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Changing Culture: Imperial County College Going Initiative. The Imperial Valley. ¿Donde queda?. Right Here. Our County. Home to 161,800 residents (CA Dept of Finance) Rural desert community 4,597 square miles Borders Mexico, Arizona and mountains separating it from metropolitan areas
The Imperial Valley ¿Donde queda? Right Here
Our County • Home to 161,800 residents (CA Dept of Finance) • Rural desert community 4,597 square miles • Borders Mexico, Arizona and mountains separating it from metropolitan areas • Labor Market : Agriculture 23%, Government 31% • High unemployment (17.4% for 2004, 58/58 in CA) • 32% of the population foreign-born
Our Schools in 2000 • 72.2% Hispanic • 67.8% speak a language other than English • 55% of students below federal poverty level • 16 districts with 51 K-12 schools • 74% decile 5 or below • 44% in some phase of state or federal corrective action • 7.9% UC Eligible, far fewer actually attend
Obstacles to Overcome: • Geographic size • Duplication of services • Roles and sensitivities • Low expectations • Cultural perspectives • Cash = commitment!
Our Foundation:Sense of community and commitment • IHE Pre-collegiate Programs • Imperial County Partnership for Higher Education • Intersegmental collaboration • Counselors’ Roundtable • District improvement initiatives • Partnerships for Student Success
A preschool through higher education community collaborative promoting a college-going culture. Charter Members, Imperial County College Going Initiative P-16 Council
Purpose To formalize leadership for a collaborative and comprehensive regional approach to promote a college-going culture to increase eligibility, admittance, and attendance at post-secondary institutions for Imperial County students.
2004-2005 Goals • Articulate a plan for a common P-16 vision to increase student eligibility, admittance, and attendance at post-secondary options. • Develop a P-12 College Access Plan to increase student/family understanding of and access to the educational system. • Develop and implement a countywide P-16 plan to increase student success in mathematics.
Inclusion and Cooperation Early Victories! • Established P-16 Council • Funding by educational institutions (MOU) • Teacher Training (IVC, SDSU, UCR & ICOE) • Counselors’ Retreat and Comprehensive Guidance Plans • 4th year of the implementation of Summer Algebra Academies with a culminating Parent Conference • Parent Institutes for Quality Education (PIQE)
Mathematics Articulation… • Documented success of Algebra Academies • Continuum of math training for K-16 aspiring, new and veteran math teachers • MATE Institutes at UCR • Developed protocols and materials to connect the idea of a college culture to the on-going math support • Training for counselors on Counseling Standards
What got our attention: Data! Data! Data!
Imperial CountyUC Eligibility Rate by Year * Projected
Number of Imperial County UC Applicants by Year * Projected
Number of Imperial County Students Enrolled in UC by Year * Projected
Intensive summer residential programs focusing on mathematics and science research at UCD, UCI, and UCSC (UCSD – Summer 2005). Summer 2001 = 1 application and 0 attendees Summer 2002 = 25 applications and 15 attendees Summer 2003 = 96 applications and 46 attendees Summer 2004 = 57 applications and 31 attendees Summer 2005 = 62 applications and # of attendees TBD
College Going Initiative Sponsored Activities Mathematics Academy for Teaching Excellence (MATE) - Two week intensive mathematics professional development training at UC Riverside. Summer 2001 - 0 Imperial County participants Summer 2002 - 6 Imperial County participants Summer 2003 - 14 Imperial County participants Summer 2004 - 15 Imperial County participants Summer 2005 - 15 Imperial County participants
College Going Initiative Sponsored Activities UC/CSU Admit Reception
College Going Initiative Parent Conferences
College Going Initiative Sponsored Activities Counselors Retreat at UCSD
Inter-Segmental Higher Education Week 1.Fall -Higher Education Week I - 11 Higher Education Institutions - Senior Presentations (2103 students) - Parent Nights (8 high schools) - Senior College Application Workshops 2. Spring – Higher Education Week II - Junior Presentations
Our Schools in 2005 • 72.2% Hispanic • 67.8% speak a language other than English • 55% of students below federal poverty level • 16 districts with 52 K-12 schools • 66% at decile 5 or below (2004) • 8% in some phase of state or federal corrective action • 10.8% UC Eligible (2003 data)
WFIM!!! • Realizing the benefits • Developing accountability • Building in sustainability! • Changing history… Making a difference for students, families and our community!
2005-2006 Goals • Increase access by students and their families to resources and information to make college a reality. • Improve student performance in mathematics and academic literacy, especially writing. • Implement a system to collect and analyze relevant data and take action to increase college eligibility, acceptance, and attendance.
Next Steps • Expand Imperial County college-going initiative partners. • Develop strong communication and student transitions between schools. • Create parent-teacher training teams. • Build in sustainability!
Thank you! Contact: Javier Ramos, Coordinator P-16 Council/College-going Initiative jramos@icoe.org (760) 312-6190