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Institutional Investor investing in infrastructure

Explore the benefits, risks, and different investment styles in infrastructure, focusing on light rail projects. Learn how linking ownership with project development can lead to stable returns, risk-adjusted rewards, and inflation protection. Discover why pension funds are natural infrastructure owners and the various ways to invest, whether through direct investment, co-investment, or listed options. Understand the importance of long-term interests and advantages of diversification in infrastructure investing. Delve into the nuances of PPP models and incentives, and how they impact project evaluation and returns.

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Institutional Investor investing in infrastructure

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  1. Institutional Investor investing in infrastructure Tryk Alt+F8 og Afspil auto_open for at vise værktøjslinien til opdatering af automatisk indsat tekst (forfatterinfo, præs.overskrift 2 på masterdias) og til indsættelse af en ny forside.

  2. Why invest in light rail. Different ways of Investing in Infrastructure Long term interests Advantages of linking ownership with project development Risks

  3. Returns match long liabilities. Stable returns Risk adjusted rewards Inflation protection Diversification Pension funds are natural infrastructure owners

  4. Different investment styles and options Investment: direct, co-invest, manager, listed Entry: green field, growth and mature Investment style: opportunistic, listed, short term PE, long term PE, buy and hold Value investors objectives: PE–short term optimisation, current cash flow, inflation correlation

  5. Incentives and investment horizon

  6. PPP with long term ownership • PPP model if designed correctly focusing on different parties incentives can give: • Disciplined evaluation of project economy. • Innovation in project design and construction. • Innovation in project expansion and the surrounding next works . • Innovation in operation and maintenance . • PPP savings – project cost, funding and timing,

  7. Risks and influence on returns: Risks that needs to be evaluated and has influence on returns: • Political risk • Frameworks conditions • ”revenue” volatility • technology • Incentives and alignment (partners and managers)

  8. why light rail ?

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