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Teen Substance Abuse: Understanding and Addressing the Issue

Explore the prevalence, impacts and solutions of teen drug abuse with statistical data and real-life examples. Learn the importance of addressing this critical issue for the well-being of adolescents.

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Teen Substance Abuse: Understanding and Addressing the Issue

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title of Presentation Names of Group Members

  2. Definition of Problem For example: • Cyber Bullying - Willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text. • Or, When a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones

  3. Methods • Explain what the steps or procedures teens take when dealing with or creating the problem. *This is where your research comes in handy!* • For example: • What types of drugs do young teens abuse? • In what ways do teens bully each other and why? • How do teens become involved with gang related activities? ETC… This part of the presentation should be more than one slide…

  4. Statistics • Here you will show the statistics on your problem. • For example: percentages, ratios, numbers… ** Think hyperlink, graph, etc.**

  5. Why is the problem important to your group? • Explain why you chose the problem. • Give examples, tell a story, or use a real life example. ** Think hyperlink**

  6. Solutions • Talk about the solutions you found or solutions that you and your group came up with yourselves. ** Think hyperlink**

  7. Works Cited • This is where you citations will go. • Your group will need at least 2 citations. • Use www.easybib.com or www.bibme.org

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