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Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM). Welcome to the North West Regional STEM Centre. “ We cannot stress too forcibly our concern at the critical shortage of people with STEM capabilities. This is a burning issue to be addressed or the UK will not remain competitive. “
Welcome to the North West Regional STEM Centre “We cannot stress too forcibly our concern at the critical shortage of people with STEM capabilities. This is a burning issue to be addressed or the UK will not remain competitive. “ Council for Industry Higher Education (2009)
What is the role of STEM? • Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics subjects are crucial in solving many of the UK’s current economic challenges. • Technology includes ICT, CAD/CAM, Music technology etc. • Not enough people choose STEM – the route into STEM is a fragile pipeline • The LSIS STEM programme develops STEM teaching & learning by providing training, networking, resources and funding. It has worked!
STEM in Schools and Further Education • Increased interest in the successful uptake of STEM subjects in schools, colleges and universities. • FE provides an academic bridge between schools and HE. • FE is key to providing the skills – vocational. • FE supports widening participation in STEM subjects by engaging people lost from traditional academic routes. • FE supports wider aim of raising scientific awareness
STEM in FE & Skills sector • 2.5 million enrolments on STEM qualifications in the FE and Skills sector in England. • 9341 different STEM and STEM related QCF qualifications are offered from over 20,000 in total. • 33% are in Engineering, • 31% Mathematics & Numeracy, • 20% Technology, • 16% Science • Over 172,000 STEM Apprenticeships underway in 2008/09 (48% were at Level 2).
STEM in Higher Education • In England the number of full time FTE undergraduates rose by 18% between 1999 and 2008. • The number of students in: • Medicine students rose by 89% • Chemistry rose by 4% • Physics rose by 7% • Mathematics rose by 9% • Engineering fell by 4%
Skills for jobs: today and tomorrow High priority skills for immediate action: One of the most striking themes to emerge from the Audit is the growing importance of technicians, especially in specialist STEM areas. UK Commission for Employment and skills, 2010
Skills supply and demand in Europe to 2020 ... a considerable shift in labour demand towards skilled workers, implying that future jobs will become more knowledge and skills intensive . Technicians and associate professionals ….. have the highest potential for job creation in the next decade (around 4.5 million) European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2010
STEM at WMC: 2008 NCETM Action Research Project: From Pockets of Excellence: Using collaborative approaches and sharing good practice to improve uneven performance in Numeracy
STEM at WMC: 2009 Two Science Action Research Projects EPIPS Supported by the regional Science Learning Centre for the North West Improved the quality of teaching and learning in practical work in both Chemistry and Biology
STEM at WMC: 2009 STEM Excellence and Innovation Award “Made to Measure: Collaborative teaching and Sharing Good Practice in Maths and Engineering” Used and developed TLP resources on measurement across the STEM curriculum.
STEM at WMC: 2009 STEM Excellence and Innovation Award “Ready to Launch: Progression from level 2 to 3 in Post 16 STEM” Examined the role of maths in progression for learners from level 2 to level 3 STEM
STEM at WMC: 2010 STEM Excellence, Improvement and Innovation Award “Girls into Engineering” supported by Royal Academy of Engineers Aimed to increase the participation of young women in engineering.
STEM at WMC: 2010 Successful Engagement with STEMNET Visits by Science and Engineering Ambassadors Enrichment activities included WMC learners win a showcase stand at the National Big Bang – Young Scientists and Engineers Fair
STEM at WMC: 2010 “From Re- launch to Lift Off: Moving Applied Science & Maths up to the next level”
North West STEM 2010/11 Wirral Metropolitan College became the LSIS Regional STEM Centre for the North West,leading on behalf of FUSION and MCA The centre’s purpose is to drive excellence in STEM in the North West in the Learning and Skills Sector
STEM Champion Facilitates face to face and online regional STEM networks & CPD events Supports provider led CPD in STEM Supports Knowledge and Technology Transfer activity. Arranges bespoke training by national lead organisations in STEM.
Implications – NOW! • Improving image/profile of our College • Meeting national and local priorities • Improving teaching & learning at WMC leading to improved OFSTED grade. • Increased CPD for STEM teachers (Sharing of best practice). Involving many WMC staff. • Contacts with other providers The best is yet to come
Future Opportunities • Still three months of opportunity ahead. • We have ideas................. • And welcome new ones! • Employers will be hearing from us. • STEM is good news