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Explore the limiting distributions in calculus and probability theory, including Poisson approximations and moment generating functions. Discover the relationships between random variables and their distributions as limits are approached.
Section 10.6 Recall from calculus: lim = lim = lim = x kx y 1 1 + — x e ek ek 1 1 + — x k 1 + — y x x y (Let y = kx in the previous limit.) If derivatives of f(x) up to order k are all continuous on an interval about 0 (zero), then for all x on this interval, we have f(x) = (x– 0)3f[3](0) —————– + … 3! (x– 0)2f[2](0) —————– + 2! f(0) + (x– 0) f[1](0) + (x– 0)kf[k](h) + —————– . k! for 0 < h < x .
1. (a) Let X1 , X2 , … , Xn be a random sample from a Bernoulli distribution with success probability p. The following random variables are defined: V = X = W = n Xi i = 1 n Xi– np i = 1 n Xi i = 1 n np(1 – p) Find the m.g.f. for each of V and X. From Corollary 5.4-1, we have that (1) the m.g.f. of the random variable V = is MV (t) = (2) the m.g.f. of the random variable X = is MX (t) = n Xi i = 1 n (1 –p + pet) = i = 1 (1 – p + pet)n . b(n,p) (We recognize that V has a distribution.) V — n t — n MV() = (1 –p + pet / n)n .
(b) Find the limiting distribution for V with np equal to a given constant λ as n tends to infinity, forcing p to go to 0 (zero). Since np = is fixed, then lim MV(t) = lim (1 –p + pet)n = n npnpet lim 1 – — + —— = nn n n n n n et lim 1 – — + —— = nn (et – 1) lim 1 + ———— = n (et – 1) e n n The limiting distribution of V is a distribution. Poisson() Consequently, for small (or large!) values of p, a binomial distribution can be approximated by a Poisson distribution with mean = np. This should not be surprising, since the Poisson distribution was derived as the limit of a sequence of binomial distributions where p tended to zero.
1.-continued (c) Find the limiting distribution for V as n tends to infinity, with p a fixed constant. lim MV(t) = lim (1 –p + pet)n = n n We cannot find a limiting distribution for V.
(d) Find the limiting distribution for X as n tends to infinity, with p a fixed constant. lim MX(t) = lim (1 –p + pet/n)n = n n lim (1 – p + p[1 + t/n + (t/n)2/2! + (t/n)3/3! + …])n = n lim (1 + p[t/n + (t/n)2/2! + (t/n)3/3! + …])n = n n n pt + pt2/(2!n) + pt3/(3!n2) + … ———————————— n pt — n lim 1 + = lim 1 + = n n It is intuitively obvious that all terms in the numerator except the first go to 0 as n , and (from advanced calculus) the terms going to 0 can be ignored. ept This is the moment generating function corresponding to a distribution where the value p has probability 1 (one).
Suppose X1 , X2 , … , Xn is a random sample from any distribution with finite mean and finite variance 2. Let M(t) be the common moment generating function of Xi , that is, for each i = 1, 2, …, n, we have M(t) = From Corollary 5.4-1(b), we have that the moment generating function of the random variable X = is MX(t) = tXi E(e ) n Xi i = 1 n n M() = i = 1 n t — n t — n M() . With M(t) and M/(t) both continuous on an interval about 0 (zero), we have that for all t on this interval, M(t) = M(0) + tM/(h) = 1 + tM/(h) for 0 < h < t .
Consequently, we have that for all t on this interval, MX (t) = n n t — n t — n M() = 1 + M/(h) = n t — + n t — n 1 + [M/(h) – M/(0)] t — n for 0 < h < . To investigate the limiting distribution of X as n, we consider n [M/(h) – M/(0)] t + t ————————— n limMX (t) = lim 1 + n n It is intuitively obvious that the second term in the numerator goes to 0 as n , and (from advanced calculus) this term can be ignored. n t — = n = lim et 1 + n This is the moment generating function corresponding to a distribution where the value has probability 1 (one).
Xi– ——— For i = 1, 2, …, n, suppose Yi = , and let W = . Let m(t) be the common m.g.f. for each Yi . Then for each i = 1, 2, …, n, we have E(Yi) = m/(0) = , and Var(Yi) = E(Yi2) = m//(0) = . n Yi i = 1 n Xi– n i = 1 X– = = n (n) / n 0 1 From Theorem 5.4-1, we have that the moment generating function of the random variable W is MW(t) = n m() = i = 1 n t — n t — n m() . With m(t) and m/(t) both continuous on an interval about 0 (zero), we have that for all t on this interval, m(t) = 1 — 2 1 — 2 m(0) + tm/(0) + t2 m//(h) = 1 + t2 m//(h) for 0 < h < t .
Consequently, we have that for all t on this interval, MW (t) = n n t2 — 2n t — n m() = 1 + m//(h) = n t2 — (1) + 2n t2 — 2n 1 + [m//(h) – m//(0)] t — n for 0 < h < . To investigate the limiting distribution of W as n, we consider n [m//(h) – m//(0)] t2 / 2 + (t2 / 2) ————————————– n limMW (t) = lim 1 + n n It is intuitively obvious that the second term in the numerator goes to 0 as n , and (from advanced calculus) this term can be ignored. n t2 / 2 —— = n = lim e 1 + t2 / 2 n This is the moment generating function corresponding to a standard normal (N(0,1)) distribution.
This proves the following important Theorem in the text: Central Limit Theorem Theorem 5.6-1
1.-continued (e) Find the limiting distribution for W as n tends to infinity, with p a fixed constant. p For each i, = E(Xi) = , and 2 = Var(Xi) = . p(1 p) From the Central Limit Theorem, we have that limiting distribution for W = is n Xi– n i = 1 n Xi– np i = 1 X– p —————– p(1 – p) / n = = n np(1 – p) a N(0,1) (standard normal) distribution.
2. (a) (b) Suppose Y has a b(400, p) distribution, and we want to approximate P(Y 3). If p = 0.001, explain why a Poisson distribution can be expected to give a good approximation of P(Y ≥ 3), and use the Poisson approximation to find this probability. In Class Exercise #1(b), we found that the limiting distribution of a sequence of b(n, p) distributions as n tends to infinity is Poisson when np remains fixed, which forces p to tend to 0 (zero). This suggests that the Poisson approximation to a binomial distribution is better when p is close to zero (or one). = np = (400)(0.001) = 0.4 P(Y 3) = 1 – 0.992 = 0.008 What other distribution may potentially be used to approximate a binomial probability when p is not sufficiently close to zero (or one)? The Central Limit Theorem tells us that with a sufficiently large sample size n, the normal distribution can be used.