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The Covenant of Marriage Malachi 2:14 Genesis 2:24. Ancient Near Eastern Covenants Their Importance. The covenant was more than a binding agreement. It was the most fundamental expression of the relationship that existed between two parties.
The Covenant of Marriage Malachi 2:14 Genesis 2:24
Ancient Near Eastern CovenantsTheir Importance • The covenant was more than a binding agreement. It was the most fundamental expression of the relationship that existed between two parties. • The covenant was considered the most sacred of vows, and one’s commitment to the covenant was the highest form of personal integrity. • Love and loyalty were the most prominent themes of Near Eastern covenants.
Divine Covenants • The covenant format was so important that God used it to describe every divine relationship. • His covenant with all flesh (Genesis 9) • His covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12; 15; 17; 22) • His covenant with Israel (Exodus 19-24) • His covenant with David (2 Samuel 7) • His covenant with restored Israel (Jeremiah 31)
Suzerain-Vassal CovenantsTheir Structure • In every divine covenant, God occupies the role of Suzerain • He is the initiator of the covenant blessings • He is the maintainer of the covenant blessings • He is the provider of the covenant blessings • He is the protector of the covenant party • He is the benefactor
Suzerain-Vassal CovenantsTheir Structure • In every divine covenant, there is a correspondingly different role of Vassal • The vassal serves the covenant suzerain • The vassal receives the covenant and its blessings from the suzerain • The vassal displaysgratitude to the suzerain • The vassal acknowledgesdependence upon the suzerain • The vassal is the beneficiary
Suzerain-Vassal CovenantsTheir Language The Suzerain: • Loves • Provides • Protects • Leads • Bestows honor • Knows • Blesses • Supports • Cares for • Gives refuge
Suzerain-Vassal CovenantsTheir Language The Vassal: • Loves • Fears • Serves • Submits • Respects • Obeys • Thanks
When God Instituted MarriageHe Used Covenant Language Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
When God Instituted MarriageHe Used Covenant Language LEAVE: The covenant language of the Hebrew word ‘azab “leave, forsake, abandon” is a key term in suzerain-vassal treaties. It refers to the breaking of an existing covenant. Deut. 31:16-17 Josh. 24:16, 20 1 Kings 19:10, 14 Judges 2:12; 10:6, 10
When God Instituted MarriageHe Used Covenant Language CLEAVE: The covenantal language of the Hebrew word dabaq “cleave, join” is a key term in suzerain-vassal treaties. It refers to the establishment of a new covenant relationship. Deut. 30:19-20 ( “cleaving” = “loving”) Deut. 10:20; 11:22-23 Joshua 23:8-13 Exodus 34:14-16 (“play the harlot”)
The Marriage Covenant The marriage covenant became a covenant model throughout the OT Malachi 2:14 Proverbs 2:16-17 Ezekiel 16:8 Isaiah 50:1
The Marriage CovenantMatthew 19:3-12 • On the question of divorce, Jesus returns to the beginning, to God’s creation of male and female and His establishment of the marriage covenant. • Divorce is forbidden, because it is a sacred covenant not only between the man and the woman, but also God (“God has joined”). • Marital faithfulness, in its fullest sense, is the highest expression of personal integrity.
The Marriage CovenantEphesians 5:22-33 • Covenant obligations for both the husband and Christ: • to be the head • to deliver, save his wife • to love • to sacrifice even to the point of death • to glorify by sanctifying, cleansing, removing spots and winkles • to nourish • to cherish • to leave and cleave, to be one
The Marriage CovenantEphesians 5:22-33 • Covenant obligations for both the wife and the church: • to submit • to be one • to fear, respect her husband
The Marriage Covenant1 Peter 3:1-7 • Covenant obligations for the wife: • to be submissive • to influence by example, not nagging • to be chaste and respectful • to display a gentle and quiet spirit • to obey their “lord”
The Marriage Covenant1 Peter 3:1-7 • Covenant obligations for the husband: • to live with his wife “according to knowledge” as “the weaker vessel” • “know” is a common suzerain-vassal term that describes the recognition and fulfillment of one’s covenant obligations (Exodus 1:8; 2:24-25; Amos 3:1-2) • “know” came to be used of one of the most intimate of covenant obligations, the sexual relationship (Genesis 4:2; Matthew 1:25)
The Marriage Covenant1 Peter 3:1-7 • Covenant obligations for the husband: • to live with his wife “according to knowledge” as “the weaker vessel” • to show honor to his wife as a fellow heir • Just as the Lord is the bestower of blessing and honor in the covenant relationship (e.g., Ps. 3:3; 8:5), so also the husband is to bestow honor upon his covenant partner. • Just as Israel was God’s cherished possession (Exodus 19:5; Deut. 7:6),so also the husband treats his covenant partner with great care and honor.
Conclusion • Marriage covenant obligations were established by God from the very beginning and are assumed by every individual entering into the marriage covenant as a sacred promise to God. • Failure to fulfill marriage covenant obligations results in a hindrance of prayers and a separation of relationship with God (1 Peter 3:7).
Will You Become A Christian? HearThe Gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believein Jesus as the Son of God (John 8:24) Repentof Your Sins (Acts 17:30) ConfessJesus as the Son of God (Acts 8:37) Be Baptizedfor Forgiveness of Sins (Acts 2:38) Live FaithfullyUntil You Die (Rev. 2:10)