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We establish a CPN number with your credit card to boost your credit card score . To Issue a CPN number we will need your Name, D.O.B and an address you have never used before. Our experienced staff will help you in the whole process . Call us now !<br>
WHAT IS A CPN/SCN? Credit Profile Numbers also are known as CPN or SCN are 9 digit numbers just like your SSN that are assigned for you to use in place of your SSN when applying for credit. To establish and issue a CPN number we will need your Name, D.O.B and an address you have never used before. The address is the most important thing because if we use your current home address you run the risk of your CPN merging with credit established on your SSN file. Email, telephone, and employment information is optional, but we can add it to your file during the tri-merge process. When we deliver you will have a credit file that is clean and registered with all 3 credit bureaus, since it has just been created there will be NO credit score. In order to generate a credit score you can go out and obtain a secured credit card and start establishing your own credit or add authorized user tradelines which are lines of credit that we piggyback onto your file to generate a credit score. Ask your customer service rep about our CPN & Tradeline packages. Is the credit profile number legal? Use of Credit Profile Number is 100% legal. The law approves its usage. According to the law, financial institutions cannot deny to accept CPN in place of SSN. SSN is mainly designed for taxation related purposes. The banks are aware of such facts. What makes it beneficial? By getting CPN Number, the users can experience lots of benefits. The following are some important ones: Maintain privacy If you check out the SSN, then you can find out the complete details regarding the number holder, such as – current residential address, things you buy, and so on. It affects the individual’s privacy and may lead to numerous issues. For overcoming the issues and keeping such details private, the use of CPN is considered. It is the biggest reason that’s why some famous personalities are getting help from CPN Tradelines instead of Social Security Number.
Avoid identity theft SSN is going to be a great source of identity theft. Once thieves get information about SSN, then they can easily explore all related factors. Due to it, they get your complete identity and use it for wrong purposes. By using such an identity, they can open a new bank account with ease. The Credit Profile Number is not associated with such a risk. By using the CPN, you are able to complete bank-related tasks with ease. With it, the risk of identity theft is also decreased. Avoid previous bad records Some people have bad credit scores due to some faulty financial transactions. Here, everyone needs to be focused on lots of things. Due to these types of records, the individuals may not get approval on loan applications. All these things are recorded on the social security number. As a result, bad record-holders are trying to overcome such losses quickly. The CPN Number appears as the most effective solution to such an issue. These numbers are provided with a clean record. If you are going to use it, then you can avoid the option of SSN. Get loan approval The credit score plays an important role when it comes to get approval on loan applications. The social security number of some individuals tagged with a bad credit score. Due to it, they face rejections on loan applications. Here, you need to be focused on lots of elements such as – CPN Tradelines for better credit score. You can provide CPN in place of SSN. It will help you in avoiding the effects of bad credit score and avail associated benefits. All these things will help you in checking out several factors. If you are facing issues due to the bad credit score or fear of identity theft, then you should not worry. Contact us today, and we will provide you a completely theft-proof and clean credit score holding Credit Profile Number. For sorting out queries, you can contact our customer service panel. Name : Authorized User Tradelines Contact NO: 712-265-7741 Address : 5042 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036, USA