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Pediatrics Summit 2019

Infectious diseases and immunology go hand in hand. A poor immune system leads to more susceptibility towards infectious diseases like sinusitis, pneumonia, abscesses etc.https://pediatrics.aureliusconferences.com/pediatric-immunology-and-infectious-diseases/

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Pediatrics Summit 2019

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  1. Welcome to the PediatricsConferences EUROPEAN WORLD CONFERENCE ON PEDIATRICS, NEONATOLOGY & ADOLESCENTCARE 18th-19th November 2019 Radissom Blu | Milan,Italy

  2. CHILD AND ADOLESCENTOBESITY Childhoodobesityisaseriousmedicalconditionthataffectschildren andadolescents. The(BMI)bodymassindexmeasuretheoverweightandobesityof children and its provide a guideline of weight in relation to height. Daily eating high-calorie foods like fast foods, baked goods and vendingmachinesnackswhichismoreharmfulforchildrentogain aweight. Over weight of children is the barriers were lack of parent involvement . if we talk about the childhood obesity condition that needs treatment 75% to 93%, affects chronic disease risk 76% to 89% and future quality of life 83%to93%.

  3. PEDIATRIC VACCINES AND IMMUNIZATION Vaccines develop immunity by imitating an infection but this infection does not cause illness.The immune system to developthe sameresponseasitdoestoarealinfectionsothebodycanrecognize and fight the vaccine-preventable disease in thefuture. When we given a vaccine to the children after that the imitation infection can cause minor symptoms like fever. Minor symptoms are normal and they buildsimmunity.

  4. PEDIATRICS CRITICAL CARE AND EMERGENCYMEDICINE CriticalCareofchildisanecessity.Achildrequiresspecialmedicines in comparison to an adult. For, serious condition there is a special room called pediatric intensive care unit, which full of advanced medicaltechnologyaswellasdirectivestosaveasoulduringcritical condition.

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