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What makes a bird different from all other animals?. FEATHERS!. Soft down feathers keep them warm Wing feathers allow them to fly Tail feathers are used for steering Camouflage. Why are birds important?. Why are birds important?. Spread seeds, berries, and fruit from trees and flowers
FEATHERS! • Soft down feathers keep them warm • Wing feathers allow them to fly • Tail feathers are used for steering • Camouflage
Why are birds important? • Spread seeds, berries, and fruit from trees and flowers • Pollinate flowers • Eat pests like insects and mice • Keep our forests, parks, streets and rivers clean
Birds need… Food Water Shelter
What do some birds do every year to find food, water, and shelter?
Migrate! • Migration is the seasonal movement of birds
We need a break! • Rest • Eat • Drink
Packing for the trip • Birds pack up to 50% of their body weight to get ready for their trip!
Birds migrate for… • Food • Family • Some birds that migrate are: • Robins • Hummingbirds
Some non-migrating birds: American goldfinch Cardinal Carolina wren Not all birds migrate
We can help birds! Food Water Shelter
Hillsboro Elementary’s Wildlife Refueling Station is for the birds!
The American Goldfinch! • The American Goldfinchsheds off all of its featherstwice in a single year • These Goldfinches areacrobatic because they can eat upside down and right side up
A Few Words from our Jokesters
The American Robin! • It is nick named ‘RobinRedbreast’ • It is one of the first birdspecies to lay eggs • Robins usually feed inflocks for protection fromhawks, cats, and snakes
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The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird! • These birds weigh about3 grams—about thesame weight as a penny • They eat about every10 minutes, slurpingdown twice their bodyweight in nectar every day • The ruby-throated hummingbird migrates non-stop twice each year
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The Carolina Wren! • Carolina wrens arenoted for their loudand beautiful song • They don’t migrate • They eat berries, fruit,bugs, and sometimes small lizards or tree frogs
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The Eastern Bluebird! • They eat insects and fruit, and sometimes shrews, salamanders, snakes, lizards, and tree frogs • Bluebirds can sight their tiny prey items from 60 feet or more away
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The Cardinal! • Cardinals are also known as red birds and Virginia nightingales. • They don’t migrate and are usually found in open woodland areas • Cardinals have distinctive crests atop their heads and a thick, pointed bill, which begins black and turns red with age.
A Few Words from our Jokesters
We need your help! • Get your ballot • Review the information • Do your own research • Vote • Turn in your vote by March 26
Who was Paying Attention? Name two ways that birds help us and the environment.
Birds help us and the environment by… • Spreading seeds to help plants grow • Pollinating plants and flowers • Eating pests like insects and mice • Cleaning up by eating dead animals