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Texture. Texture. Texture is an innate property of all surfaces (clouds, trees, bricks, hair etc…). It refers to visual patterns of homogeneity and does not result from the presence of a single color.
Texture • Texture is an innate property of all surfaces (clouds, trees, bricks, hair etc…). It refers to visual patterns of homogeneity and does not result from the presence of a single color. • Texturednessof a surface depends on the scale at which the surface is observed. Textures at a certain scale are not textures at a coarser scale. Differently from color, texture is a property associated with some pixel neighbourhood, not with a single pixel.
Textures can be detected and described according to spatial, frequency or perceptual properties. The most used approaches are: • Statistics: statistical measures are in relation with aspect properties like contrast, correlation, entropy…. • Stochastic models: stochastic models assume that a texture is the result of a stochastic process that has tunable parameters. Model parameters are therefore the texture descriptors • Structure: structure measures assume that texture is a repetition of some atomic texture element often referred as texel • What approach to follow? • For the purpose of matching any model can be used. • For the purpose of clustering or categorization perceptual features are most significant. Widely accepted classifications of textures are based on psychology studies, that consider how humans perceive and classify textures: f.e. Tamura’s features (coarseness, contrast, directionality, line-likeness, regularity and roughness)
Statistic models: the Co-occurrence matrix • Gray level co-occurrence matrix is a basic measure for statistical model of textures. Given a texture, the image co-occurrence matrix measures the frequency of adjacent pixels. Each element Pd(i,j)in the matrix indicates the relative frequency at which two pixels of grey leveli and j occur at distance d: d=1 Original image Co-occurrence matrix 25
One problem with deriving texture measures from co-occurrence matrices is how to choose the displacement vector d. Occasionally the co-occurrence matrix can becomputed from several values of dand the one which maximizes a statistical measure computed from is used. • Zuckerand Terzopoulos used a χ2measure to select the values of dthat have the most structure, i.e. that maximize the value:
Numeric Features of co-occurrence matrix • Gray level co-occurrence matrices capture properties of a texture but they are not directly useful for further analysis, such as the comparison of two textures. • Numeric features are computed from the co-occurrence matrix that can be used to represent the texture more compactly. Statistics of co-occurrence probabilities can be computed and used to characterize properties of a textured region. Among them the most important are: • Entropy • Contrast • Homogeneity • Algorithms for texture analysis are applied to an image in a series of windows of size w, each centered on a pixel (i,j). The value of the resulting statistical measure are assigned to the position (i,j) in the new pixel.
Entropy • Entropyis a measure of information content. It measures the randomness of intensity distribution. • Entropy is highest when all entries in P[i,j] are of similar magnitude, and small when the entries in P[i,j] are unequal. Entropy with w=21, and d=(2,2)
Contrast k = 2 n= 1 typically • Contrast is a measure of the local variations present in an image. • If there is a large amount of variation in an image the P[i,j] ’s will be concentrated away from the main diagonal and contrast will be high. Contrast with w=21, and d=(2,2)
Homogeneity • A homogeneous image will result in a co-occurrence matrix with a combination of high and low P[i,j] ’s. • Where the range of gray levels is small the P[i,j] will tend to be clustered around the main diagonal. A heterogeneous image will result in an even spread of P[i,j] ’s. Homogeneity with w=21, and d=(2,2)
Correlation • Correlation is a measure of image linearity • Correlation will be high if an image contains a considerable amount of linear structure.
Global image texturemeasures Contrast 2+4+2 = 8 Homogeneity 2+2/2+1/3+4+5+2/2+4 = 17,3
Frequency-based models: wavelet transform • The wavelet transform divides up data into different frequency components and then studies each component with a resolution matched to its scale. Coefficients of the wavelet transform can be used to represent frequency properties of a texture pattern. Gabor wavelet decomposition has been used in MPEG7
Perceptual models: Tamura’s features • Tamura’s features are based on psychophysical studies of the characterizing elements that are perceived in textures by humans : • Contrast • Directionality • Coarseness • Linelikeness • Regularity • Roughness
Contrast • Contrastmeasuresthe way in whichgraylevelsqvary in the image I and to whatextenttheirdistributionisbiased to black or white. where: n = 0.25recommended variance kurtosis(accountsfor the shapeof the distribution, i.e. the degreeofflatness)
Directionality x y • Directionality takes into account the edge strenghtand the directional angle. They are computed using pixelwise derivatives according to Prewitt’s edge detector x, y are the pixel differences in the x and y directions • A histogramHdir(a) ofquantised direction valuesisconstructedbycountingnumbersof the edgepixelswith the correspondingdirectionalangles and the edgestrengthgreaterthan a predefinedthreshold. The histogramisrelativelyuniformforimageswithout strong orientation and exhibitspeaksforhighlydirectionalimages.
Coarseness • Coarsenessrelatesto distances of notablespatialvariations of greylevels, thatis, implicitly, to the sizeof the primitive elements (texels) forming the texture. Measures the scale of a texture. For a fixedwindowsize a texture with a smallernumber of textureelementsissaid more coarsethanonewith a largernumber. • A methodtoevaluate the coarsenessof a textureis the following: • At each pixel p(x,y) compute sixaveragesAkfor the windows of size2kk = 0,1,2,..5 coarseness ….. 20 21 22 23
At scale 1 E1,a (p)= | A11 – A12 | 21 • At each pixel • compute the absolutedifferences at each scale Ek (x,y) betweenpairsofnonoverlappingaverages on oppositesidesofdifferentdirections Ek,a (p)= | Ak1 – Ak2 | Ek,b(p) = | Ak3 – Ak4 | p(x,y) = E1,a , E1,b , E2,a , E2,b….. • Find the valueofkthatmaximizesEk (x,y) in either direction. • Select the scale with the largestvariation: Ek= max (E1 , E2 , E3 , ..). The best pixel windowsizeS best is2k • ComputecoarsenessbyaveragingSbestover the entireimage 3 2 2 1 1 4 • Texturesof multiple coarsenesshave a histogramof thedistributionof the Sbest
Linelikeness • Linelikenessisdefinedas the averagecoincidence of edgedirectionsthat co-occur at pixelsseparated by a distancedalong the directiona. itisrelatedto Correlation Angle = a Distance =d
Derivedmeasures • Regularity: isdefinedas: 1 – r(scoarseness + scontrast+ sdirectionality + slinelikeness ) beingr a normalisingfactor andsthe standard deviation of the feature in eachsubimage of the texture • Roughness:isdefinedas: Coarseness + Contrast