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Aurelius Corporate Solutions design the data Science online training program by keeping in mind the requirements of the new wave of demand for strong analytics professionals. The Online training program provides access to high quality elearning content. Enroll yourself at http://aurelius-global.com/
Data a Scien nce Co urse T Trainin ng Onli ine Although numerica than just includes anything h data scienc al procedure t numerical astronomic ranging fro ce has been es, it has wi data. Data cal amounts m numbers around for idened its h a science to of data be to texts and quite some horizon in th oday speaks eing transact d logs. e time now i he present t s of an extr ted on a da in the form times to inc remely large aily bases. T of statistica lude much e domain w This data ca l and more which an be Course Details‐ This high knowledg learning which are compreh science w working order to course. hly intensive ge in the var and more. T e growing in hensive infor while strengt knowledge o keep pace w training pro rious aspect The capsule c n the field of rmation at a thening the of a few data with the cou ogram in Dat s of data sci course is str f data scienc fast pace an basics. It wi a science im rse and imp ta science pr ence such a uctured whi ce or plan to nd explores ll be benefic mplementatio lement the c rovides the t s data minin ile keeping i enter the d the various cial for the tr on language concepts an trainees with ng, big data, n mind thos omain. The advanced co rainees if the s such as Py d technique h a foundati machine e profession course prov oncepts of d ey have a thon or R in es taught in t onal nals ides ata the •D Data science process ove erview •P robability an nd statistics with data sc cience •D Data explorat tion and visu ualization in data science e
•In ngestion, cle eansing, and transformat tion of data •M Machine lear rning introdu uction •Big data intro oduction •D Data mining i introduction n •Im mplementat ion of tools like R, Pytho on, and Micr rosoft Azure Machine Le earning Live Ins Regular structor‐led d & Intera ctive Onlin ne Session ns r Courses Duration n‐ 30 ‐40 H ours Fast‐Tra ack Course es Duration n‐ 4‐8 Hour rs
Training Options‐ Option‐1 Option‐2 Weekdays‐ Cloud Based Training Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Mon, Wed, Fri) Weekdays Online Lab Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM(Tue, Thur) Weekend‐Cloud Based Training Sat‐Sun 09:00 AM ‐ 11:00 AM (IST) Weekend Online Lab Sat‐Sun 11:00 AM ‐ 01:00 PM Head Office Aurelius Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd. A‐125 Sector 63, Noida‐201307 Phone: +91.783.501.1153 Enquiry: contact@aurelius.in
For more e details Cl ick on htt tp://aure elius‐glo obal.com m/it‐tech hnical/d ata‐scie ence.php p