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SUNY Attendance Management System (SAMS)

CITA 204. SUNY Attendance Management System (SAMS). by Trinity. Presentation. Overview of Project System Hardware Software Development DFD’s Databases User Screens Future Plans. WHAT IS SAMS?. SAMS is an automatic attendance system utilizing RFID

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SUNY Attendance Management System (SAMS)

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  1. CITA 204 SUNY Attendance Management System (SAMS) by Trinity

  2. Presentation • Overview of Project • System Hardware • Software Development • DFD’s • Databases • User Screens • Future Plans

  3. WHAT IS SAMS? • SAMS is an automatic attendance system utilizing RFID • All students will be issued new ID cards containing RFID chips. • RFID Readers will be placed at the entrance to every classroom on campus. • When a student enters a classroom, his attendance is automatically taken.

  4. WHAT IS RFID? • Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology uses radio waves to automatically identify physical objects (either living beings or inanimate items). • Used in Wal-mart for inventory control (they set off the alarms) • Used in Passports and NYS Enhanced ID Cards.

  5. Why do we need SAMS? • Saves classroom time for lecturing instead of attendance taking • Saves the Instructor from having to manually track daily attendance. • Instructors can easily find exactly which student attended which class • Students will be able to see which classes they’ve missed.

  6. How it Works • ID cards contain passive RFID tags. • The Tag is powered by the antenna signal, and transmits the ID number to the RFID reader. • The ID number is then sent to the Database, along with the current timestamp - where attendance is tracked.

  7. SAMS Diagram ID card Wireless Router Laptop New Equipment Network PC RFID Reader SUNY Network Internet Attendance Database Firewall User Home PC

  8. The Equipment Thingmagic Astra RFID reader Zebra P440i RFID card printer RFID Cards

  9. Equipment Selection • Fully Integrated UHF RFID System • Many have to be pieced together • Supports Ethernet and POE • A small form factor (10.2” x 10.2” x 3”) • Supports Wireless • Read range up to 30 ft. • Read Rate over 190 tags per Second • MSRP is $995

  10. Equipment Selection • Zebra p440i • Prints on both sides of Cards • Magnetic strip encoding • RFID Encoding • Can print, encode and verify over 100 Roo ID Cards per hour.

  11. Software • SAMS will utilize a PHP/SQL Database • The Software will query UCanWeb’s Oracle Database using JavaScript. • Although Dependant on UCanWeb, SAMS maintains it’s own Database, so UCanWeb downtimes will not affect attendance.

  12. Context Diagram • SAMS SYSTEM • STUDENT • UCANWEB • INSTRUCTOR Attendance Updates RFID Automatic Attendance 0 Attendance Report Attendance Report Schedule Data

  13. Level 0 DFD 1.0 2.0 Attendance Report • Manage Student Attendance • Generate Attendance Report • STUDENT • UCANWEB • INSTRUCTOR • Attendance Database • D1 Class Attendance Data Attendance Report Real Time Attendance Data Attendance Updates RFID Automatic Attendance Students Schedules

  14. Database Design • The SAMS Database will consist of the following fields, From the following Sources: • RFID Reader: • Room_ID • RFID_Number • Date_Timestamp

  15. Database Design • ID Card Creation • First_Name • Last_Name • ID_Role • RFID_Number • Banner_ID

  16. Database Design • The majority of the data will come from UcanWeb. • Banner_ID • First_Name • Last_Name • Term • CRN • Subject • Course • Section • Campus • Course_Title • Course_Days • Course_Time • Instructor • Class_Dates • Location • Student.Birthdate • Student.Schedule • Instructor.Courses • CRN.Location

  17. Database Design • RFID Reader Room_ID == UcanWeb Location • ID Card User_Role Determines User Access • RFID_number is matched against Banner_ID In UcanWeb Database to determine user Identity. • Any entry by any student to any classroom will be logged in the database, but will not be viewable unless student is enrolled in class.

  18. User Interface: Login Screen

  19. Student Menu

  20. Economic • Installation costs • RFID-Reader: $1000 for each Classroom • RFID-Card for each student - approx $1 more than Non-RFID • RFID Printer - $3800 • Electricity cost • Maintenance cost

  21. Future expansion of technology • Access control • LAB Hour monitoring • Mailbox access • Inventory control


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