based on Clinical Cultures
8. MRSA Surveillance in NHSNCase Study 9/29/10 Admit to ICU w/ abscess on back, has been worsening over past 2 weeks prior to admission
Temp 101.9, wbc 21.3, induration, erythema and warmth over entire left scapular area, with pustule in mid area, lactic acid ?2.6, “severe sepsis”
HX MRSA 2009 (skin infection)
9/29/10 Nares PCR + MRSA (screening test)
9/29/10 Back abscess I & D at bedside : culture = MRSA. Vanco started.
9. MRSA Surveillance in NHSNCase Study 9/30 Transfer to floor
10/2 Witnessed cardiac arrest, resuscitated. Transfer back to ICU, intubated. CXR post intubation: patchy airspace opacities perihilar, right base and retrocardiac, most consistent with pneumonia. Nares PCR + MRSA
10/3 CXR correlates with changes of congestive heart failure. Breathing well on PS, extubated
10/4 breathing easily on 4L nc. Cardiac arrest, bradycardic, coded, resuscitated. CXR worsening pulmonary vascular congestion
10. MRSA Surveillance in NHSNCase Study 10/5 CXR bil airspace opacities, worsening pulmonary vascular congestion. On CVVH, wbc?13.6, rales documented
10/6 T. 99.7, wbc?21.6, Diag: Pulm edema vs ARDS vs pneumonia, Cefepime started. Cardiac Cath = severe 3vessel disease, needs CABG
10/7 CXR continued hazy opacity right base, ?respiratory secretions mod.thick tan yellow, coarse bronchial breath sounds. Induced sputum: >25PMN, <25 epith., culture = few MRSA, rare NF. .
11. MRSA Surveillance in NHSNCase Study
12. MRSA Surveillance in NHSNCase Study