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EXAM #1 REVIEW. JOUR3060 Communication Law & Regulation. EXAM ONE: 15% Exam Two: 20% Exam Three: 30% Paper One: 15% Paper Two: 20% Extra Credit. Grade Breakdown. B (80-89): 3 C (70-79): 10 D (60-69): 5 F (0-59): 26 Highest Multiple Choice/Matching: 34/40 Highest Essay: 19/20.

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  1. EXAM #1 REVIEW JOUR3060 Communication Law & Regulation

  2. EXAM ONE: 15% • Exam Two: 20% • Exam Three: 30% • Paper One: 15% • Paper Two: 20% • Extra Credit

  3. Grade Breakdown • B (80-89): 3 • C (70-79): 10 • D (60-69): 5 • F (0-59): 26 • Highest Multiple Choice/Matching: 34/40 • Highest Essay: 19/20

  4. MULTI CHOICE / MATCHING • 40 Questions, 2 Points Each • Study Tips for Exam #2 • Same Format (multi choice, matching, short essay) • Careful Reading • Definitions • Understand “big picture” of cases • Know landmark cases, Georgia-based material • Don’t leave questions blank!! • Don’t use process of elimination or “learning via exam” • ASK QUESTIONS!!

  5. DEFINITIONS • Types of Law • Equal Opportunity, Equal Time, Fairness Doctrine, Personal Attack Rule • Levels of Scrutiny: Strict, Intermediate, Rational Basis

  6. DISTRACTIONS • 20) In which of the following cases did the Supreme court strike down portions of the Communications Decency Act, for its violation of the First Amendment • A. Reno vs. American Civil Liberties Union • B. Turner Broadcasting vs. FCC • C. US vs. Playboy Entertainment Group • D. US vs. Southwestern Cable • E. Verizon vs. Federal Communications Commission

  7. STUDYING BIG PICTURE/LANDMARK • 13) In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court hold that films are protected under the First Amendment? • A. Mutual Film Corp. vs. Industrial Commission of Ohio • B. Mutual Film Corp. vs. Industrial Commission of Indiana • C. Joseph Burstyn Inc. vs. Wilson • D. Freedman vs. Maryland • E. Snyder vs. Phelps

  8. CAREFUL READING • 36) Which of the following does the First Amendment NOT protect? • A. Actions • B. Expressive Actions • C. Expressive Conduct • D. Speech • E. Symbolic Actions

  9. ESSAY • 20 Points: • (5) clarity of writing • (5) effectiveness of argument • (10) incorporation of communication law materials • Advice for Exam #2 • If you make a claim or argument, explain WHY and follow-through • Incorporate class material AND CONTEXT • Don’t include it, if you aren’t 100% clear on its meaning

  10. EXTA CREDIT • Extra Credit Assignment #1 online now • There will be Assignment #2 later this semester • Three possible percentage points • 1% explain event • 1% what you learned, what was interesting to you • 1% how the event relates to communication law • BE PROACTIVE!!

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