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Welcome. James Curb , Program Director/McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison Mary Lee Ruch / Bette L. Price /Community Coordinators HOPE ON THE HOMEFRONT PROGRAM / COEUR D’ALENE PUBLIC SCHOOLS (208) 664-8241 X 10061 jcurb@cdaschools.org. ACES Adverse Childhood Experiences. Can be

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome James Curb, Program Director/McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison Mary Lee Ruch/Bette L. Price/Community Coordinators HOPE ON THE HOMEFRONT PROGRAM / COEUR D’ALENE PUBLIC SCHOOLS (208) 664-8241 X 10061 jcurb@cdaschools.org

  2. ACESAdverse Childhood Experiences Can be TOLERABLEorTOXIC depending on the support a child receives during and after the adverse experience. For more information about ACES and the ACES test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccKFkcfXx-c

  3. Brain Architecture Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2-DMvcrTlk

  4. Build your Brain’s Foundation • Roll the die and circle on your Life Journal. • Construct your brain foundation that matches.

  5. Social Supports • Roll die and record the number of social support straws you receive. • Social support straws may be used as you chose during years 1-8.

  6. Build Your Brain • As tall as possible (Functional) • As sturdy as possible (Resilient)

  7. Reflections As a team,share any insights you gained as you were building your brain. How can you apply these insights to become more effective when working with students experiencing ACES?

  8. Hope on the Homefront’s Mission • Support children • Strengthen families • Reconnect communities

  9. Visit the Hope on the Homefront web site for copies of today’s PowerPoint and links to the Brain Architecture Game https://www.cdaschools.org/cms/Workspace/Section/Section.aspx?DomainID=290

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