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Climate City Ulm with biomass

Climate City Ulm with biomass. Dipl. Ing. Dieter Danks Fernwärme Ulm GmbH Technischer Leiter. Stadt Ulm – Toprunner in the South. Ulm is a university town in Baden-Württemberg at the river Danube, located south-east of Schwäbischen Alb.

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Climate City Ulm with biomass

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  1. Climate City Ulm with biomass Dipl. Ing. Dieter Danks Fernwärme Ulm GmbH Technischer Leiter

  2. StadtUlm – Toprunner in the South • Ulm is a university town in Baden-Württemberg at the river Danube, located south-east of Schwäbischen Alb. • Ulm has120.000 Inhabitants, the central town about 100.000 inhabitants. • The tower of the cathedral is with161,53 m one of the highest in the world. • A famous son of the town is Albert Einstein, born hier in 1879

  3. StadtUlm – Aktiv Passiv • Science Park II does not only host global companies such as Daimler, Nokia, or Siemens, but also the worldwide biggest passive-energy office building • On the occasion of the World Exhibition EXPO 2000 the project „sun fields“ was constructed in Ulm. With110 single family buildings it was at that time the biggest passive-house settlement worldwide. In the meantime, 50 single houses have been added. Further passive-house settlements are in planning.

  4. Ulm– City in a Climate Alliance • In 1993 Ulm has joined the Rio Climate Alliance. The city has committed to reducing its CO2 emissions, serving as indicator for overall environmental impact, by 50% compared to 1987 levels. • Like other cities, the city of Ulm is unlikely to reach this target. Generally, despite a great number of activities, all efforts are levelled out by steadily increasing traffic volumes. • The only hope of the city lies now with our company Fernwärme Ulm GmbH. Thanks to our district heating system, based almost entirely on CHP, extensive use of surplus heat and use of CO2-neutral fuels, significant progress allows to demonstrate significant progress and success.

  5. FUG is THE heat supplier in Ulm: ca. 45 % of the entire heat demand of the city is being produced by FUG. Die Fernwärme Ulm GmbH • Shareholders of FUG are: • - Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW) • - Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm GmbH (SWU) Holding 50% each • FUG employs approx. 200 people • District heat supply in Ulm since 1950 • The Technical Director FUG, Mr. Dieter Danks, has just been reelected for the 6th time by all environmental associations as chairman of the Local Agenda 21 in Ulm

  6. The best energy is the one that is not being used. The remaining energy should be used as efficiently and climate-friendly as possible. Independence from imported energies. FUG - Guidelines

  7. Germany 2004 Heat supply 4,2 % Electricity supply 9,3 % Germany 2020 (declared intentions) Heat and electricity supply 20 % each FUG 2005 50% share of renewable energies, incl. Energy from the MHKW Donautal Outlook FUG from 2011 80% share of renewable energies Anteil der regenerativen Energien

  8. Ulmer Weststadt with Biomass CHP plant Peak load Uni – TVZ Eselsberg Waste CHP plant and peak load heating plant in Donautal Peak load heating plant Fort Albeck Production plants FUG Müllheizkraftwerk im Donautal

  9. CHP site Magirusstraße Biomass CHP II (Fotomontage) Biomass CHP I Conventional CHP

  10. Key parameters Biomass CHP I + II • Biomass CHP I • - start of operation: 2004 • - heat capacity: 58 MW - electric capacity: 8,6 MW - combustion process: Vorschubrost - investments: 37 Mio EUR • Biomass CHP II (in planning) • - start of operation: planned for 2010 • - heat capacity: 65-70 MW • - electric capacity: 20 MW - combustion process: Zirkulierende Wirbelschicht oder Vorschubrost • - investments: 83 Mio EUR

  11. FUG is open to concepts from private investores: Since1996 FUG buys surplus heat from saw dust from a big wood manufacturing plant. Since 1997 FUG buys surplus heat from a waste incineration plant Since 2006 surplus heat from a private biogas plant with a capacity of 500 kW is being fed into the network Wiblingen eingespeist . In 2 month, a 1,7 km preinsulated pipe (under construction) will connect a a biogas plant in Gögglingen that is twice that size. A further biogas plant is in the authorisation process. Intake of surplus heat

  12. Surplus heat from biogas Biogas plant under construction in Gögglingen with 5 enginescapacity: - electric 970 kW - thermal 1053 kWHeat supplied to DH Wiblingen, Return temp. Increase from 67°C to 83°C

  13. „network plan“ – District Heat in Ulm and Neu-Ulm

  14. Connection pipe HWD – HKW Technische Daten length: 5,5 kmtype of pipe: preinsulateddiametre: DN 400/630 (mm) Operating temperature: max. 120°CPressure level: PN 25Max. transport capacity: 53.000 kWTime of construction:Daimlerstr.- Märchenweg: 08/2006 – 07/2007Märchenweg – Moltkestr.: 08/2007 – 06/2008Grabenquerschnitt: KMR-System

  15. Pipeline length

  16. Total fuel use FUG 1995 to 2011 Prognose mit BioHKW II

  17. Electricity production FUG from CHP ( annual electricity demand Ulm approx. 640GWh ) Prognose KWK-Strom EVS KWK-Strom FUG EEG/KWK-Strom FUG EEG-Strom FUG

  18. CO2-balance FUG: all fuels(incl. waste, biomass) without electricity bonus

  19. CO2-balance FUG: all fuels (incl. waste, biomass) with electricity bonus

  20. CO2-neutral district heating supply FUG in Ulm Almost complete independence from imported energies Decentral electricity production BioHeating Plant I+II ca. 160 Mio. KWh CHP ca. 20 Mio. KWh M Heating Plant ca. 60 Mio. KWh Biogas Anlagen ca. 15 Mio. kWh Total: ca. 255 Mio. KWh Operation from 2011 (after IB BioCHP II) This correspondes to 39% of the entire electricity demand in Ulm

  21. Quo Vadis FUG ? • Construction of 5,5 km connection pipe HKW – HWD • Construction of biomass heating plant II, with 65 -70 MW therm. (in authorisation process) • Study conversion of steam network close to finalisation • Rerfurbishment of old boiler installations following revision of immission law until 2012 • HKW Magirusstraße 3 boiler plants • HWD Daimlerstraße 2 boiler plants • Outphasing of old installations from 2012 • HKW Magirusstraße 2 boiler plants • HWD Daimlerstraße 2 boiler plants

  22. The best energy is the one not being used Reservation of construction areas exclusively for passive houses Identification of refurbishment areas, going hand in hand with refurbishment of existing building stock Optimisation of district heating grid– conversion from steam Independence from imported energies Operation of planst with Biomass, Waste and (remaining) coal Use of surplus heat Supply remaining heat as efficient and environmentally and climate friendly as possible Almost100% CHP, Modernisation of production parc Konsequentes Handeln nach den FUG - Leitlinien

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